
Jun walked down the hallway. Today was his birthday. Jun had never celebrated such a grand birthday before. Grand birthdays were not normal! Jun and his countryside family only celebrated with a home-made muffin and a bowl of noodles for each person.

However, that was already satisfying.

Right now, all thanks to Meng, he occupied the body of a seven years old Hong Company's young master. Yes, although Wei was called 'First Young Master', he was called 'Young Master', solidifying his status in the family. He would be the one inheriting the company in the future.

Honestly, all Jun wanted to do during his birthday was eat a muffin and a bowl of noodles. If he's lucky, he would be given rice wine by the neighbors! Ahh! Being a young master is hard!

Meng looked at Jun, who didn't seem too elated during his birthday. According to his knowledge, children should be happy at this time of their lives. He understood that Jun's soul was that of a 30 years old, but it was funny that Jun didn't want to cerish this second childhood.

To be honest, Jun wasn't the first human he had used. He wanted someone to help spread faith for him, but all of them failed. This was the first time he met such a weird human. The other humans would be overcome by greed after Meng allocated them into influential houses, influential people's bodies, and such. In the end, Meng's existence was almost wiped out numerous times.

According to the world, he was disturbing their 'peace'.

A world, was like a story, written by its protector. The influential people were people noticed by the world's protector, and the poor people were people unnoticed by him. A person would be considered lucky if he or she gained the interest of the world's protector and kept on being 'interesting'.

Yes, they were simply actors.

This human...didn't seem to take the world's interest, liking everything normal around him, and disliking being too bad or too good. He was well balanced. If he was in a novel, he was fit to become a mob character.

However, he was someone with a wonderful personality. As a person who liked to be normal, he would never attract the protector's attention. Who would pay attention to those people who looked like NPCs, saying hello or opening shops for the main players? No one!

If he chose Wei instead, it would be troublesome. That man's fate was filled with troubles, and troubles might attract the protector. If that happened, forget living, even existing...would be impossible.

All those other humans didn't do anything overboard, but because of their deeds, the heavens killed them. Meng was almost killed each time, as his conscience was linked to the humans' soul. Thankfully, each strike severed his connection to the human soul and he managed to retain his life. Meng didn't know why this world's protector was so good to him.

Perhaps because he was an XXX God! That was also cencored...

The party was boring. Jun was brought around the hall, he had to plaster a smile on his face, and worse of all, he had to shake hands with...these old men who probably had their fair shares of pretty boys. Jun shuddered. This was definitely not the ending he wanted. He would become the greatest young master of all times!

How did those young masters in novels act? Aloof? Arrogant? Jun wondered as he tried to find the best 'young master' character to settle with. In the end, he chose C*el Ph*ntomh*ve. Basically the number one British young master in the heart of rotten women. But his attitude was certainly good.

Jun was usually very silent during parties, but now, when the other family members and business partners saw his aloof and grand aura, they were speechless. They had never known Jun. The rumours said that Jun was a shy and dependent boy, especially to Wei.

Who spread those rumours ah? It was not true! Not true at all!

Jun was still seven years old, so in his hands was a wine cup filled with grape juice. Although it was grape juice, none of the staff told the guests so they thought that he was drinking grape wine. In their hearts, they felt fear.

'The young master has already drunk wine!'

'The young master is still seven, but with a glass of wine in hand!'

'He's nine! He's supposed to drink milk!'

Meanwhile, said male was lamenting to Meng.

'I was twenty five in my last life, now I have to wait years before I can drink wine again? Ah...,' Jun sighed. He wasn't a big fan of wine, but he liked to appreciate the taste occasionally. Although it was only occasionally, he couldn't bear not tasting wine for another...eleven years.

[Cheer up, wine is bad for your body.]

Wei stood beside his younger brother, slightly surprised at the boy's aura. Although Wei was an athlete, his aura resembled a cat. Easily irritated, but was very cute...Jun thought that Wei's denial was rather cute, and the way he got angry for no reason was also rather cute...

Right now, he wasn't Mie Jun anymore, he could shed off a few 'normal' layers. It was his first time having a big brother without younger siblings. In his last life, he was the middle child, and his older sibling had to study while he took care of the younger siblings. Right now, he wanted to experience the pampering of an older brother.

But it was still impossible...

Not right now, not yet.