Future Life

As the car continued to glide down the metallic looking road, I could not help but tense up as the red beam scanned our car. I hoped that nothing would happen as I didn't have an identification card, but as expected, the robot flared up.

'Alert! Alert! Unidentified organism detected. Requesting permission from Vehicle Code #001AJ312 to disembark ...'

As the soft, warm sensation continued to care for my little brother, both me and my little brother tensed up as I heard an announcement that seemed to have penetrated into the car as the robot opened up metal wings to chase the hover car.

'Permission denied. Processing ... Authority of Senior Committee member detected. Search and destroy task overridden. Please have a pleasurable day.'

After the robot declared so, it landed on the ground before folding its wings. Then, it continued its patrol. Both me and my little brother could not help but relax as both our burdens were placed down. Yep, it's a pleasurable day indeed.

"Mmm ... this taste. Why is it so different from the Pleasure Bot's taste?" the beauty said as some "drool" leaked from her mouth.

"Pleasure Bot?" I could not help but ask.

"Hohoh, of course a rebel like you won't know about it. I heard that you rebels live a primitive life," the lady said with a smirk as she stared at me with eyes of a hunter.

Although I felt a chill, I could not help but question, "W-what is a rebel? I'm no rebel."

"Hehehe, of course you're not a rebel, that's what all of you ATG say, until you come blow up our cities," the lady replied with a sneer.

The fudge? Those rebels sound like terrorists to me, must be the bad guys in this world. Hope I won't meet them in the future.

"Of course, that doesn't matter. For now, you are simply just my personal toy, understood?" the lady questioned with a smile.

"Umm ... I'm nobody's toy-" I tried to reply, but suddenly, straps came out of nowhere that bounded me to the chair I was sitting on. I struggled, but I was not able to move my body in the least as my hands are bounded to the sides of my body along with a strap over my neck.

"Hehehe, don't even think about escaping. You have no choice in this matter. Mmm ... I don't think I can hold it in," the beauty said before she revealed her fountain of youth, "Sucker, let us perform our duties together."

Then, while my little brother was tested for his patience, I was allowed to lick soft ice cream until holy water overflowed from the fountain of youth. I certainly had no choice in this matter, go on my little brother, show your big brother how much bullets your gun can shoot.

Not long after our competition in searching for the natural spring in each other's territory, the car reentered a tunnel once again. I noticed how although it was dark, so function of the car allowed me to see outside clearly, although with a dark shade. After my little brother was teased for some time by a certain beauty, the car finally exited the dark tunnel as it entered what seemed to be a subway station with two platforms, one on each side, and plain walls with no stairs. While the straps were released on me, the car then hovered to a stop as the door slid open. The lady and I got out of the car onto our respective sides, after which the car drove away down the tunnel. The lady crossed a metallic bridge that extended out from the other platform to mine. Then, she hooked my arm as she pulled me into towards a wall which actually slowly revealed elevator doors which slid open, letting us enter an elevator with videos advertising some unknown products playing on every wall of the elevator itself. Then, a smooth experience ensured that made me confused if we were ascending or descending, but I assumed there was only roads above us. About one minute later, the elevator opened up, and as we walked out, I saw an expansive city spreading out throughout my view. I could not help but be shocked at the gorgeous, brightly lit view as the beauty dragged me onto a hover board large enough for two. The hover board lifted up and sped off while I freaked out about falling to my death, but there seemed to be some mechanism keeping my feet attached to the board as a transparent barrier appeared around us that kept the wind out.

There were extremely tall buildings everywhere that extended up into the realistic sky box, but they were not crowded as there were many shops laid out in all avenues. Then, there were the robots patrolling the streets as an occasional flying robot is discovered. I also saw many beautiful humans of both male and female, not much inferior to the beauty by my side, strolling about sidewalks everywhere, happily conversing or entering shops. Although there were many different appearances, I was shocked because not only was there one, but everyone was a beauty with jade-like skin and charming voices. Then, there were the humans driving hover boards traveling in the sky as they sped about without the need to control the direction. Occasional holograms appear here and there to spice up the scene as I noticed flashes of light as elevators came out of certain spots on the ground, delivering other humans to the metropolis. As our hover board neared a moving hologram, it actually split apart, allowing our passage, before reforming and continuing its route. I learned that they were nanobots customized for video broadcasting.

I noticed that we were heading towards a spiral tower towards the center of the city. I could not help but notice that there was a large creepy looking metal eyeball floating above the tower that seemed to flit about in its spot, observing the city. The beauty explained that it was the God's Eye that has omni-directional sight which could see through all beings and objects. It was a function of every city as it detects unwanted crimes quickly, sending signals for the bots to the crime scene before the criminal escape.

As we traveled, I managed to clarify my name with the beauty and learnt the beauty's name to be Lucy Soogle. I was surprised that someone in this world used Soogle as their last name, but before I could ponder any further, a naughty hand taunted my little brother, causing me to blank out for most of the trip. As the hover board neared the tower that seemed to have no doorways, a small part of the wall of the tower opened up to reveal a landing platform which the hover board landed on. Then, the force attaching me to the board was detached as I was able to move off the board. Then, the beauty took me to another elevator which had transparent glass this time. I was finally able to clearly see how the elevator both ascended, traveled horizontally, and descended as it brought us past a lot of houses with yards that I saw humans living in. I was shocked by how they were able to fit houses in a spiral tower like this, but I was even more shocked as the elevator stopped at the beauty's home, which was basically a large mansion. Then, in order to watch over my little brother, I can only comply when the beauty giggled seductively as she pulled me with her "evil" claws into her lair of pleasure.