The CEO's woman

Lindon is sitting in his swivel chair while tapping his laptop. In front of him is Assistant Chen.

"Mr.Mo, We have found the culprit behind the rumors about Ms.Tang." Assistant Chen reported.

Lindon froze and stopped tapping his laptop. "Where are they?!" He asked coldly.

They are from the accounting department sir!" Assistant Chen replied.

"I'm sure you know what to do. Investigate their background and find any taces of their flaws!" Lindon commanded.

"Right away Mr. Mo!" Assistant Chen replied.


The incident about Kresha and Randy become the talk of the entire company on the next day.

"Hey! Do you know what happened yesterday guys?" One of the female employee of Mo Corporation started to gossip.

"Oh yeah! Randy Gao almost molested Ms.Tang!" Said the other female employee.

"Ha! That maniac!.If you have just seen the CEO's face yesterday, you can't really believe it!" The other male employee joined the others.

On the other side, Andrea and Trish keep rolling their eyes.

"Hmmp! That sl*t! She just deserve to be treated like that!" Andrea said.

"I wonder why the boss helped her?" Trish mumbled to her self.

"Duh?! Maybe he just don't like to see a woman being bullied!" Andrea replied.

She really felt annoyed. She did everything so that all of her co-workers will hate Kresha, but today everything has changed!

Instead of hate, all of them symphatize with her!

"I really hate that woman! She don't deserve to be respected by anyone! She's just a sl*t pretending to be innocent!"

Andrea just keep talking bad words towards Kresha just to release her annoyance. She is not aware that Lindon is already standing behind her listening everything she said.

"Who are you to call Ms.Kresha Tang a sl*t?!" Lindon's gaze is as cold as ice.

Andrea and Trish was stunned! They quickly turned and found their boss standing behind them!

Their faces turned pale as if they have seen a ghost!

"CEO Mo!" Andrea and Trisha said in a stunned manner which captured the attention of their other employees in the accounting department.

Why's the CEO is here? It's not usual for him to be there!

Out of curiosity everybody stretch their neck and tried to sneak a peek on the direction of Andrea and Trish..

"If you call her a sl*t then, what do you call to your self?!" Lindon asked and tossed the photos on Andrea's face.

Andrea was stunned! She don't have a time to react. She just stand rooted on the ground.

The photo scattered everywhere!

Some of their co-workers pick up a photo and can't stop their self from being stunned!

On the photo is Andrea, she is lying on the bed with an old man. There are pictures of her sleeping with two deffirent old man.

Andrea's jaw dropped! Her face drained it's color! Oh no! Where did they get this?! Andrea panicked!

"You have slept with a few dirty old man and become a mistress yet you dare to call another people a sl*t?" Lindon provoked her.

Trish was also atunned! She can't believe that Andrea is that kind of woman!

She tried to snatched a photo from one of her co-worker and her mouth went wide open!

"Oh my God how could she call others a sl*t when she is the one who slept with deffirent man and even become a mistress?!" Some of her co-workers started to mock Andrea.

"Ha! There are really that kind of people!" whispered the other employee.

"She's the one pretending to be innocent!" Said the other.

Andrea look around her. Her co-workers mocking expression made her want to find a hole to hide! She is in so much embarrassed!

Andrea seemed like crying but she suppress her tears from falling down." CEO Mo, why are you doing this to me?!" She asked with her trembling voice.

"Do you have to asked that?" Lindon asked her back.

"What?" Andrea did not know what Lindon mean.

She thought that the CEO might have been offended by the rumors. So she quickly apologise. "Mr. Mo.. We appologise if we have offended you, but you don't have to do this." Andrea sounds like crying.

Lindon glared at Andrea which made her shiver!

"Do you think I am doing this becuse I was offended?!" Lindon asked sarcastically.

"What?" Andrea was stunned! Then why is he doing this to me?!

"If you have not messed up with Ms.Tang I would never do this! But you offended my woman! So you deserve it!"

Trish and Andrea's mouth went wide open!

Even the onlookers are stunned! There is only one thing in there mind! Mr. Mo called Ms. Tang as his woman! Which means...

She is the CEO's woman!

"Now! The both of you can get out of my building and never ever dare to step inside my building and never dare to go near to Ms. Tang ! Keep your distance away from her with in 1,000 meters!" Lindon said it out loud to Trish and Andrea.

Then he turned to his assistant

" Assistant Chen! Blocklist them and call the other company, so that they can't find a job anymore!

When Trish heard that, she panicked! "Mr.Mo! Please spare me! We will apologise to Miss Tang and will promise to never do that again." Trish tried to beg but Lindon seemed so unmoved.

"Do you think that apology is enough?!" Lindon asked.

Andrea stumped her feet. "No! Mr.Mo you're bullying the weaks!"Andrea yelled. She doesn't care anymore! She was fired already what's the use of being respectful to the CEO?!

Lindon coldly look at Andrea.

"You deserve to be bullied! Now do you want me to call the securities to throw you out?" Lindon threatened them. Then he face his employees.

"I'm sure all of you don't want to end up like them!

All of the employees of the accounting department lowered their head.

"Do not dare to offend the CEO's woman!" Lindon said and then walk away.