
The next day...

Elder Mo and Lindon payed a visit to the Tang residence.

Lindon will also take this opportunity to officially ask for Kresha's hand.

The four of them are eating dinner at the dining table.

Kresha and Lindon sitted side by side and in front of them are Elder Mo and Elder Tang.

"So, when will be the wedding ceremony?" Elder Tang asked and looked at Lindon.

Kresha looked at Lindon too. They did not yet talk about the official date of their wedding!

Lindon swallowed the food that he was chewing and he cleared his throat before he speak.

"Uhm, probably next month." Lindon replied.

Kresha look up at Lindon with her knitted brows. [You did not told me that the wedding would be next month! We did not talk about it!]

Lindon understand Kresha's meaningful look . He lifted his hand to hold Kresha's hand and squeeze it a few times.

"Well, I think the sooner the better!" Elder Mo backed up his grandson.

Elder Tang nodded his head. "All right! Since it's already decided, then I have to agree to the both of you!" He said as he looked at to Kresha and Lindon. "And there is no reason to delay the wedding ceremony anyway!" Elder Tang added.

Kresha and Lindon nodded their heads.

After dinner the two old man played chess at the balcony while Lindon and Kresha went to the garden.

"Hey! Do you think we can make it on time?" Kresha asked Lindon as soon as they sitted on the bench.

"Of course!" Lindon replied confidently.

"But... I think one month is too early. And there are a lot of things that we need to prepare!" Kresha said.

"A lot of things to prepare?" Lindon asked with his knitted brows. "Like what?"

"Like the weddding dress, intourage, invitation cards, the venue, the foods and our documents! How could we make it in just one month?!" Kresha replied.

Lindon curved his lips and touched Kresha's chin. "Sweetheart, you don't have to worry about it! I have already contacted a wedding planner. They will be the incharge for everything!" Lindon said.


Kresha was speechless.

Yeah right! How could I forgot the power of money?!

Kresha thought.

"Tommorow we have a meeting with the wedding planner." Lindon said.

Kresha stared at Lindon..Why is this guy is in a hurry?

Kresha thought.


Just like what Lindon said.

The next day they had a meeting with the wedding planner.

"Good morning Mr.Mo! I am Beatriz and I am the wedding planner." The middle-aged woman introduced her self to them.

Lindon and Kresha get up from their seat.

"Good morning." Lindon replied to the woman. " Anyway this is my fiancee Kresha Tang." Lindon introduced Kresha to Beatriz.

The middle aged woman smiled as she stretch her hand to shake hands with Kresha. "Hi Ms. Tang, you looked more beautiful up close." Beatriz said.

Kresha took Beatriz's hand and smiled. "Thank you." Kresha replied.

"Let's take a seat!" Lindon said.

Kresha and Lindon sitted side by side while Beatriz sitted in front of them.

"Mr. Mo your assistant told called me yesterday and he said that you wanted to get our services." Beatriz said.

Lindon nodded his head. " Some friend recommended you to me." Lindon replied.

"Oh! Thank you for choosing my team. We will assure you that we will not disapoint you." Beatriz said. "So, may I know the details of your wedding ?"

"Uh, yeah!" Lindon replied.

"When will be the wedding?" Beatriz asked.

"On the 28th of September."

Kresha frooze... 28th of september?

Wait! It is our wedding anniversary in our previous life!

Kresha stared at Lindon.

Ahh... No wonder he is in a hurry for the wedding ceremony!

He wanted the same date of our wedding in our previous life!

"So, it's just one month from now." Beatriz said.

"Yes!" Lindon replied. "Your team can make it, can't you?" Lindon asked.

"Of course we can!" Baatriz replied.

"So, what do you want? A traditional wedding? Church wedding or---"

"A garden wedding!" Lindon interrupted Beatriz. "My fiancee wanted a garden wedding." Lindon's gentle gaze fell into Kresha.

"All right!" Beatriz noted tha details.

"What flowers would you like us to decorate at the venue?" Beatriz asked.

Lindon looked at Kresha and he hold her hand. "What do you like sweeetheart?" Lindon asked gently.

Kresha looked at Lindon and then she looked at Beatriz.

"Uh.... I like the white rosses. And then you can also put a wedding arch and put white and red rosses in it. Put an altar and decorate it with white rosses. All the guests are only allowed to wear white dresses." Kresha said.

"Put a red carpet on the aisle and put flowers on each side of it. You can also scatter white rosses' petals on the red carpet" Lindon said and smiled at Kresha.

After about an hour, the three of them are done discussing the venue's decors.

"Ms. Tang if you want to add more, you can contact me anytime." Beatriz said.

Kresha nodded her head.

She feel like she's demandding too much. But who cares?! This would be her wedding day!

And every woman wanted a perfect wedding!

"Anyways, we have to do a photo shoot tommorow for your prenup photos. And we will choose the best photo to put it on your wedding invitations." Beatriz said.

"All right!" Lindon replied.

"And the day after tommorow would be your food and cake tasting. We have a five options for the restaurants and catering services and all of them are the best in the intire Beijing."

"And as for Ms. Tang's wedding dress----"

"I have already hired a designer for my fiancee's wedding dress and it's all done!" Lindon interrupted Beatriz.

Kresha knitted her brows. "What?!

How could it be done?

How would they make my wedding dress when they did not get my vital size?

Kresha throw a meaningful look at Lindon.

" I knew your vital size." Lindon said to Kresha. "And I know that wedding gowns would take a lot of time to be done. So I have talked to the designer a month ago."


Kresha was speechless.

A month ago?

But we are not yet enggage that time!

So, he is so certain that I would marry him again in this lifetime!

Lindon notice Kresha's blank expression.

He called her to catch her attention.


Kresha snapped back to her senses.


"What's the matter?" Lindon asked.

"Uhm..." Kresha tried to find a word to say. "I... I was thinking about the gown's design." Kresha said.

"Don't worry." Lindon draw his self closer to Kresha and whispered. " I have choose the same design that you wear on our wedding day fifteen years ago."


Kresha was speechless again.

Woah! This guy is so amazing!

He still remember the design that I wear on our wedding day fifteen years ago!