Her answer

Kresha was stunned!

She just stared at the diamond ring inside the box.

She feel like she was mental blocked and she doesn't know why she is crying again. Her tears started to roll down to her face again.

Perhaps it's the tears of joy?

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!

Kresha why are crying?

She can feel her heart palpitating!

She can't describe what she feel inside!

Nervous, excitement and happiness!

All right Kresha! You should calm down first!

Calm down, calm down, calm down...








Lindon felt anxious when he did not get Kresha's response.

It's cold inside the room but there are beads of sweat started to popped out in his forehead.


Kresha calmed down her self and wiped her tears before she speak.

"Yah! Lindon!" Lindon snapped back to his senses when Kresha speak.

"Why are you asking me to marry you?!" Kresha asked Lindon in between her sobs.

"Huh?!" Lindon's anxiousness increased!

He stared at Kresha's tears stained face.

His heart sank and his shoulders dropped.

Is she going to reject me?

Kresha froze when she realized what she said.

Oh my! What did I just said?! He might misunderstand me!

Kresha panicked and she tried to find the right words to say!

"Uh... I mean... you.. you don't have to ask me if I would marry you!" Kresha said.

"We...well..I...you.." Lindon don't know what to say.

He doesn't know if her answer was a yes or a no!

"Hey! Why are you still kneeling there?!" Kresha interrupted Lindon.

"Huh?!" Lindon was stunned again!

His heartbeat become faster!

Is she angry? Did she reject me already?

Lindon's world almost shatter!

He thought that Kresha rejected his proposal.

But Kresha suddenly stretch her hand in front of him!

Lindon looked at Kresha's hand and then he looked up at her little face.

"C'mon! Put it on my finger!" Kresha curved her lips.

This time, it is Lindon who fell in a daze.

It took him a few seconds before he realized what Kresha means.

His almost shattered world instantly generated!

"Is... is that a yes? " Lindon asked Kresha as if he can't believe that she accepted his proposal!

He really thought that Kresha would reject him!

"Of course! It's a yes!" Kresha replied. "I have waited for this moment to happen, so why would I say no?"

Lindon let out a short laugh and his shoulder shook.

Kresha don't know if she was just seeing things .

But with the help of the faint light from the candle lights, she saw a liquid that flow from Lindon's eyes.

Kresha knitted her brows.

Is he crying? She thought.

Lindon quickly regained his energy!

He took the ring from the box and put it on Kresha's finger before he get up.

He feel so happy!

He did not even notice that he is crying due to his happiness!

"I love you!" Lindon embraced Kresha. He don't want to let go of her! He feel like he is in cloud nine!

He embraced her tightly for a while before he released her and he hold her shoulders.

"Hey! Now that you already wear that ring... There is no backing out!" He said.

Kresha raised her chin and she draw closer to Lindon's face.

"Who's backing out?!" She asked and narrowedher eyes.

Lindon grinned. " All right! Then it is official! You're already my fiancee!" Lindon said.

Lindon look at Kresha, he cupped her liitle face, he slowly lowered his head and kissed Kresha!

Kresha closed her eyes and waited for Lindon's lips to press hers.

She feel Lindon's lips on her lips.

Kresha put her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately!

They are in their deep kiss but suddenly...


Kresha heared a sound.

And then the lights inside the room lit up one by one!

Kresha quickly opened her eyes!

She patted Lindon's shoulder, but Lindon did not stop kissing her, as if he doesn't care about his sorroundings!

Instead of releasing her, he pulled her closer, he embrace her and continued kissing her!

"Hhmmm!! (Wait!!)" Kresha patted Lindon's shoulder again!

This time! Lindon release her!

They are both panting when they separated.

After Lindon released her, Kresha looked around her and she was shocked!

There are more people inside the room!

Her cousines, Meme, Lance, and Gracy!

Her grandpa and Elder Mo are there too!

All of the guests are looking at Lindon and Kresha.

There are some of them clasped their hand as if they have seen a romantic movie!

"Oh! They are so sweet!" Others said.

"Both of them are good looking!"

Elder Mo is smiling while looking at them.

Kresha secretly nudged Lindon. She throw him a meaningful look as if saying,[ why you did not told me that there are other people here?!]

Lindon throw her back a meaningful look too as if saying , [don't worry, they are all grown ups!]

Kresha sigh! [What?! But we still kissed in front of so many people!]

Lindon curved his lips.[ It's alright! They can understand us! Besides, we will still kiss in front of them on our wedding day!]

Kresha rolled her eyes and her gaze fell on her grandpa.

Elder Tang wiped his tears before he approached Kresha.

Kresha embraced her grandpa. She knew her grandpa is happy for her!

"Congratulations little princess! I am so happy for you!" Elder Tang straightened his body and look at Kresha.

"At least, I won't be worried if I'm gone because I know that you are in good hands." Elder Tang said.

And then he turned to Lindon.

"Lindon, take good care of my little princess!" Elder Tang said to Lindon.

Lindon smiled and nodded his head. "Of course grandpa I will!" Lindon replied.

Elder Tang patted Lindon's shoulder.

Kresha saw Elder Mo approaching them too.

He is sitting in a wheel chair while his new private nurse is pushing the it towards them.

"Good evening Elder Mo!" Kresha bowed her head and greeted the old man.

"Little girl, you should called me grandpa from now on..." Elder Mo said to Kresha.

"Uh,...I'm sorryy..." Kresha froze for a moment. Not bad! She tought.

She used to call her grandpa in her previous life and she missed calling him grandpa anyway!

" All... right, grand.. Grandpa!" Kresha said to the old man.

Elder Mo revealed a big smile. "Kresha, thank you for accepting my grandson. I knew it! Both of you are fated to be together." Elder Mo said.

The two of them chatted for a while.

And Lindon talked to the other guests.

Kresha felt hungry, so she excused her self from Elder Mo.

She went to the table of foods but she bumped into Meme.

"Meme!" Kresha called her co-worker.

Meme turned to look at Kresha and then she forced a laugh when she saw Kresha's serious expression. " hehehe!! Sister Kresha..."

Kresha's expression did not change.

Meme bit her lower lip and acted pittiful.

Kresha smirked.

So, she is really guilty!

Kresha walked closer to Meme.

"Uh...uhm.. sister Kresha, I.. I have to go..." Meme wanted to leave and run away from Kresha.


Meme's footsteps stopped.

She slowly turned and face Kresha.

"Sister Kresha, don't get mad... If we did not followed CEO Mo, we might lost our job!" Meme said.

"So, all of you knew this huh?" Kresh asked.

Meme nodded her head.

Kresha sigh." Today was not Lance's birthday right?" Kresha asked again.

Meme nodded her head again.

"What about this dress?"

"Uh! Sister Kresha! That dress is not really mine! I can't afford a dress that worth five digit! CEO Mo bought that and he instructed me to give that to you. " Meme replied.

"Oh!" No wonder the dress fitted to her! Kresha thought.

"Sister Kresha, please don't get mad. It's all CEO Mo's idea!"

Kresha glanced at Lindon who is chatting with Elder Tang.

She never expected that Lindon would come up with this idea!

In there previous life, he never like surprises!

Hmmm... I guess the cold blooded, arrogant and loveless man has turned into a romantic man!