Bright Side

I woke up to morning sunshine streaming into the room through a window. Although it was artificial, I could still feel the warmth that comes along with the light, just like it was real. As for who's sleeping next to me, of course it's no one. I could only sigh as I remember my thirsty beast mode last night, but unfortunately when we were about to reach the last step, I don't know where Lucy's strength came from, but she sent me flying off the bed as she declared that we could not go there as she needed to stay pure for her God. I personally was an atheist, but I understood that there must be some religion that requires so, hence I could only moan for my pitiful little brother as he didn't get to taste the forbidden fruit.

At least I am not treated horribly. Although I was deemed to be Lucy's boy toy, but honestly it feels like I'm being treated as a guest. Maybe it's just the standards at this time. I heard a knock at the door which I gave permission for entrance to. In walked a slim beauty with brunette hair wearing a maid's outfit, but her emotionless eyes were a bit abnormal to be human. When my little brother was not satisfied yesterday, Lucy introduced me to the robot in front of me, the Pleasure Bot. It's basically a humanoid robot that one could use however they want to pleasure themselves, with both male and female versions. Although I was tempted due to it's realistic human appearance, my conscience just couldn't stand making out with a piece of metal you know, even though I'm not even too sure if it's made of metal. Of course, the Pleasure Bot also was a servant that was more capable than any human, and unlike the patrolling robots, the voice of the Pleasure Bots aren't mechanical, but a beautiful, sweet voice.

'Sir, Master has summoned you. Please come with me.'

"Alright, just let me get changed first," I replied as I nodded.

Then, I watched the robot curtsy as she strolled out of the room, closing the door, and waiting on the other side. I honestly still feel like its a dream because this world is just so unreal. Technology was so advanced that we could have such human-like robots.

I got off the bed, then walked towards a plain wall. As I got closer, the wall split open to reveal a closet filled with clothes. I remembered how scared I was yesterday when I walked past the wall and it opened up suddenly, but now I could only find it amazing. Why? Because I know on the other side of this wall was another room of the same size as the one I'm in right now, hence this closet is actually in some sort of separate space! This would also explain how so many houses and mansions can fit in a spiral tower.

An interface made of nanobots floated up in front of me, telling me to select a set of clothes with a touch screen like interface that allowed me to choose all parts of clothing on a dummy figure of me. I can not help but admire the ease of living in this world. I pressed confirmed after I selected a set of black t-shirt, jean, and boots, the interface shifted to the side as the clothes was carried over by nanobots, while they helped me dressed, lifting me up as needed. As I waited, reminded by the interface I just saw, I remembered that some sort of message of a system appeared when I first entered this world. I closed my eyes before calling out system in my mind as a system interface popped up once more, same as before.

[Name] Steve Sukerbork

[Level] 1 {0/100}


Physical : 0.5

Mental : 0.7

Soul : 2


{Personal Dimension}

[Followers (0/1)] None

I can't believe I actually got a system cheat! But I really don't see how it will help in this world of advanced technology. I mean, there probably is some weapon that can insta-kill me isn't there? Anyways, although there was no description of each stat, I can easily deduct that physical and mental stats are basically just my prowess in each of those. We have physical to represent the total of all physical body states, it seemed that it would increase as any part of my physical state increases. Mental is like intellect, reaction, processing speed, and such. As for soul, I'm actually not quite sure, and there doesn't seem to be a description of it yet.

As for {Personal Dimension} ...

[Personal Dimension]

A spacial dimension that can store anything. Host can only store content when content does not resist. Host can store living organisms including self, but if there is not enough space, the organism will perish. Space can be increased through absorbing genetic energy. Time will pass at the same ratio within space as outside.

Current Space (cubic foot) : 1

Sweet! This is so overpowered as I now own my own world! Except that it is too small for my to do anything, and I don't really know what this genetic energy is. Now let's see if there's a description for the follower option.

[Follower] 0/1

Host can have number of followers up to the level of the host. Host can gain followers by branding a soul with this skill without resistance from the target. Host must have physical contact with target and if host fails, host will suffer mental backlash. There is a slight chance of target being strengthened or awaken an ability when target become host's follower. Host will permanently gain one random power of each follower when follower is gained. Followers are prevented from: releasing info on host, suicide, or harm host. If follower is forcefully controlled to do so, follower will die. After death from any way, a follower will transform into a crystallized egg that will be stored into host's dimension. Host can revive follower through letting the egg absorb enough genetic energy. If host dies, all followers will die.

Oh yay! After being a computer geek programmer at the lower rungs of society all my last life, I can actually be a boss with this ability in this life! Except the restrictions on gaining a follower is a bit too much.

'Sir, are you prepared? Master is waiting.'

"Ah! Alright, I'm ready to go," I responded as I opened my eyes, clearing the system HUD from view.

I then strolled towards the door as it was reopened by the maid. I followed the maid through the hallways, towards the seductress I was anticipating to see. Although the forbidden fruit was locked away, my little brother was excited as well at the thought of the service he could receive.