Electric Sheep

(Gerhard's POV)

I was holding my hammer over my shoulder, ready to send flying away the first beast that dares to cross my path.

A rat was in front of me, and I had to go back on my words right away…

The first ENEMY beast that dares to cross my path will be sent flying!

A two meters tall goat that reminds me of the one that Spencer blew away with grenades was in front of me… as if it was daring me to send it away. A group of rats was fighting it before, but as we got closer to it, the rats left, leaving us with the wounded goat and the other beasts near.

I got my hammer ready to send the goat flying the as far away as I could… I wonder if I can make so that the goat goes flying and hits that giant cow…

From the battle sounds that I could hear, I knew that the center of the formation already clashed with some beasts. I'm not Spencer, so don't ask me what they are fighting against and how are they doing, cause I have no idea… I must focus on the left flank.

Starting from the floor, I made an upward swing toward the goat that was charging at me. The sounds of battle became louder as the people around me also started to engage, but all was suddenly broken by a soft whistle standing out from between all the other sounds…

What should have been a massive clash between me and the goat, became completely one-sided. To be honest, I never thought that I would manage to really send the beast flying… Maybe a rat, but sending that beast away like that looked amazing.

I noticed that the moment the whistle started some beasts seemed to freeze on the spot, it was similar to the first time I heard that whistle during the battle at the east gate.

The power of the goat's charge was severely decreased because of the well-timed whistle… By the time my hammer hit the goat's body, there was almost no power behind its charge… At the same time around me, I noticed that not all the beasts were affected, some seemed to panic and tried to go back while others were apparently unaffected. We needed to take this chance.

"Focus on the scared ones!!!"

The people around me followed my lead and started to attack the ones that were struggling to leave. Some had to handle the ones that were unaffected, while the others fought the scared ones.

We needed to use this chance to decrease their numbers as much as possible, so their main advantage against us was taken care of.

The goat that I sent flying fell on some other beasts… Since a couple of sheep were the ones that met their end, I have to say that the goat was quite lucky, it was a soft landing thanks to them and now was trying to get back on feet to escape.

The goat was too far to try to finish it, so I focused on the beasts near me. A boar met its end right away after I smashed it with the hammer. It rolled a couple meters and ended clashing against a normal looking goat.

The arm that was holding my hammer had a nice golden glow that I'm a hundred percent sure that had to look amazing. A couple of meters away from me, a middle age woman holding a lance was having troubles with another boar.

I noticed that she tried to pierce it a couple of times already, she was moving fast, but she wasn't strong enough… Or maybe the skin is too hard?

I was going to help her, so I kicked a sheep to open a path, but the moment my foot came in contact with it I felt the same as the time I tried to unplug a battery without gloves… Luckily the new security systems that batteries have now days prevented my death… A senior told me that if I made the same idiotic move a couple decades ago, I would have become a fried chicken… I never went inside that place without gloves after that.

It hurt at first, then my body went numb, and I couldn't move. A pig that was near did a cowardly move and attacked me as I was completely immobilized by the sheep's electric attack. The pig's head hit my stomach, the golden glow reacted and protected me from the attack, but instantly the hammer became harder to lift with just one hand and touched the ground as I was pushed down by the pig.

Crap, crap, crap…!

This sh*t is heavy!!!

The glow couldn't protect me from being crushed and at the same time enhance my strength… Breathing was difficult… I pushed with all my force as I dodged the pig's attempts to bite me … This f*cking pig is trying to eat me alive!!! I started to struggle more desperately, but the pig was too heavy…

What do you eat!?!?! Rocks?!?!

This isn't good. I can't move from under it… I feel cold… I'm going to die?

I noticed that the pig wasn't moving either… Was the pig always blue?!?

Thank god.

I was tempted to scream how much I love Hayley right now, but I don't want misunderstandings…

When the pig was completely frozen, I was able to finally push it to the side, in revenge I smashed the pigsicle and broke it into hundreds of shards…

I wished I could have a moment to rest, but the big goat apparently didn't like to fly away forcefully, and despite some reluctance in his eyes, it charged to my direction once again. I didn't have enough time for a full swing, so I had to lift the hammer to protect myself. One of the goat's horns broke at the impact as I was pushed back… The goat had to fight the pain and shake the head to recover… It stumbled a little too.

It was when I recalled the woman fighting the boar and turned my head… She was laying on the floor wounded, but a dozen of rats were helping her leave the battlefield as others took her place fighting against that annoying boar…

Holy sh*t these rats are amazing I definitely have to get them some cheese… it's like we aren't even needed here…

The whistle continued, but it was more paused that before, the giant cow also mooed from time to time… I wonder if she is giving orders. The whistle wasn't as effective as when it started but still made the beasts nervous, and not all of them were able to fight at their full strength.

The goat was shaking its head as if trying to get rid of the pain. I was more scared of the electric sheep, so I made it my target, this time I was going to use the hammer. The sheep ran away and paralyzed some rats as it escaped from me…

This is so annoying. The sheep was too fast for me to catch up, but at least it was far from my flank now.

As I let the sheep go, the goat came back for more… Of course this time I didn't react in time because I was busy cursing the sheep on my mind… The fact that the goat managed to land the first hit thanks to it made me even madder with the sheep.

I decided that it was time to finish the goat.

I got back on my feet and venting my frustration on a poor duck that was mercilessly kicked away I was ready to the start the… Fourth…? Round with the goat…


A huge explosion happened in the rat's side of the battle… it happens to be the same direction that I kicked the duck away. The duck didn't explode right??

WHAT THE F*CK??? Why everything I kick is absurdly op!!!

I paled as I thought that if I didn't get mad and kicked away that duck that explosion might have happened here. What if I kicked it in the other direction!!!

I looked at the goat again, but after what happened with the sheep and the duck it didn't seem to be too much…

I fought it again, and I was shocked.

First, just as I thought in this clash, I smashed his head, and it fell. A completely anticlimactic end to the goat after everything that happened…

And second… I was actually shocked… I felt the numbness once again, and I couldn't move because that f*cking sheep sneak attacked me!!!

As if this wasn't enough, I noticed a charred duck walking back here with an annoyed face…