Still inlove with you

Lindon followed Kresha outside his apartment.

"Hey! Kresha!"

But Kresha did not listen to him. She continued to walk faster as if she doesn't hear anything.

Lindon run and tried to catch up with her. And then he blocked her way.

Kresha stopped in her track and glared at Lindon.

"Don't block my way!" She said with her stern look.

"Hey! I'm sorry, I knew I was wrong. I know you're angry because I kissed you."

"Hey! Do you think I will responsed to your kiss if I was angry?!" Kresha almost yelled.

She felt so annoyed! It's so obvious that she still love him but he is so numb and didn't realized it!

"W-what?" Lindon was stunned.

Kresha rolled her eyes." Get out of my way! I'm going home now!"

Lindon did not move. He seemed like he doesn't hear Kresha.

"W-wait! You mean, you're not angry?" Lindon asked.

"Lindon! Do I have to spell it out to you?!" Kresha asked him back.

"What?" Lindon seemed so confused.

Kresha pursed her lips. She stared at Lindon and walk closer to him.

She stopped when she was only inches away from him.

She pulled his necktie, she tiptoed and pressed his lips against her!

Lindon's eyes went wide open!

Kresha moved fast, she withdrawed her lips after a few seconds.

"Do you understand now?" She asked as she looked at Lindon's stunned expression!

Lindon stood rooted on the ground and his body stiffened.

"Huh?!" It's the only word that Lindon blurted out.

"Lindon! I still love you! You're still the one! I'm still inlove with you! Isn't it obvious?!"

"But, I like...Jiron?" Lindon asked with his knitted brows.

"What?! Of course not! Jiron is just a friend of mine!" Kresha almost laugh.

"What?!" Lindon thought for a moment. "But you said, you like him!"

Kresha pursed her lips.

"I'm sorry... I... don't really mean to hurt you... I was upset that time and I was not thinking of what I was saying." Kresha explained.

Lindon's mouth was slightly open.


Kresha nodded. "Hhmmm."

"Hhahahahaha!!" Lindon suddenly laughed.

Kresha knitted her brows and looked at Lindon. " Hey! What's funny?!"

Lindon's face turned serious. "Yah! Don't you know that you have tortured me mentally and emotionally?! I feel like I'm going insane! Just thinking about you with another man made my whole world like going to collapse! It was so painful, sometimes it made me hard to breath! I can't even sleep at night!"

"Do you see this dark circles around my eyes?" Lindon pointed his own eyes. "Do you know that you caused this?" He asked.

Kresha bit her lower lip to stop her self from smiling. "I'm sorry." She said and then she lowered her head.

Lindon stared at her for a while.

Then he pulled her to his embrace.

"But you know, I should thank you for doing that." He said. "Now, I know what you've feel for fifteen years.

Now, I know how you suffered mentally and emotionally. And I'm sorry for that... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry if I've been so numbed, Im sorry if I neglected you for fifteen years. I'm really really sorry Kresha." Lindon almost cry.

Kresha leaned her head to Lindon's chest. She can hear his heart beat. She knew Lindon is sencere towards her.

" Lindon, past is past. We should not talk about it anymore. I have forgive you already." Kresha said.

Lindon embraced her tightly. "Thank you."

"What for?" Kresha asked.

"Thank you for not giving up on me during those fifteen years." Lindon replied.

"Hhhmmm..." Kresha replied.

Lindon did not release her from his embrace.

There was a silence between them, but after a while Lindon broke the silence between them.

"Kresha," Lindon called her name.


"Let's live together." Lindon said.

Kresha almost choke!

"Do you want to die?!" She said as she moved away from his embrace.

"Uh...this...I...we..." Lindon don't know what to say. He just scratched his head and lowered his gaze.

Aaiishh! How did you come up with that idea?! Lindon secretly thought.

"Did you forget? We are back fifteen years from the future! We are not yet married this time!" Kresha reminded him. "You did not even proposed to me!" She mumbled.

Lindon lifted his gaze and stared at Kresha.

Kresha felt conscious, she try to find an excuse to stop him from staring at her.

"Let's go! You should send me home, I'm tired already." Kresha said and then she walk towards the elevator.

"Wait!" Lindon stopped her.

Kresha's footsteps stopped, she turned and asked him. "What again?"

" I want to make it official." Lindon replied. "I am your boyfriend , and you are my girlfriend now. Got it?" He said and then he smiled.

Then he approached her and he hold her hand." Let's go!" He said and then he walk towards the elevator.


Kresha was speechless.

Lindon did not give her a chance to speak.