Farm Vs. Sewers


When we arrived, the battle had already started. This was supposed to be the last stop for us to rest, but apparently, we will not have the chance for that.

The scene was terrifying, on one side was what seemed to be dozens of thousands of rats that were charging towards the east… In front of them, thousands of farm animal did the same…

My sight didn't focus on the battle yet… My eyes were glued to the cow, it was mostly brown, but it had some white spots, on the head and belly. Seeing it like this, it looked like an average cow… Of course, to think like that, you would have to ignore the fact, that the thing is as big as a four-story building…

This was by far the biggest beast that I have seen so far.

I couldn't help but have a little flashback… The memories of Rose telling me her fear of me being eaten by a giant cow… At the time I laughed at it, but now I'm wondering if it was just a random thing or she somehow actually knew about the existence of this beast at the time…

The cow wasn't moving… I didn't notice it at first, but at the cow's side, a sheep about half the cow's size was standing without moving either, it was black and had the eyes closed as if sleeping. I focused my gaze on the Alpha and the sheep before using my Aura view…

The Sheep's aura was grey, it spread threads in a similar way to Dante, but except for one, it looks like most of those threads are thinner. I have no idea if it is important or not, but in general, I got the feeling that this sheep is not as strong as Dante.

Still, this sheep is most likely the reason why the cow can control them and know what is happening with such precision. The only thread that was different ended on the Alpha Cow's head… This thread was thicker than the others, so it should mean something.

The Alpha's aura was different from most of the auras that I have seen so far, so identifying the power wasn't something I could do… More than an aura, it looked as it distorted the space around it, colors changed, and the things that should be behind the cow looked as if they have been deformed.

I had seen a similar effect before, not in an aura, but when someone uses his powers… When a jumper uses their ability to teleport something similar happens, so I think that the cow has some kind of space-based ability... If it can jump, it would explain how it keeps moving to and from the city without anyone noticing it… Just the idea of a giant cow teleporting and falling on top of me gave me shivers.

As I analyzed our main objectives, both sides clashed under the surprised gaze of the people from Green Shelter, the sheer number of rats was overwhelming when compared to the farm beasts, but their strength was nothing to joke about either. In one clash one bull was enough to send dozens of rats flying, so in this scale it was difficult to know who really had the upper hand.

The sound made me look in a different direction, the people in my side were too shocked to react to what was happening in front of them.

A bull was slowly climbed by the rats, it started to run around and jump desperately trying to take them off, some rats fell from it and were trampled together with the ones that didn't manage to climb or get out of the way. The grey from the streets and green of the grass were dyed in red fast as more and more beast died.

But the rats weren't standing there waiting for their deaths, the ones that managed to stay on top of the bull were biting its flesh, tearing it. The bull was desperate, as some of the rats started to climb to his head, biting his eyes.

This situation repeated itself… in other places.

On some of them the bull, goat, sheep, horse managed to get away before being eaten alive, taking down a lot of rats before escaping… The others couldn't get rid of the rats in time and were swarmed before they were able to counterattack. Both were the sides of the same coin.

Besides this, from time to time you could see explosions, fire, lighting and other abilities going from one side to the other. It was so chaotic that it was difficult to know who was the one that cast them, and every time an ability appeared it damaged both sides.

The smell of the blood and burnt meat quickly arrived at our noses. It was so strong that I didn't need my enhanced senses to feel it. There were pale and terrified faces of the people that came with us all around, they were witnessing the cruelty of an all-out war for the first time…

Not even Blake was able to give the order to attack. It was too chaotic, any movement we might do was most likely going to end in friendly fire against the rats… And the reality was that most of our people were too scared of being trampled to death or eaten by the rats in the middle of the confusion.


Blake turned back to me and saw the decisiveness on my eyes… We need to start…

My voice seemed to make some of the people around react too… Confusion, fear, doubts, and all kind of feeling could be seen in their eyes…

'Should I run back? I bet that no one will notice… The beasts in the swamp are supposed to be taken care of. Maybe I can go there?'

'I have my family in Green Shelter, I can't let these beasts get to them!'

'… Blood… So much blood, haha… ahaha…*(a mix between maniacal and nervous laughter) *.'

'I don't want to die virgin!!'

I could hear all kind of reactions… Some that might need some following for being slightly disturbing… I noticed Hayley's aura changing after she listened to my voice… She was trying to calm our troops.

Her choice of power was spot on… Some people that saw her from the corner of their eyes started to calm down. For most of the people it wasn't enough, but you couldn't expect that great of an influence from an F-Rank power.

After what they just saw, the fact that no one has run away already was good enough.

In the meantime, Blake already recovered from the surprise after I called him out. He walked to the front yelling.

"Gabriel! Go to that building and stay inside the fifth floor, use the windows and shoot from there, don't even think of going to the roof! Take two extra people to protect you, just in case."

Gabriel left his trance and looked back at him processing with some delay what he just heard…

"Yes! Snipers follow me!"

Without waiting to be told, two guys ran to Gabriel, protecting the snipers was definitely safer than going to the frontlines. Hope was included in the group and entered to a building that was of the same size as the cow.

"Get into formation!!! Leon, you are in charge, I'll be in the front!"

Unlike other times when Blake stayed at the back of the fight, he walked to be in the middle of the frontline…

G grabbed his hammer and walked to his place in the left flank. After that, people were slowly following their lead and got into the formation.

I started to look around trying to find Pinky, but ended asking one of the rats about him…

'Great Hero, the Farmlands Lord also had his ways and was in the forest getting ready for this fight!'

"Don't worry, Lord Pinky. Fighting here is better than in their home. In here we at least know that they are not going to attack from behind. And even if they do it wouldn't be as bad as if we do it in an open space. Do you think you can make some space for us in your formation? Some powers had an area of effect, and we don't want a friendly fire to go in either side."

'Don't worry, they will try to avoid you during the fight.'


I informed Blake about the situation. With Pinky's confirmation that they will stay out of our way, we could fight without problems.

The frontlines started to move forward, the rats moved away to give them space as soon as they arrive and it didn't take that long for them to get near the beasts first line, the rear and the snipers already engaged in battle. I can see a frozen goat already, and a horse is moving slower and slower, if I'm not wrong it will be frozen soon… At the same time bullets started to rain on them…

I also did my part…

And began to whistle.