I Have a Loving Mother, a Loving Father, but a Brother Who Hates Me

Jun, who was placed on the leather seat, sulked a bit. Although he didn't mind being carried, the bodyguard insisted on carrying him around everywhere, and honestly, it was annoying. Jun rolled in the leather seat a bit, rolling back and forth until he felt bored.

Other than the bodyguard, brother Long, there were no other people. The place he's in seemed to be a private lounge. When he asked Long, the man didn't reply at all, what a robotic guy.

'God, what is my name?' Jun asked the God who never said his name. To him, the God was even more abnormal. Who didn't tell one's name when one met someone new? How ridiculous! Jun rolled around as the God watched him.

[Your name is Jun.]

Jun stared blankly at nothing, as the God didn't have a physical form as of now, 'I know my name's Jun, but what is my family name? I mean, the bodyguard something Long called me Young Master Jun.'

[...uh...your name is Hong Jun...]

Jun felt his whole body freeze when the God told him his surname. Hong...it seemed familiar. That surname wasn't normal at all, so he remembered it. But, who had the surname Hong? He didn't think he had met someone with the surname Hong in his entire past life.

In the end, he just shook his head, a bit confused but still sober, 'then...how old am I?'

[You're turning 7 tomorrow. Hm...they are probably planning a birthday party for you right now...]

Birthday parties were not normal... Jun didn't bother with them. A small celebration was normal. A small cupcake shared between the family of six. Father, mother, eldest sister, younger brother, and Dogo... Jun missed his dog. Usually, his dog would always accompany him whenever he felt bored.

Ah~ Feeling bored...not normal at all, not normal at all~

Roll, roll, roll.

It felt really good, rolling on leather with a pudgy body. Jun had never thought of doing this in his last life. He was too skinny when he was Mie Jun, but this Hong Jun was definitely pampered. In the end, Long stopped Jun from rolling as he was afraid that Jun might fall down. If he did fall down, Long wouldn't know what he should do facing the mistress' wrath.

'Poor young master, the mistress cares about him, but she places more importance on Young Master Wei,' Long thought, sitting beside Jun. When Long thought about it, Jun was actually really cute. Though, Long had been trained to keep a poker face at all times, so his eyes (which were covered with sunglasses), were twinkling instead.

Jun had asked him to sit together, otherwise he would continue rolling. Long had to comply no matter what. But Long felt like he had struck the jackpot while Jun's heart was beating very fast, as if he knew something bad was about to happen.

'God, do I have a loving family in this life?' Jun asked. If the God dared to say no, he would go to wherever that alternate universe was and kill the God. The God was powerful, but even tis powerful God couldn't bypass the universe protector, much less him.

[You have a loving mother and a loving father, but I can't say the same as your brother...]

'I have a brother?' Jun was surprised, but happy at the same time. He didn't have to become an heir of some big company he was sure he didn't want to rule over. Things became much more normal when the God said so.

[Yes, but I suggest you wait and see who your brother is...]

'I am ready to meet the brother,' Jun thought, but grabbed Long's hand. Long, who didn't know anything about the conversation Jun and the God had, was a little confused. Though he didn't quesiton Jun and just sat quietly as his hand was used as a portable stress ball by Jun (he wouldn't admit he quite liked it when Jun squeezed his hand so tightly. The charm of a little kid...).

"Is there something wrong Young Master Jun?" Long could sense something off from Jun. He didn't whine like usual, nor did he throw a tantrum when his questions were left hanging. Jun...had to have some sort of enlightenment!

'Yes! Young Master Jun is maturing!' Long thought as he took out a phone and sent the information to Mrs. Hong. His heart swelled, although his face didn't show it. As he was the one watching Jun at this time, he would surely get a bonus.

"I-I'm nervous...meeting brother," Jun didn't say any complicated sentences, but still showed the eloquence of a si-no make that seven years old.


As soon as Jun said that, the door creaked open and a big figure walked in. His face was familiar, and his body was also packed with muscles, although not visible. His face was dark and his body emmited a scary aura.

"What did I just hear you say~ Little brother~?" the figure picked him up by his scruff and brought him closer to their face, "You are scared to meet this big brother of yours?"


'This bug is my older brother!?!'