They've Made a Mistake!

***Warning: Proceed with caution. The MC is about to reveal his true self.***

I wake up in a very bright room. Very bright, very cheerful bedroom. Not mine, of course. I live in an appropriately gloomy studio apartment for shut-ins, not this sweet little room for normal people.

Glancing around to take in the small bedroom, I see beige walls, proper furniture, lacy white curtains and a tidy bookshelf full of books and knick knacks. There are even an artist's easel and chair in the corner. The canvas on it features some dark red flowers. Whoa. Nice painting. But isn't this bedroom a bit too girly? Why am I lying down in a girly room?

"What...?!" This has never happened before. Unnerved, I quickly sit up on the bed. That's when I notice my voice being so different from usual. This voice sounds too high-pitched!

"What...?!" Again! It sounds like I swallowed a gallon of vinegar. What happens to my deep and manly voice? Before I can say anything else, the sight of my body caught my eyes.

"What...?!" I just have to repeat the same word. But then there is no way I can hold back as I notice the body I am occupying now. Long slim torso, long slim legs, long slim arms, long slim fingers. The fingernails are painted metallic pink. The toenails too. This is so unreal.

"What...?" I touched my face and neck. No stubbles or flabby fat. Only soft, smooth skin.

Oh, my Kami-Sama. I am in a starved girl's body.

How do I know it is a girl's body? Well, that's because I am wearing a high school girl's uniform. It is the summer uniform too, so the short-sleeved shirt is of thin cotton and the skirt is thick cotton. And, uh, the skirt is scrunched up high, showing soft white thighs straight up to the V junction. Wow, the skirt covers just the right place.

I bend forward to spy at her panty.

It's pink with white lace trimming. Awesome. Nice panty shot too.

"Eh... WAIT!?" The high pitch of my voice made even me cringe. But! But...! My little brother! My proud little brother! Impatiently I pull the skirt up, only to confirm my worst fear: I have no little brother anymore.

"AAAAAHHHHHH...!!!" I scream as loud as can as I fall back on the bed. Meanwhile, my thoughts run in endless loops like a crazy runaway roller-coaster. This... I can't even make sense of it. I... This... What... Kami-Sama... Why...?

My hands move down and grope around the suspected area. Nope. It's not there.

"Noooo... !!!" I wailed weakly. Oh, Kami-Sama. Why? WHY?!

How could this happen...? I need my little brother. It's the best thing a man's body could offer. Although every girl I'd offered it to had refused without wanting to look, it's not just about that. This is a matter of a man's pride. How can I hold up my head high when I have no little brother between my legs?!

And my little brother was especially bigger and longer than average too, with thick black hair. I was so proud of it that I took good care of it. Always grooming and petting it. I also took a lot of close-up pictures when the mood struck. Some of these pictures ended up in some pretty women's email, but I never heard back from them. I am pretty sure they keep my pictures in their secret stash. Ah, the glory days of my little brother.

But now...


I am a eunuch. This thought suddenly pops into my brain and freezes me in place. Flashes of some Chinese classic movies I have watched that features men being forcefully turned into eunuch enters my mind. The scene of a man tied up and not given any painkiller is especially vivid. How he screamed when...

And then I have to cover my mouth tightly as I try to prevent myself from throwing up. My eyes water from the exertion. No, no, no, I am not crying. I. Am. Not. Crying. This is just a reflex, I swear. Why the heck would I have to remember that sickening movie now?!

I stay flat on my back on the bed for a while as I wiped off my eyes. My nose is wet too but I could care less about it as I try to make sense of what I am going through.

My name is Kazuki Katsuhisha, 31 years old and a shut-in. I know this to be true and not a delusion because I remember everything about myself and what happened after I saved the little boy. I had died and refused to go to the light.

So what's with this situation now? Why am I here? Did Kami-Sama put me in this body because I asked for a reward? Kami-Sama is giving me a second chance at life, maybe? Huh? But isn't taking away my little brother more like a punishment than reward?!

Could it be... Maybe they've made a mistake? Yeah, that could be it!!!

My heart jumped to life at the idea that Kami-Sama has mistaken my soul for someone else's. I shouldn't be here. This body's new soul must still be waiting to take over this body. Kami-Sama is going to correct this mistake at any moment now.

Maybe the next time I wake up I'll be in another person's body. A guy's body, of course. Some guy with an outstanding little brother, better than the one I had before. Now that's a good idea for a reward! Please, please... Kami-Sama! Listen to my idea! Also, make the new me a handsome guy with a fit body... and a beautiful waifu who looks like Haruhi Suzumiya. Onegai, Kami-Sama!

I prayed and prayed as I willed myself to sleep as fast as possible.

Then I remembered that since this will be the only moments in my life I am living as a girl, I should make the most of it. My hands move up and down 'my body'. Huh, this girl really is very thin. I could feel her bones protruding everywhere.

Her breasts feel pretty good though. Soft and squishy, but also firm. She must be a B cup, which is a little bigger than A cup. That's good. But maybe I should take a look to make sure? No, no, no... Kami-Sama would be angry. I don't want to make Kami-Sama angry.

And so I fell asleep with my hands clutching 2 sweet and squishy little melons. Alright, little oranges. But this is the first time in my life I get to do this, so some oranges are better than no oranges.