Engaged since birth

Royale cafe and restaurant

Elder Mo is sitting in front of the table. Opposite to him is Arriene with her teary eyes.

"Stay away from my grandson." Cedric Mo coldly said.

"But elder Mo, Lindon and I love each other so much, I can't live without him." Arriene said while sobbing. She act to look more pitiful in front of the old man.

But Elder Mo seemed unmoved by her act.

"He is engaged already." Elder Mo said.

Arriene look up at the old man with her tears rolling down to her face. "What?" She asked in a stunned expression.

"How come? I am the only woman in his life and he never told me that he is already engaged!" Arriene continued to cry. Her shoulder shook as if she was really wronged.

"He is already engaged since the day he was born and you can not do nothing about it."

Arriene froze, engaged since birth? She secretly tightened her grip."Elder Mo, he may be engaged. But what about Lindon's feelings? Does he love the woman ? He will get hurt for sure." Arriene still try to convince the old man.

"I'm sure he will love his fiancee soon. Kresha is a good girl and pretty. I'm sure Lindon will develop a special feeling for her sooner or later." Elder Mo confidently said.

Kresha? Kresha who? Could it be Kresha Tang?!

That woman! Arriene gritted her teeth.

She feel so angry inside but she suppress her anger.

She don't want to show her true color in front if the old man, so she take a deep breathe and calm her self before she speak with pitiful look.

"Elder Mo, I'm sorry but I can't leave your grandson. I love him so much and I will do everything to fight for him." She said with her pittiful expression.

"Well, there is nothing I can do if you still insist to stay with him. But... he will get married sooner or later and you can not do anything about it! You will just hurt your self!" And then the old man get up from his seat with the help of his personal nurse Rion.

He did not notice Arriene's sharp gaze when he turned his back from her.

Elder Mo quickly left the restaurant headed to the Mo old residence.


"Gggrrrrr!!" Arriene throw the flower vase on the wall. The broken pieces scattered on the floor! She was not still sattisfied!

She pick up another fragile thing from the table and throw it on the floor which make the sound "Plunk!"

She throw everything one after another while screaming! "Ggggrrrrr!! Kresha Tang! You will die!! You have to die!!

She was so angry! She keep throwing everything she see in the living room!

She didn't stop until she broke everything!

Her chest darted up and down and her breathing get faster due to the anger that she feel inside!

"Kresha Tang! You will ruine everything! I should eliminate you before you ruine my plan!"

With that thought, Arriene pick up her phone and made a call.

"Hello boss!" The man with a dragon-like tatoo on his wrist answered the call.

"I want you to get rid of someone!" Kresha commanded.

"Hahaha! Who is it this time boss?" The man said excitedly!

"Kresha Tang!" Arriene replied.

"Oh! The little assistant secretary!?" The man exclaimed."Oh! It's a waste to kill her just like that!" The man said maniacally as he try to imagine Kresha's image.

"Just do whatever you want to do to her! But! Make sure that she will die!" Arriene's gaze sharpened.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk!" The man chuckled. "Little girl, you become even more wicked each time!"

"I will eliminate everyone who will stand in my way!" Arriene raised her chin and narrowed her eyes.

However, Arriene didn't know that someone overheard what she said.


Mo Old residence.

Elder Mo is sitting on the couch in the living room of his mansion. He is in a deep thought.

"Arriene Lin, she looked familiar to me." Elder Mo mumbled. She looked like someone he know before. He feel something strange about that woman! He don't know but, his instinct is telling him not to trust her.

Whatever is this girl's real intention he need to know about it. And he knew that he will discover it soon!

"Elder Mo, it's time to take your medicine." His nurse Rion approach him while holding a glass of water and a medicine.

Elder Mo scoffed. "I won't drink that medicine anymore! It doesn't make me feel better, instead I feel like my condition has worsened." Elder Mo said.

The nurse was stunned!

Did the old man knew about it already?! The nurse thought.

No no no! How would he know? It can't be! No one will know about it!

With that thought, Nurse Rion calmed his self and try to convince the old man to take his medicine.

"But Elder Mo, You have to take this. The Doctor said that you have to take your medicine everyday. This could help your heart's condition get better!" Nurse Rion replied. "Elder Mo, I'm sure you still want to see your grandson get married, right?" He added.

Elder Mo looked at his nurse, and thought for a moment. And then he took his medicine from the nurse's hand. "Alright! I'll take it." He said and then he drink his medicine.