
The moment Kresha got out from the hospital, she looked for a convinience store first and buy a one big bottle of mouth wash.

She garggled the mouthwash for a few times now. She almost finish the one bottle that she bought earlier. After for about thirty minutes she stopped to garggle and check if she still smelled liqour. "Good! It's not obvious anymore!" She tossed the empty bottle of mouthwash on the garbage bin.

It's already 6:00 am when she arrived at the Tang old residence. She slowly open the door and tiptoed to avoid making a noise. She don't want to waken up her grandfather.

But to her surprise! Her grandfather is already waiting for her in the leaving room.

"Ehem!" Her grandfather pretended to clear his throat.

Kresha stopped in her track. She slowly turn to the living room's direction. And there she found her grandfather sitting on the couch while reading a news paper.

Kresha forced a smile on her face and take a step closer to his grandpa.

" Good morning grandpa. Uhm... I thought you are in your room. Hehe."

Her grandpa looked at her. "The breakfast is ready,c'mon let's eat." He stand up from his seat and headed to the dining room.

Kresha silently followed her grandfather and sit beside him. Her grandfather started eating silently.

"Grandpa..." Kresha break the silence.

"Hmmm?" Her grandpa responded but did not look at her.

"I'm sorry... " she apologise.

Her grandpa took a deep breath before he answered." Little Princess, You're big already. You already know what's right from wrong. You can go wherever you want to go, but please. Don't forget to tell me so that I won't get worried about you. I have already lost your mother. Your mother and father are gone. You're my only family and I can not lose you." Her grandpa added.

Kresha get up from her seat and embrace her grandpa from his back. "Don't worry grandpa, your little princess will always by your side." She said and tightened her embrace.

Her grandfather seemed to be moved by what she said.He nodded his head and patted her arms. " C'mon we should eat first."

"Alright grandpa." She go back to her seat and continued eating.

After her breakfast she went straight to her room and quickly take a bath and changed her dress before she headed to work.


"Good morning ma'am." The guard in the entrance of Mo Corporation building greeted Kresha.

"Good morning." She responded.

"Can you show me your I.D please?" The guard ask in a polite manner.

"Yeah! Sure!" Kresha shove her hand inside her bag to get her I.D. However, she can't find it inside her bag. "Where is it?" Why can't I find it?" Kresha mumbled.

"Looking for this?" Someone suddenly speak behind her.

Kresha turned and look at the person behind her. It's Jiron! He is holding her I.D with his tumb and index finger while he is waving it.

Kresha can't help but smile. " It's you again!"

Jiron gradually approach her and give her I.D. "You dropped it at the hospital."

Kresha took her I.D. "Oh! Thank you." She sincerely said.

"So, your name is Kresha Tang.."Jiron said.

Kresha nodded her head. "Ennn."

"We have not yet introduced ourselves earlier.I'm Jiron Yan anyway." Jiro introduced his self and extended his hands.

Kresha took his hand and smile, "Nice to meet you.Thank you for bringing my I.D here. I already owe you alot. Don't worry, I will repay you back someday." Kresha said.

Jiro chuckled." No worries. Just have dinner with me sometime and we're even."

Kresha is almost speechless. This guy is so fast.

She is busy chatting with Jiro, she was not aware that there are a pairs of eyes watching them.


Lindon is currently eating his breakfast when his phone suddenly ring. He pick up his phone beside him and answered. "Hello grandpa?"

"You bastard! Did you make Ms. Tang overwork last night?!" His grandpa asked in a high voice.

Lindon was speechless. "What?!" Did his grandfather called him just to ask about Kresha?

"Elmo ( kresha's grandpa) called me in the middle of the night. Asking about his granddaughter's whereabouts!"

Lindon didn't response. Didn't she left at 7:OO pm? Where did she go last night? Could it be that something bad happened to her?

"Lindon, You better treat her well. She is also like a grandchild to me." His grandfather added.

" Grandpa I have to go,I have something important to attend to." Without waiting for his grandfather's reply, Lindon already hang up the call.

He wipe his mouth with the table napkin and get up from his seat. He tap his phone and made a call.

"Marco Chen, pick me up at my apartment now." Then he ended up the call.

At the car...

Lindon is silent and in his deep thought. Where could she be last night? Though he didn't love her.They have live as husband and wife for fifteen years in their previous life so, he can't stop himself to worry.

Assistant Chen glanced at the rear view mirror. "Mr. Mo, are we going straight to the office now?" He asked.

Lindon snapped back to his senses. He look at his assistant and nodded.

He will check first if she's already at the office now.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the building. Lindon quickly descended from his car. But his footsteps stopped when he see the two persons ahead of him. It was Kresha, talking to a guy who is familiar to him.

He was about three meters away from them so, he was able to overheared of what the guy said to Kresha.

"No worries just have dinner with me sometime and we're even."

I've been worried about her only to find out that he is with another guy!?Lindons' face darkened .That guy even dare to invite my wife for a dinner?! His gaze turned sharp. He got more annoyed when he heared both of them laughed. He have an urged to strangle this man until he is out of breath!

Assistant Chen just came back from the car park. He found Lindon standing near the entrance with a dark expression on his face. Marco stopped in his track and followed his gaze.

He knitted his brows.Why does my boss looked like a mad dragon that will blaze fire anytime!