Kresha's call

Kresha is still inside at the Mo Corporation building and working over time. When she looked up at the clock on the wall, she realized that it is already ten in the evening!

"Woah! I didn't notice that it's already 9:00 pm!" She mumbled.

She fixed her things and get ready to go home.

Because it is already late, she is the only one left inside. Assistant Chen is on his vacation leave and Lindon left at six in the evening.

All of her co-workers had left at seven in the evening.

Kresha walked in the lobby, the entire building is so silent. She can even hear the echoe of her footsteps in the entire lobby.

She headed to the entrance but it is already closed. She try to peek outside the glass door but the security guards are not there. "Maybe they do not know that someone is still inside." Kresha mumbled.

The security guards will check the entire building every night so Kresha assumed that they are not outside.

Kresha thought for a moment. How can I go out?

She have been walking back in forth for five minutes now. But the security guards is not back yet. She can't wait for them any longer.

She is tired from work and wanted to go home to get rest. Kresha is racking her brain thinking of a way out. She unconsciously glanced at the fire extinguisher!

An idea popped out into her mind!

"Yes! Why not?! Why did I not think about it earlier? " Kresha said to herself.

She quickly look for the fire exit.

Indeed! The fire exit wasn't locked!

Kresha quickly open the door and get out of the building. The fire exit is heading to the abbandoned part of the car park of Mo Corporation.

As soon as Kresha got out, she was met by dead silence. The cold breeze blew into her skin and she can't help but shiver. The car park is a little bit dark.

She walk towards the bright side of the car park, but she feel something is not right!

Though the whole place is dark, Kresha is still able to notice something.

Kreha's heart skipped a beat!

She is alone here and she can't ask for a help if ever someone would do something bad to her!

No! I should call someone for help! She thought.

Kresha took her phone from her bag. She tap it and made a call to Jiron. But he is not picking up the call!

Kresha is a little scared now.

It's her third time to call Jiron but he is still not picking up!

Who else should I call? She thought for a second.

She scroll down the contact list of her phone and try to find someone to call for a help.

The name next to Jiron is Lindon's!

Kresha froze, she hessitated for a moment before she finally press the call button.


Lindon is currently driving his car when his phone suddenly ring.

He glance at Arriene beside him before he took his phone and answer the call. "Hello?"

"Lindon..." Kresha's trembilng voice could be heared from the other line.

"What's wrong? " Lindon asked with knitted brows. Why does she sounds scared?

"I...I think somebody is following me!"

"What?! Where are you?" Lindon asked.

"I'm currently at the Mo Corporation car park near at the fire exit of the building."

"Why are you there?! It's dark in there! Okay! Just find for a safe place for you to hide or call the security guards, I'll be there in ten minutes!"

" Alright! I'll wait for you here!".

"Who's that?" Arriene asked when Lindon put back his phone on the dashboard.

Lindon did not answer, he turned the car going to the Mo Corporation.

"Wait! Where are we going? I thought you will sent me home?" Arriene asked when she notice that Lindon changed then cars route.

"We're heading to Mo Corporation Kresha needs my help." He asnwered.

He is feeling anxious now.

"What?! Tsss... " Arriene scoffed. "She needed your help? What for?!"

"Someone is following her." Lindon replied.

"And you believed her?!" Arriene asked with her raised brows.

Lindon stepped on the car break." What do you mean?" He took a side glance at Arriene.

"C'mon! We both know that, that woman likes you. What if she only want to ruin our quality time together?" Arriene said.

"What?" Lindon knitted his brows due to his annoyance.

"That woman will do everything just to catch your attention! Maybe she just said those lie ju-----" Arriene wasn't able to finish her word when Lindon suddenly yelled at her.

"Get out!"

Arriene was startled, she knitted her brows and look at Lindon. "What?"

"I said get out of the car!"

Arriene was stunned!

"Wait! You will leave me here just to rescue your employee?!"

"Yes!" Lindon coldy said.

Arriene got mad! She can feel her blood is boiling! No! He can't go there! My plan will be ruined!

I must find a way to let him stay! With that, Arriene tried to think how to let Lindon stay.

"Lindon! I am your girlfriend! Why do I feel like she's more important to you ?! If you will leave me here, then let's just forget about our relatioship!" Arriene threatened him.

Lindon froze. "What?" He asked in a faint voice.

"If you choose to go to that woman, then let's break up!" Arriene replied.

"You want to break up with me?" Lindon said in a low voice.

Arriene thought that Lindon was threatened, she smirked inside . Lindon Mo I really know how to get you!

But what Lindon said next made Arriene stunned!

"Alright! Let's break up! Now, get out of the car!"

Arriene was speechless.

What? Did he just agree to break up with me?

Arriene thought that Lindon would be threatened if she will break up with him!

But to her surprise he just agreed like he don't care!

"Get out!" Lindon yelled again.

Arriene have no choice but to get out of the car!

As soon as Arriene closed the door, Lindon did not his waste time anymore. He stepped on the accelerator and drive away.

Arriene's sharp gaze followed Lindon's car.

No! You will not be able to see her alive!

Arriene took her phone and made a call." Do it now! Someone is coming to rescue her!"