You can beat me

Kresha was about to aboard in her car but Lindon called her. "Kresha!"

Kresha tilted her head and look at Lindon.


"Uhm..." Lindon gulped his saliva before he speak. " Can I drive you home?" He asked.

Kresha pursed her lips and thought for a moment. Hmmm... Does it mean that he is not angry with me anymore?

Lindon felt uneasy when he saw that Kresha is having a second thought. But his uneasiness faded when Kresha accepted his offer.

" Sure!" Kresha replied.

Lindon felt relieved. He quickly open the door on the front seat. " Come, seat here." He said to Kresha.

Kresha walked towards Lindon's car. "Thanks." She said and then she boarded to his car.

Lindon face Kresha's bodyguards. "You can leave now." He said and then he went to the driver's set and boarded the car.

The bodyguards eyes lit up! Does it mean that today is nonworking day for them!

Lindon started up the engine and then stepped unto the accelerator and drive away.

He glanced at his watch. "It's almost lunch, would you like to have lunch before I'll sent you home?" Lindon asked Kresha while his gaze did not left the road.

"Sure!" Kresha agreed. Actually she don't feel hungry. But she like the idea of eating with him, so she instantly agreed to him.

"What food do you like to eat?" Lindon asked.

"Hmm.. I want something light." Kresha said.

Lindon thought for a moment. "Hmmm.. how about I'll cook for you? If... it's alright with... you?"

Kresha did not think twice. She quickly nodded her head. " Sure!"

They went to the grocery to buy some ingredients before they headed to Lindon's apartment.

"Just wait for me here in the living room. I will prepare the food for you." Lindon said when they get inside his apartment.

He headed to the kitchen. He wear the apron, take out all the ingredients from the grocery bag and prepare it.

Kresha followed Lindon to the kitchen.

Lindon was so focused on what he is doing, he did not even notice that Kresha is staring at him.

Kresha silently watch as Lindon prepare the ingredients.

Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at him. He looked more handsome with his outfit!

He is waring a long sleeved white polo shirt, and an apron on top of it. He is holding the knife with his right hand while cutting the ingredients firmly. Kresha almost thought that he is a professional chef that she have watched in the cooking shows on televisions.

Lindon lifted his gaze when he notice Kresha. " Hungry?" He asked.

Kresha shook her head. "I just love watching you." Kresha unconsciously replied.

Lindon curved his lips, his heart skipped a beat and his fingers trembled. He almost cut his finger.

He tried to calm his self before he continued to cook.

Kresha sitted on the chair and continued to watch Lindon.

After almost thirty minutes, Lindon served the food.

He prepared light meal, fresh salmon with thai noodles salad!

Kresha clasp her hand. " Wow! It look delicious!"

The plating made the food looked more delicious! Kresha thought.

There are trimmed french beans, shreded mange tout, rice noodles and chopped basil at the bottom of the bowl. Lindon put the sliced salmon, spring onion and peeled sliced oranges at the top of the other ingredients.

Lindon smiled. "You will surely like it." He replied.

Indeed! It was really satisfying!

The balance of protein and carbs made the food satisfying!

After their lunch Lindon washed the dishes.

Kresha sitted in the couch at the living room while waiting for Lindon.

Minutes have past, Kresha feel dizzy, so she closed her eyes to take a nap.

When Lindon is done cleaning the mess in the kitchen, he take off his apron before he went to the living room.

He found Kresha sleeping on the couch.

He gradually walk closer to her. He lowered his head and stared at Kresha

Lindon curved his lips.She slept again! He thought.

Kresha wasn't sleep yet though her eyes are closed, she's still conscious. She felt like something was odd, so she suddenly opened her eyes and was stunned!

Lindon is staring at her! And his face is only half meter away from her!

Lindon was startled too! He almost screamed when Kresha suddenly opened her eyes!

He quickly straightened his body and try to find an excuse.

"Uhm... I...I was about to... wake you up... so I can send you home."

Kresha slowly get up from the couch. "Oh! Sorry, I slept again." She apologize. "Uhm, let's go?" Kresha said and then she walk past through Lindon.

Lindon's gaze followed Kresha, and then he took a big strides he suddenly grabbed her wrist and embraced her!

Kresha was stunned! But she did not pushed him away.

After a while Lindon release her from his embrace and hold her shoulders. He looked at her straight to her eyes and speak.

"Kresha, I'm sorry... if I'll do this..." and then he cupped her face with his hands and kissed her forehead, the corners of her eyes, down to the tip of her nose and to her lips!

Kresha's heart skipped a beat!

She did not fight back instead she closed her eyes and responded to his kiss!

It was a romantic kiss! Lindon's lips moved gently as if tasting her lips!

After a while his tongue started to envade inside her mouth!

Lindon put his left arm around her waist while his right hand is at the back of her head. He embrace her tightly!

Kresha put her arms around his neck. She feel a burning sensation in the middle of her chest! She feel like there are voltage of electricity run down through her body and to her heart! She like the feeling of being kissed by the man she love!

The kiss lasted for a few minutes. They are panting when they separated!

Lindon embraced Kresha and leaned his forehead into hers.

After a while, he pushed her lightly to create a small gap between them.

" Kresha, you can beat me now." Lindon said.

Kresha knitted her brows. "Why?"

"Because I have kissed you!" Lindon replied.


Kresha was speechless! This man is really numb!

Kresha suddenly knocked Lindon's head! " Fool!" She cried and then she walk out of the apartment.

"Awh!" Lindon stroked his head. That's it? I thought she would beat me until grandpa can't recognize me anymore!" He mumbled and then he followed Kresha.