It wasn't a dream

Lindon sitted on the swivel chair while his hands is still on his head.

The flash of memories continued to popped on his mind.

He really got married! It was an arrange marriage. He left his firstlove Arriene just to grant his grandfather's last wish! Their marriage lasted for fifteen years. That night when they encountered the car crash. They were fighting inside the car, they wanted to get devorce because they are both not happy of their marriage.

But what happened? Why are we both here back in year 2003? Lindon got alot of questions in his mind but didn't know the answers. He rested his head and waited for the pain to subside.

Two hours later, the pain finally subsided.He get up from his seat and headed to Kresha's desk. And then without saying a word.He grabbed her by the wrist and took a big strides until they have reach inside the office. He locked the door while his hand is holding her wrist tightly.


Kresha was sitting in front of her desk, she had just hang up the phone call from one of the client when suddenly someone grabbed her wrist. Kresha was startled and she didn't have a time to react. She struggled to let go of her hands when she realise it was Lindon who grabbed her.

"What's your problem?! Let go of my hands!" She yelled at him as soon as they entered his office.

Lindon release her hand violently. "What's going on?! Why are here?! What happened?!" He asks in a high voice.

Kresha scoffed. "Tssss... why are you asking me? Didn't you ask for this?!" She response in a high voice too.

Lindon furrowed his brows. "What?! I asked for this?"

Kresha raised her chin and looked straight to his eyes. "Yes! Why don't you try to remember what happened before we are reborn?!" She asked without emotion that showed on her face .

Lindon froze for a moment. He tried to remember the time when they are inside the car. A scene started to play on his mind.


They are both sitting in the front seat.

" I really regretted choosing you over my first love! It is the biggest mistake that i did in my life! Marrying a woman I didn't love and I will never love! How I wish I can turn back time and marry the woman I love!" Lindon burst into anger.

Kresha's body trembled.

"Do you think that I have not regretted too?! Marrying you is my biggest regret too! I have missed a chance to meet someone better than you!" Kresha yelled with her trembling voice while tears is rolling down to her face.

"All my life! I have loved you with all my heart! But what did you do? You always hurt my feelings! You never treat me as your wife! Not even once!" Kresha added." Loving you in fifteen years is like a torture to me! You are only inches away from me yet I can't reach you!"

They are both angry and keep on fighting inside the car. They didn't pay attention on the road. Lindon increased his speed. But suddenly a ten wheeler truck appeared in front of there car. Because Lindon is over speeding, it's too late for him to step in the car break. Everything happened so fast. The next thing they remember the car hitted the ten wheeler truck and then everything went dark.

When they wake up, they are back fifteen years ago.

" So everything wasn't really a dream I was once married with you. We...we are reborn fifteen years back!" he mumbled.

Kresha straightened her body. Her look turned stern and she raised her brow.

"So, do you remember everything now?!" Kresha asked.

Lindon snapped back to his senses. He blinked his eyes a few times as he look at Kresha's little face.

"It wasn't a dream right?!" He asked again. He still can't believe it! He still feel like he is dreaming and everything will end up as soon as he wake up!

"Yes! It wasn't a dream." Kresha said.

Lindon's gaze fell into her. He stared at her for a minute before he speak. "Now that we are reborn fifteen years from the future. It means that we are no longer husband and wife!" His eyes lit up!

"That means that we have nothing to do with each other anymore!"

Kresha did not answer him, but she can feel the pain in her heart. No matter what I do , he will never ever love me. She sigh with bitterness in her eyes but she try to conceal her emotion and looked calm outside. She don't want to look weak in front of him anymore! She want to be strong and won't let him hurt her feelings like in her previous life.

Kresha met his gaze and look straight to his eyes." Now that we are back in the past. You already have a chance to marry your first love. I won't interfere with your personal life anymore. You can date whoever you want to. Let's just pretend like we didn't know each other..." Kresha coldly said. She said that because she thought that it was the best thing to do and she know that it is what he want.