
Assistant Chen gradually walked closer to Lindon and stand beside him.

But Lindon did not notice him, Assistant Chen cleared his throat which made Lindon snap back to his senses.

"Mr. Mo shall we go now?" Marco said politely.

Lindon's sharp gaze landed to his Assistant.

Marco Chen's body stiffened and he could feel the chill running down to his spine and to his entire body. Lindon's gaze is like a dagger that could stab anyone. If only it could kill, he might have not been breathing right now.' Mr. Mo! Don't look at me like that!' Assistant Chen secretly cried.

Lindon did not speak, he just walked away and did not spare them a glance. He went straight to his office and slumped the door which make a loud sound "bang!".

The employees in the other department can't help but stretch their neck and sneak a peek on the CEO's office door.


Kresha take a sit on her chair and was about to start her work when suddenly Gracy popped out of nowhere.


Kresha almost jumped out of fright but have a sigh of relief when she see that it was just Gracy.

Gracy was one of the newly hired employee just like her. But in her previous life she become her bestfriend.

"I just heard that the CEO is in a bad mood." Gracy said in a low voice like a gossip girl. "But you know what?! He is still so handsome in my eyes!" Gracy giggled.

Kresha's lips curved and she shook her head."You know what, you better get back to work. Before you get fired." Kresha said.

But Gracy seem to hear nothing. She leaned on her desk and supported her face with both of her hands. She is smiling while looking up as if she is having her day dream. "He is the love of my life!" She said with her sparkling eyes.

Kresha chuckled. "You better wait until you see Yang Yang [1] fifteen years from now." Kresha joked.

Gracy knitted her brow, "Who is Yang Yang?" She asked.

Kresha giggled." Just someone better looking than Lindon". In her previous life. Gracy become a big fan of the said actor.

Gracy opened her mouth and wanted to ask something but the intercom on Kresha's desk suddenly ring. Gracy gestured her hand as if saying, 'I will go now.'

Kresha nodded her head and pick up the mouth piece but before she could even say a word, Lindon already speak.

"Come to my office now!" And then he end up the call.

Kresha sigh, she stand up and headed to the CEO's office. She knocked on the door before she open it entered.

As soon as Kresha closed the door. Lindon started to question her as if he was interogating a criminal.

"Where have you been last night?!" Lindon ask with a cold expression on his face." Are you with that guy?!" He added.

Kresha was stunned for a moment. "Mr. Mo, I think it's not my duty to tell you my whereabouts and who am I with." Kresha coldly answered.

Lindon was speechless.

"Do you want need something sir?" Kresha changed the topic.

Lindon did not answer. He just stared at Kresha. His wife is different now, her temperament changed and the way she treat him was different. She is more mature and strong unlike before. He can't even read her mind. She keep on plastering that cold expression on her face.

"I guess you have nothing to say. I have a lot of work to do, so will you please excuse me." Kresha turned to leave but Lindon grabbed her wrist. She froze and look at his hand and then look at him.

"Let go of me!" She commanded. But instead of releasing her, Lindon tightened his grip.

"Lindon! You're hurting me!" Kresha yelled, her gaze sharpened. "I thought we would not interfere in each other's life?! Didn't you agree to that?" Kresha reminded him.

Lindon seem to realise his actions. He slowly release her hand and lowered his head.

As soon as Lindon let go of her hand.Kresha walked away and didn't spare him another look.

Lindon balled his hand. He himself didn't understand why he felt annoyed seeing her talking to another guy. He pinched the space between his brows and rested his back.

Lindon stayed on that position until his phone ring. He pick up his phone and check the caller's name. "Arriene Lin" Lindon straightened his body. He cleared his throat before he answered the call.

"Hello Arriene?"

"Lindon?" A sweet and cold voice came from the other line.

Lindon's mood lightened up when he heared Arriene's voice.

"I'm sorry, did I disturbed you?" Arriene said in an apologitic manner.

"No, It's alright." Lindon said." Anyways, why did you call me?"

"Uhm, you haven't called me for one week now." She pouted her lips.

Lindon massage his nape. "Oh! Im sorry I... I was busy this past few days." He explained.

"It's alright. I understand you. I know how busy you are. But... you should compensate me."

Lindon curved his lips. "Alright, let's have dinner tonight at Royale Cafe and restaurant."

"Alright!" Arriene agreed.

"I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm."

"Alright! I'll wait for you then."

And then Arriene hang up the call. Lindon got excited! His annoyance slowly faded away.