Acquainted in her past life

Kresha was awakened.She slowly open her eyes, she can feel a pain in her head.

Jiron notice the woman opened her eyes. He quickly get up from his seat and walked closer to the bedside.

"Miss, are you alright?" Jiron asked.

Kresha froze for a moment.

She get up and tilted her head and was stunned of what she see!

Jiron Yan?

Yes! She knew this guy! She was acquainted with him in her previous life. He is a musician and later on he become a popular singer-song writer. He even become her close friend but lost communication when she get married.She stared at his face. This guy looks gentle and approachable. He may not as good looking as Lindon but he still had a beauty that everybody could hardly resist.

Kresha didn't know how long she have been staring at Jiron.

Jiron furrowed his brows, why does she keep on staring at me? Do I have dirt on my face?

He unconsciously touch his face and asked. " Miss, is there something wrong with my face?"

Kresha snapped back to her senses. She blinked her eyes for a few times. "Huh?!"

"You have been staring at me for a while." Jiron answered.

Kresha felt embarassed her face turned a little red. "Oh! Im sorry, I

.. I just thought that I have met you before. But it turns out that I didn't." Kresha lied, of course! She can't tell him that they were acquinted in her previous life.

Jiron can't find a word to say. He was just able to utter the word," oh!"

Kresha looked around her. She frowned as she realised that she is in the hospital. She looked up at Jiron and asked. "What am I doing here?: she asked in confusion.

"Oh! You collapsed on the road! I almost hit you, fortunately I was able to stopped on time. I just want to make sure that you're not injured so, I brought you here." He explained.

" I collapsed on the road?" Kresha wrinkled her forehead. She try to recall what happened last night.

She was walking on the road while in state of drunkenness. Her legs felt weak so she staggered but despite of that. She still force herself to walk ,when all of a sudden, a car appeared out of nowhere! And then everything went black. And she can't remember what happened next!

Kresha grasped and covered her mouth. Jesus Christ! Collapsed due to being drunk?! My God Kresha! How could you drunk too much from your limit?! You shameful little thing! Gosh! If grandpa will know this----" Kresha froze when she remember her grandfather!

Speaking of grandpa! "What time is it now?!" She turned and looked at Jiron with her bulged eyes. Oh no! How could I forget grandpa!?

Jiron glanced at his watch and casually answered. "5:00 am."

Kresha's bulged eyes, bulged more. She almost jump out from the bed and pick up her things. Oh no! Grandpa might have been looking for me all night! She shoved her hand inside her bag and took her phone.She turn it on and was stunned!

It has a hundred missed calls from her grandpa! She tap her phone and was about to make a call when her phone suddenly ring.

The name appeared to her phone screen is her grandfather. Kresha's heart beat faster! Oh no! What should I do now! She hesitated to answer the call but at the end she choose to press the answer button.

"Hello grandpa?!"

"You kid! I've been calling you all night!?" As expected , her grandpa is angry with her.

Kresha pursed her lips. "Im sorry grandpa if I didn't called last night. I... uhm, I'm at the hospital right no---." Kresha was not able to finish her word as her grandpa interrupted her.

"Hospital?! Why?!" His grandpa asked in a high yet concerned voice. Kresha take away the phone from her ear because of his grandpa's sharp voice. And then put it back into her ear.

"Grandpa, don't worry. Nothing happened to me, I'm just here to accompany a freind." Kresha lied, she bit her lower lip. What a bad kid! You really dare to lie on your grandfather!

Her grandfahter seem to calm down. "Oh! I thought that something bad happened to you." He said in a low voice.

" Don't worry grandpa. Your Little princess is alright, I have just accompany a friend here in the hospital because she is alone and no one can look after her." Kresha explained. She bit her lower lip agin. She felt guilty, it's her first time that she didn't come home.

"Alright just come home before you go to work." Her grandpa said.

Kresha smile and speak in a sweet voice. " Yes grandpa, Little princess is going home now. "

"Ennn. Goodbye."

"Bye grandpa." And then she press the end button. She sigh, 'I'm sorry grandpa.'

Jiron who is standing beside the bed can't help but curved his lips.

"What?!" Kresha raised her brow.

"Hmmm?" Jiron pretend to be innocent.

"Why are you smiling?!" Kresha asked again.

This time Jiron can't help but grin. "I was just thinking who's friend you're talking about!?" He said while looking left and right as if he is looking for someone.

Kresha was speechless.

Jiron shoved his hand on his pocket and take his phone. He stretch his hand and give it to Kresha.

Kresha look at the thing that Jiron put into her hand. "A phone?" Kresha mumbled. She look up to him with a puzzled look.

Jiron seem to understand her, " Save your number on my phone so I can call you whenever I need someone to accompany me at the hospital." He joked.

"Tsss." Kresha scoffed. "Alright, because you helped me last night. I'll give you my number." She tap his phone few times and then give it back to him.

"Thanks." Jiron said.

Kresha nodded her head and then she left.

Jiron's smile went wider, his gaze followed her until she is out of his sight.

He lowered his head and look at his phone when he notice something on the floor.

It was a rectangular shaped plastic. He bent his knee and pick up the thing.

Jiron frowned as he look at it. "Company I.D?" Jiron chuckled. "Looks like we're going to meet again Little Princess."