The God Was Banned from Saying His Name

Wei didn't know what happened to his younger brother all of a sudden, but his heart felt rather warm. All the grudges he held for his younger brother disappeared at once.

"But, big brother have to take care of the company first, before I take over! I'll take over as soon as I finished school," Jun said, dragging Wei, who had been in the ninth heavens, back into the thirteen layers of hell. Wei had black clouds all over his head as Jun just smiled awkwardly. He didn't want to do this, but he had to.

"Son, can't you just take over immediately?" Yi asked, her face ashen. She never wanted Wei to take over the Hong Company. Jun just sighed and shook his head over and over again. Yi felt herself stiffen as her husband consoled her. Though, his cute appearance lighten up the mood.

"Mother, I'm merely seven right now, and the age difference between me and big brother is a lot, so big brother have to take care of it for me until I come back!" Jun stated, "don't worry, I'll do my best to skip a few years."

Jun was sure that he could ace the studies easily, as he had the memories of a 25 years old man. Although he was sure he had no problems in the mathematics or other counting departments, he wasn't so sure when it reached memorizing subjects like history and biology. He hoped that it wasn't that much different from his subjects in the past.

Well, every generation, the curriculum would be edited after all.

The conference room was silent as his parents contemplated for a bit before agreeing. Jun was sure that his parents would agree as they pamper him too much. Though he didn't know how the previous Jun died of fever. If he didn't take over the body in this life, Jun would've died...

Who would even want to kill him?

[I'm sorry Jun, but that information is not accessible. I can't look at it no matter how hard I try. Perhaps the person who did had the help of another God.]

Jun just sighed. If the matter had gotten into 'another God', there was nothing that he could do. Apparently, life was never fair. Some had bad endings, while some had good endings. He was merely a cannon fodder in his last life. Who knew that trying not to provoke trouble ended up as 'provoking trouble'? Jun felt his heart bleed at the thought.

'Perhaps sometimes having trouble is more normal...,' Jun thought, 'I shouldn't stay that passive in this life, or I'll pay the price again.'

[Good thought Jun.]

'Anyways, God, what's your name?' Jun asked. Although this seemed like it took so much time, it didn't take even a second. Talking to the God was more convenient than talking to humans. He would just directly receive the answers as part of his memories, and a single intention he had in mind would be detected by the God.

Except if it was something 'secretive', he didn't mind the God peering into his mind.

[Ahh...I have never guessed that you think of me that way~]

And this was one of the things he didn't want the God to see.

[Anyways Jun, my name is XXX.]

Jun mentally rose an eyebrow at that. Why was his name XXX? It didn't make any sense. He wasn't willing to tell his name?

'What's your name, please be serious and not just say XXX please,' Jun said, a bit irritated.

[But I didn't say XXX, my name is XXX!]

Jun was very irritated, but he didn't show it on his face. It would be weird, a cheerful boy that just accepted the company not even a second ago to have an irritated expression on his face.

'God, are you muted?' Jun asked the God who was panicking at the other side. The God was surprised when Jun brought the matter up. He immediately thought of it for a bit before realizing something.

[Ah...I think so, your world probably muted me...for now, call me Meng, because I heard some people call a beautiful cat Meng!]

When the God was busy ranting about how he decided about the name 'Meng' while Jun was laughing at the fact and lamenting at the God's poor naive self. Meng was a word people use to describe 'cuteness' ah! Although Jun had never seen the God, he was sure that the God wasn't cute.

'Alright...Meng,' Jun said, stiffling his internal laughter.

At the end, they found out that the world muted some other things, like when the God tried to describe his appearance in detail, or when the God tried to say something about his realm, he was also muted. The existence of the world was more powerful than the God, and the existence of the God's world was even more powerful than his world.

So...there had to be something that they could do so Meng could communicate freely with him. It was not fair if his secrets could be seen and heard by Meng, but Meng's secrets were not available for him.

But to Meng, it was nothing. In fact, he was glad that his secrets were safe.