The Director is a Kid?

The staff escorted them to the lounge where a lone figure sat.

In one hand, he had a coffee he would elegantly sip from time to time, and in his other, there was a phone he seemed to be scrolling through.

The man had slightly long black hair that had been styled gracefully yet gave off a sunny feeling.

Moreover, he had a fair but devilish complexion with looks that could turn anyone crazy. Even Anderson paled in comparison to him in fact; they were not even in the same league.

If he were a gem Anderson would be a pebble there was just no comparison. Every part of him seemed to draw you in, tempting to drown you in their abyss, especially that soul stealing pair of eyes.

They were an icy black; calm, cool, and devastatingly beautiful. Yet as they watched him they didn't feel any coldness radiating from him but rather a warmth that drew you in but kept you away at the same time.

You could only behold the beauty that seemed detached from everything else; An untouchable beauty.

As they approached the figure, he seemed to have noticed their presence as he slightly lifted his head. Up close he was even more breath-taking in fact, it should be illegal to be that dazzling.

When they arrived before him, the female staff blushed as she softly called out, "Director, I brought them."

The man gazed at the staff and replied with a warm smile, "Thank you for the trouble."

The staff blushed even more furiously after being smiled at like that, "No- not at all director, it- it was my pleasure!" She stammered out before scampering off.

After the staff left, he turned his gaze back to them.

When Nicole saw his face up close, she was surprised not just because of his dashing appearance but because she realized he looked young, extremely young!

From his features, she estimated he was around sixteen or seventeen.

The director who was so elusive, the talent who was taking the entertainment industry by storm, the future top director..., was a kid?

Okay, considering her age it was unfair to call him a kid but honestly, she was expecting someone at least in their 20's!

Not that she was saying that someone that age couldn't reach where he had reached, but the thing is, this director had been on the scene for three years already!

He had made a name for himself three years ago!

That meant that he was shelling out blockbusters when he was around thirteen or fourteen!

Even talent had its limits, didn't it?

Well, apparently that didn't apply to mister handsome over here.

Nicole thought as she continued to observe him

While Nicole and the others were observing him, he was doing the same to them or more specifically, Nicole. As he looked at her, his eyes couldn't help but narrow and his mouth tilted into a smirk.

However, he didn't realize how enticing his actions were just then, while the other's faces only merely showed a little surprise, Veronica's, on the other hand, had a small blush creeping on it.

Veronica looked down shyly in an attempt to hide her expression when she saw his observing gaze, but she didn't realize the man in question was not even look at her. His attention was solely focused on Nicole

'He was right; it really would have been a waste for me not to meet her in person. I would definitely regret not taking this advantage that fell at my doorstep.'

With that thought he got up and greeted them with a polite nod, "Hello everybody, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Likewise," Ms. Sofia replied snapping the girls out of their thoughts as they returned the greeting.

"Please have a seat," he extended his arm politely towards the couch opposite the one he was sitting on, and when they had all sat down, he smiled and retook his seat.