High Expectations

"I expect you were quite surprised by my sudden invitation," a smile grazed his lips as he spoke.

The girls nodded in response while Ms. Sofia replied, "It truly came as a shock as from what we've gathered, you do not seem to show yourself in public much, director-"

"Oh where are my manners, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Raymond. You can call me Director Ray," he interrupted with a warm smile.

"Director Ray, like I was saying, is there any particular reason for which you decided to grace us with your presence?" Nicole was amused by Ms. Sofia's slightly sarcastic tone. It seemed she was very fond of being interrupted.

Raymond could probably sense this too, so he directed an apologetic smile at her before continuing, "Actually, its nothing really, I just wanted to meet you all. You see, it's not every day a director meets a source of inspiration."

Director Ray smiled at Nicole. Nicole was also pleasantly surprised by this turn of events, who knew she would be able to impress a big name like him.

Thus seeing him smile at her she returned a smile just as dazzling.

To be able to get this Directors recognition, Nicole's path was looking even smoother than before.

But not everyone would be happy to see someone else succeed, so while this was happening, though Veronica had a smile on the whole time, below the table, her hands were clenched so tightly they were beginning to turning white.


It happened again!

Nicole! It's always Nicole!

I need to put an end to this!' She thought as she clenched her hands tighter.

After seeing that the director really had no other intentions, the hostility in Ms. Sofia's voice dropped down by a lot, "I see, so you just wanted to get to know Nicole, is that it?"


"Mostly is it, I assume that the rest of the reason has to do with us."

"Yes, it does. I thought it would be an excellent chance to introduce you to the script; the essence of what I'm looking for.

Don't be deceived into thinking this is a third tier production. Though Galaxy studios itself is a third tier company, Swan Lake is not.

Though it just recently became a second tier brand it isn't weaker than any of the other second-tier brands. In fact it is at the upper middle level as it has a more high tier client base. Since this is their first commercial since becoming a second-tier brand, it is incredibly crucial that it succeeds.

Whether the brand will make it to the top or will be pushed down to bottom will depend on this commercial. The new jewelry they produced this time is genuinely exceptional. This is why I decided to take up this commercial.

I intend to make this brand rise to the top with this commercial, so I have high expectations, and I hope you can live up to them." Director Ray said with all seriousness before return to his warm smiling self.

Ms. Sofia raised an eyebrow when she saw how quickly the director's face shifted, but she didn't say anything and just looked towards the two girls. Seeing them nod she turned back to the director, "They won't disappoint you."

Hearing this, the director smiled again before turning to Amber who had been quiet this whole time.

Seeing his gaze on her Amber was a little startled but soon replied, "I'll do my best."

"This is great. Since we're all on board lets, discuss the script."