The battle didn't stop for over an hour, nor the shooting. The battlefield has turned into a no man's land. The fence that still standing were the last and 9th fence. Body remains of uruk-kai can be seen here and there. The attack has cost the enemy around 20.000 uruk-kai, and it still rising.
When the uruk-kai break through the 6th line, the snipers then join in the fight. The snipers then target the shield carrier, so they can't use it to break through the next line. But even with that, it still can't stop the uruk-kai charge. In less than half an hour, the uruk-kai manage to break through the 7th and 8th line. At that time, Gwen then order Feli to detonate the claymores on the 6th, 7th, and 8th lines.
When the 8th line were broke, the riflemans and the grenadiers then join in the fight. All of the guards then shoot their M4 and M32 at the nearest enemy, while the centaurs use run and gun tactics.
Now, the strikers were already on their last magazine, while some of the miniguns stop their fire because the barrel were overheating. Even though the enemy already lost more than a third of their army, the uruk-kai is just keep on coming.
Gwen is already at the wits end. She was thinking to use her trump card, that can cost her unable to retreat when the times come. But then, a good news came.
"Haunts 2, this is Halo leader. Evac completed. Fall back immediately."
"Copy that Halo leader!"
Gwen then give the order to retreat. "All unit, begin the retreating protocol! Centaurs, you guys go first! Minigun team, Striker team, arm the explosive!"
"""YES SIR!!"""
The defensive unit then began to retreat as planed, after Gwen give the order. The plan of retreat is to have the centaurs to retreat first, because of their large build will hinder the retreat of others. The rifleman on the other hand, will stay behind to cover dwarfs, while they're setting some high explosive grenades on the strikers and miniguns in order to destroy them.
"Miss Gwen, this is striker 4. Explosive set." "Striker 2, explosive set" "Minigun 7, also set."....
When the explosive has been set in all weapons, Gwen then give the full retreat order.
"Good job! Commance full retreat! Everyone run toward the helicopter! Captain Iskandar, please escort vicount Jamal! Conrad, Feli, Yuri prepare to activate the 'full arms'!"
"Yes miss Gwen!"
Gwen and her team head to the roof, and then began to chant the same spell when they arrive.
""""To break through any enemy or animosity, whether it be a people or demon, give us power! Inner strengthening!!!""""
When the spell began to activate, Gwen and the others scream in pain. But after a few second, a red aura can be seen enveloping them, and the scream stoped. Each time they breathe out, a puff of smoke appear.
This spell is Al's friend, Bumi original magic, based on Bumi's love for Might Guy. When the user activate this spell, the nerve and muscle inside of the user's body will expand. Causing the blood inside their body to pumping twenty times faster. This will cause the caster's strength, speed, agility, sense of hearing, smell and vision, all of it to be five times stronger.
When they're ready, Gwen and her team didn't waste time and make their next move.
""""Activate full arms.""""
When they said this, a mechanical woman voice can be heard from their portable storage space device.
""""Activating full arms mode. Summoning weaponaries.""""
A large numbers of weapon then appear on them.
On Conrad side, a M202 FLASH 4-tubed rocket launcher then appear on his right shoulder, a GAU-8 Avenger 30 mm seven-barrel auto cannon on his left shoulder, a minigun straped on his right hand, a button to shoot the M202 on his left palm, and a laser pointer to aim on his left index finger and thumb.
On Yuri side, a GAU-8 Avenger 30 mm seven-barrel auto cannon appear on both of his shoulder, and a minigun is straped on both of his hand that also act as a trigger and to aim the GAU-8.
On Feli side, a Mk 19 grenade launcher appear on both of her shoulder, and she's carrying a Hallconnen 45 mm semi-auto cannon that also act as a trigger and to aim for both of the Mk 19.
On Gwen side, a M202 FLASH 4-tubed rocket launcher then appear on both of her shoulders, and she's carrying two Hallconnen 45 mm semi-auto cannon.
When the weapons all ready, Gwen then scream on top of her lung. "LET 'EM HAVE IT!!"
The four of them then began open fire.
The loud 'bang' sound of the Hallconnen, the distinctive sound of the GAU-8 and minigun, and the not so intimidating 'pomf'-ing sound of Mk 19 keeps on reverberating.
Gwen and the rest of the team didn't stop shooting even for a second. And thanks to the large number of bullets that they have on their PSS (portable storage space) device, they can keep on shooting for at least 5 minutes.
Luckily, They didn't have to wait that long. 3 minutes after they began their shooting spree, the retreat has been successful, and a V-22 Osprey is currently waiting for them.
"Conrad, fire your rockets! All of us will retreat after the rocket has been launched!"
Gwen and Conrad then push a button on their shoulders, to fire the M202. 'Bashu!', along with the firing sound, 12 rockets then flew off and head toward the enemies. The rockets then land on the enemies and creating a large area of fire because of the napalm bom inside the rockets.
"Let's go, we're running for it!"
""""Deactivate full arms!""""
""""Deactivating full arms mode. Retracting weaponaries.""""
Because they're basicly running away, Gwen and the others deactivate their full arms mode, so they can run away faster. And thanks to the Inner strengthening spell, they can do that in a heart beat. The four of them, travel from the edge of the city to the center plaza, in just one minute, by parkouring along the roof tops.
When they arrive at the Osprey, captain Iskandar, vicount Jamal, and few of the vicount's personal guards were waiting for them.
"C'mon move it!!"
The minigunner on the V-22 loading ramp, holler them to move faster. Captain Iskandar's and Gwen's group then enter the Osprey. But when the Osprey take-off, the minigunner saw the enemy.
"Contact! 5 o'clock, alley!" The ramp gunner didn't hesitate and immediately shoot his minigun.
'brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt' 'brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt'