2 They meet again

Kresha take a deep breath. She looked up at the tall building in front of her.

I'm here again, just like fifteen years ago. She said to herself.

"Could it be that he is inside in that building too?" She mumbled. In her memory from the past. She was able to work here at Mo corporation because her grandfather is a close friend of the former CEO Cedric Mo. Kresha take a deep breath again and sigh.

Why do you keep on thinking about the person who doesn't even see your worth? Kresha scolded herself.

"Yeah right! So, what if he is here? Tsss.. I should not care! This time I should not waste my chance to find someone who is better than him.I won't do the same mistake like I did fifteen years ago. Loving someone who can't love you back? I don't want to be that stupid little girl anymore!

But what if I meet him again in this lifetime? Should I just pretend that he doesn't exist!?" Kresha shook her head. No! No! No! I should not be thinking too much! I have some work to do! I should not be late on my first day! She walked towards the entrance of the building and headed inside.

Just as she arrived inside .Assistant Chen started to gather the twenty newly hired employees.

Kresha recognize him instantly. She walked closer to the spot where Assistant Chen is making his roll call.

Even though Mr. Chen is busy making his roll call he still notice that someone is spproaching them. He tilted his head and look at Kresha.

Kresha smiled and bowed her head to greet him. "Good morning Mr. Chen."

Assistant Chen glance at his watch to check the time. After a while he look at her again and nodded his head as a response.

Kresha secretly chuckled .This Mr. Chen is really strict when it comes to work. Being late is not on his vocabulary.

"Now that everybody is here, we can go now to the conference room. Mr. Mo wanted to meet all of you today." Said Mr.Chen and then he guided them to the conference room.

Kresha's body stiffed when she heared the word 'Mr. Mo.' Her heart beats fast. Lindon! Did he travel back in time too? Kresha try to calm herself and followed along with everyone. She choose to sit at the back to avoid Lindon. She felt anxious while sitting on the chair. She rubbed both her hands once in while.

From what she recall, Lindon will be the one to meet them today. He always do that whenever there are newly hired company employees.

Will he recognize me when he see me? Or I'm just the one who can recognize him and remember our previous life?

After almost one hour Lindon Mo finally arrived at the conference room.Assistant Chen instantly notice him. He quickly stand up from his seat and greeted him. "Goodmorning Mr. Mo, they are the newly hired employees."

Lindon look at the crowd infront of him. Everybody is silent while their attention is on the man in front of them. The man is tall, he has a stern look but it made him look more handsome. He look like a kind of man that could make everyone bowed to him with just a flip of his hand.

"Who among of you is my new assistant secretary?" Lindon suddenly asked with his hoarse voice.

Kresha's heart skipped a beat. She secretly curse Lindon. Damn! Why do you have to look for me?

Kresha didn't move, until Assistant Chen pretend to clear his throat and glanced at her. She didn't have a choice but to slowly raise from her seat.

She straightened her body and bowed. "Good morning Mr. Mo, I am Kresha Tang your new assistant secretary." She lifted her head and look at him straight to his eyes.

Lindon was stunned! He knew this woman! He have seen her before! Lindon stared at Kresha with his mouth slightly open.

This woman is the woman whom he married in his dreams!

Was it really a dream?

Lindon didn't know for how long he have been staring at Kresha. He suddenly felt a pain in his head.And a flash of memory started to popped on his mind one afer another. He is having a headache, he put both of his hands into his head and he slumped on his chair.

Everybody look at each other and then look at him again.

Lindon felt uneasy, his headache worsened and he doesn't know why. There's a lot of memories that flash into his mind. He feel uncomfortable knowing that there are pairs of eyes looking at him.

Assistant Chen quickly approach Lindon. ""Mr. Mo! Are you alright?!"

Lindon struggled to speak."Dismiss the meeting now. I am not feeling well." He ordered Assistant Chen before he stand up and left the room without waiting for Asssitant Chen's reply.

Lindon quickly got out from the conference room and headed to his office.

His right hand is on his head while the other one is on the wall. He is dizzy and feels like he could collapse anytime, so ,he hold into the wall to support his body.

Everybody in the conference room looked at each other. Kresha's gaze followed Lindon until he was out of her sight. She is also confused. She furrowed her brows.

'Why is he acting so strange? Could it be that he recognize me?' Kresha mumbled. She took a deep breath and shook her head. C'mon Kresha, you should start forgetting him.

Why you're so concerned while he never show his concern to you in your previous life! Now that your back in your single life you better enjoy it. Not everyone is given a chance to go back to their old life and change their destiny!

You should not bother yourself for the sake of the people who doesn't even see your worth!

Kresha secretly scolded herself.