Two Years later

***somewhere in the Northstar Kingdom***

Inside an inn, some men were discussing and making plans on a certain "job" they had to finish. And yes, these men were bandits. Quite notorious around this side of the Kingdom. They called themselves the "CLAW" brothers and they are a know bandit group in Amberhill city. The boss of this group, Cain Woods, is a Noble Knight high realm expert. The reason why nothing has been done to him is because he is on the same rank as the mayor of Amberhill city, who is the strongest in the city. So, taking down Cain was a difficult thing for the mayor to do. If he battles Cain, he surely won't come out of the battle unscathed. And if he, the strongest in the city is weak, then the city would also be in a bad state. Although, a city, Amberhill city lacked a lot. The lands were less productive due to poor utilization and management, the people in the city lacked basic education. At best, they only knew simple calculations for monetary transactions. Leadership qualities of people kept in power was extremely poor.

Cain used to be the deputy mayor of the city but greed had corroded his mind and now, he was no more than the city's biggest problem. Since he knew the ins and outs of the city, getting a hold of Cain was next to impossible.

1st man: Boss, according to the info we got, the merchant should arrive here probably at noon.

2nd man: yes boss. this is going to be fun. I hear the merchant has a lot of female attendants.

3rd man: *licking his lips* oh man, i can already picture myself in between those sexy legs of those girls.

Boss: Hmm. gather the others. We will intercept them before they get to this city.

Yes Boss, the men chorused.

Whilst these me discuss, a man in a hooded robe stood up from a sit near them and signaled a waitress. Here is my payment for the milk drink you gave me. He handed over 1 gold coin to her.

Waitress: sir, this is too much. The drink cost 10 copper coins.

Hooded man: okay, here is 10 copper coins, but keep the gold. He walked out before she could refuse

Thank you kind sir, she yelled.

The hooded man didn't bother replying her as he left.

Young men these days, so extravagant, said one man in the inn.

He must be the son of a noble, said a lady in the inn.

He's so kind, said another lady.

The boss, Cain, who was also masked, signaled to one of his men and whispered, " trail that man. we could kidnap him and force a ransom later". The man nodded and let the inn too.

****not far from the city****

Boss, they should pass here in a few minutes. Alright boys, take your position, if we succeed, which we will, there would be a lot of goodies to go around. The group of 42 men, except for Cain, are all at the 7th to 9th stage of the squire realm, had all taken different spot, on trees, behind trees, behind rocks and so on, waiting to ambush the merchant group.

From a distance, you could see up to 11 carriages coming. The coachman on the first carriage had a hooded man sitting beside him. He spoke to the man, sir, please tell the chief Amberhill City is in view. We should arrive at noon.

The man spoke to a badge and relayed all the messages to the badge. A reply came from the badge to affirm the message was duly received and delivered.

As the carriages got closer to were the bandits were, the hooded man in front told the coachman man to stop.

Coachman: Sir White, is there a problem?

*Yup, the hooded man in front was none other than Vincent Bates. He was wearing a plain White mask*

Vincent: *with a serious look* bandits. 42 of them.

Vince called for the other hooded man whom he had spoken to earlier. This person also wore a Blue mask that covered his eyes and rested on his nose. His mouth were not covered; Blue, I think this mission just upgraded from a C-rank to a B-rank. The person he had just called Blue was none other than Aaron.

Aaron appeared beside Vincent.

Aaron: And who are these guys?

Leo appeared beside the boys. Like the others, he was wearing a Black mask that covered his mouth up to his nose. Only his eyes were visible; these are the notorious Claw brothers.

Vincent: huh? that name sounds familiar.

He took out his badge and scrolled through unfinished B-rank missions till he saw

Title: "Extermination of the Claw Brothers"

Rank: B

Reward(s): 5 million gold coins

Vincent: hmm, the reward is pretty nice. Alright, we are accepting it.

Aaron: Hopefully, these guys can entertain me.

Leonardo: Trust me, you wouldn't break a sweat.

Aaron: oh man.(with a depressed face)

Three of them walked forward then Vincent yelled; Why don't you show yourselves? It's embarrassing enough that you call this hiding. We, of the White Rose adventurous group,have come to take your lives.

Cain was extremely shocked. How did they sense them from that far? White Rose?

Leonardo: Oh and by the way, I completely cleared your hideouts of all your treasures, money and I released your prisoners too. All your other men are dead. It's offensive sending a weakling to trail me you know?

What?!! Cain was completely lost for words. From what this man had said, it means that they knew about their plans right from the start. But how?

Then it clicked, that man he had sent a member of his group to trail was the one standing before him.

Unforgivable! Cain yelled.

Boys, show these guys the wrath of the Claw brothers.


Meanwhile, back at the carriages, the chief merchant and his assistants where in a daze.

Chief merchant: isn't that the notorious Claw brothers group? we are done for.

A lady among his assistants tried easing the situation by telling them to remain calm, after all, these group of adventurers were recommended by the Northstar academy's guild. So, they will definitely have some abilities.

Chief merchant: Hopefully. I curse the jade palace for this job. I wish I had refused this promotion. This was a bloody trap. Who am I kidding? All that talk of coming here to establish a link. Lies!


Chief merchant: hey!*angry* what was that for?

That was to calm you down, you fool, replied another lady. What kind of leader behaves this way? if you are scared, how should the others react?

The chief merchant looked around and saw the scared faces of some other girls in the carriage.

Chief merchant: *he readied himself for battle* i apologize ladies. If they want to get to you, they have to go through me first. We of the jade palace house are not easy to bully.

The people in the carriage felt a little bit reassured.

They all came down the carriage and wanted to assist the adventurers in battle but were surprised at the scene before them.

**** back at the front ****

Leo: I am sitting this on out. These guys are to weak. Killing them will dull my blades.

Aaron: Hmm. Hey White, how about we fight these guys with our eyes closed?

Vincent: good idea. I finally get good practice dummies to test how far my perception has advanced.

Both of them used a piece of cloth to cover their eyes.

Now, shall we play? Vince said.

Leo appeared beside the coachman and sat near him. The chief merchant and others were also beside them.

Coachman: Sir Black, you startled me.

Leo didn't respond.

Coachman: will they be okay?

Leo: Which of them? my group or the other?

Chief merchant: your group.

Leo: *smirk* both of them there is already overkill.