Leo got to his dorm and entered his room. He had been training his "eyes" non-stop recently. Ever since the awakening of these eyes, he had a better perception of things. He could see mana flow, copy fight moves and so on. He told no one about the eyes he awakened.
Leo sat on his bed and was in a deep meditation. He was still going through Raduriel's memories to try to apply some of their world's knowledge to his current life. Going through the memories of Raduriel, Raduriel had an affinity to all elements. Leo could not understand the possibility of that happening. How did he get to the supreme god level if he used all elements? How could he achieve that? Leo tried assimilating all of Raduriel's memories to truly understand but at some point, he started experiencing a severe headache, like his head was about to explode. Immediately, he stopped, opened his eyes and was sweating profusely. Hmm, I guess I am not strong enough to access the other parts of his memories, Leo thought. *Sniffing himself* Urgh, is this me? Argh. Leo went for a bath. When he was done, Aaron and Vincent were already in the room.
Aaron: Oi, you are finally here.
Leo: I was taking a bath. *he put some fresh clothes on as he conversed with Aaron*
Vincent: Damn! no wonder the girls are all having fantasies. How can one man be blessed with everything?
Aaron: I understand you bro. But let's not forget, Leo isn't a human.
Vincent: Yeah. I agree.
Leo: huh,that's offensive. Not like it's my fault that I have it all. *with a smug look*
Aaron:*face palmed himself* Right, we just fed your ego.
Leo: *not listening to Aaron and Vincent anymore* I mean, look at my eyes, to my face, to my body, not to even mention my talents. Although I am just 10, how would I be when I am 15? A God's replica? This life is so unfair.
Aaron sneaked behind Leo and slammed his head hard.
Leo: Hey!! what was that for!
Vincent suddenly interrupted,
Vince: Hey Leo, how many points do you have on your point card?
Leo: About a thousand.
Aaron: so that proves you are on the 9th stage of squire realm.
Leo nodded.
Aaron: whoa!
Vincent: hey guys, about the adventure group I wanted to create. To tell you the truth, I hope to acquire enough points to buy a noble title. I want my family to live a rather comfortable life. I am 12 years old and I have two siblings behind me, a 6 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. My dad is a noble knight at the higher realm and hasn't been able to breakthrough for years because he lacked resources. He currently works as a guard. My mom works as a waitress in a restaurant. If I could get the Baron title and the deeds that follow, I hope to be able to change my family's fate. That's why (kneeling) I beg you guys, Leo, Aaron, join my group. I promise to repay the favour one day. That I swear.
Aaron, had a pitiful look on his face. Before he could respond, Leo had spoken;
"even if the requested favour is your life?" Leo asked
Yes. I swear to return the favour, no matter the consequence.
Leo: Good. Then I will use that card right now. My only demand is that you never forsake you friends, family and your loved ones. No matter the power you hold, always remain humble. Is that a deal?
Vince was surprised. Yes, i promise you Leo.
Aaron: Never forget that we are brothers for life. Nothing can change that.
Leo: Now, arise Vince, we have some adventuring to do.
Vincent stood up and smiled. The boys prepared themselves and walked out of their room.
They headed straight towards the receptionist at the entrance of their dorm.
Vincent: We would like to register as a group please.
Receptionist: Ok. Please fill out this form (handing out a form to Vincent)
Vincent: any idea on what to call our group?
Aaron: Supreme knights.
Leo: Too clichè
Vincent: hmm, I agree with Leo on this one. How about Black death?
Leo: Like hell that's gonna happen. Make it something with class, something cool. To give the impression of being nice yet a storm is underneath.
Aaron: Supreme knights is classy and cool.
Leo: Shut up! That's so damn clichè. let me think. hmm,*rubbing his chin*. ha! name our group, the "White Rose".
Aaron: The white rose? how is that even cool? or classy or ...
Vincent: *interrupting Aaron* White Rose? I like it. And that would be like our trademark and insignia. You know?
Leo: You feel me Vince!
Vincent hands the form over to the receptionist, who reads it and stamps it.
That will cost you 50 gold or 0.05 points. How are you paying? the receptionist asked.
Vincent replied, with points, as he gave his card to the receptionist.
Receptionist: Alright, here are your badges. Once you bound it to yourselves, you would be able to communicate with each other and some other miniature functions as well.
On the badges of each of them, there was the carving of a rose. The badges were black with the only exception of the rose petals which had this silver glow.
Receptionist: Also know that you are now registered adventurers of the Academy's guild, in Northstar Kingdom and on the Imperial Star Continent.
Vincen: thanks for the information. Where and when can we start taking missions?
Receptionist: Hold on kid. Each group is ranked according to the accomplishments and abilities of a group. Success rate of each mission is also considered. When you achieve a fair amount of achievement, then you can apply for rank up examinations to raise your ranks. Right now, you all are starting as a F-rank group. Available missions are updated to your badges but only the leaders can choose the mission. With that said, any other questions?
The boys shaked their heads, thanked the receptionist and left.
Vince: well, guys,(scrolling the the holographic projection from his badge) we only have F-rank, E- rank and D-rank missions for us to explore. And most of them include gathering herbs and some plants. What do you say?
Leo: I say, let's do it. Let aim to achieve a 100% success rate on all missions accepted. At the same time, we would also be learning about plants, don't you think?
Aaron: It doesn't matter. Let clear every missions that comes our way.
The boys went to their masters to explain their next plan of action. Their teachers agreed and all three of them arrived at the entrance of the academy.
Aaron: According to our teachers, the selection for Northstar's Seven will happen in three months. Are you going to partake?
Leo: No
Vincent: No
Aaron: Very well then. I bought a transportation inscription. I placed one with the Northstar guild in our school, so we don't necessarily have to carry the mission requests back. we could freely transfer it over and get credited with points and or gold once all verifications are carried out.
Vince: Wow dude. How much did that cost you?
Aaron: the inscription are of the highest quality so, 3 million gold coins.
Vince: What!!!!! Curse you nobles! he yelled.
Leo: Hey!
Vincent: speaking of which, how long is our expenditure gonna take? i was thinking 5 years.
Aaron: 5 years? * thinking for a while, he agreed*
Vincent: Alright. Let's set out.
The boys set off for a new adventure.