A Good Job

I lifted up my sword the way Father taught me and concentrated on the meal. Because I couldn't control it, this would be a tough fight.

But I would win.

It's only a meal.

The meal also raised their blade and stared at me. Their hand was shaking and the blade was flickering about. It was afraid of me. This would make it easier.

The meal wouldn't move towards me, so I made the first move.

Dashing towards it, they stiffened. Making my move in that short stiffness, I lowered myself and swung towards its legs.

I wouldn't kill the meal; I had to keep it fresh for father. If I killed it, the blood wouldn't taste as good, or something could happen. So I decided I would just disable the meal before bringing it to him. As my blade closed in on their leg, they reacted and moved their blade to stop me.

My speed was faster though and I drew blood. My blade cut into the meals leg and blood started to flow out. The meal frowned and cried out in pain, backing away from me as fast as it could. I frowned as I looked at the spilt blood, I couldn't waste this blood.


It just made me angrier as I dash towards it again. I went for the other leg this time.

The meal reacted the same way as before and tried to stop my attack, but this time the meal also moved back, to try and dodge at the same time.

Because I was in a rush, I was careless and as my blade closed in on the leg, I realized that the Meals blade wasn't trying to stop me.

It was aiming towards my own arm!


I quickly tried to pull back my arm and avoid the blade, but I wasn't fast enough. The blade came down and cut a deep gash down my arm. I fell back and stared down at my blood flowing out, I was in a daze.

I was injured?

I could feel pain coming from my arm!

This thing dared to actually harm me!!

In my daze that thing had gained some confidence and was closing in to hurt me again. My anger was reaching its peek and my cold head made the pain I felt, even more intense. My eyes squinted as the thing moved closer.

It was a lot slower than me, if it wasn't because I was trying to save it for father, would it ever had had a chance to hurt me!!!

I'll destroy this meal!

Kill it!

Destroy it!!

Make it Hurt!!

Even though I was trying to control myself, this insult couldn't stand; I didn't act rashly in what I did next.

Because of my faster speed, I moved out of the way of the incoming attack and stepped to their left. Raising my sword I chopped down towards their outstretch hand.

They hurt my arm; I will make you regret it!

My sword fell and cut right through the arm, father's sharp sword was good. As the hand fell along with the sword, the meal screamed out in pain.

I smiled at the sight of it falling to the ground and screaming.

The noise it made was invigorating. The sound and sight made me soooo happy.

I stared down at its form as it continued to wail, I pointed my sword and jabbed it into the meal. Another scream came out and my smile grew larger. Serves it right.

"Realize your worth."

I couldn't help but to speak as I put my sword away and moved closer. Getting close I raised my hand and punch into their gut. The noise was abruptly cut and they withered making a groaning sound. I couldn't contain my grin, as I did it a few more times to see how it would react.

When it started to whimper and was having trouble moving I stopped.

Yes, it was better to discipline meals. It made them a whole lot more obedient. Finishing up, I stared down at the spilled blood and realized I wouldn't have much time to get this to father. I needed to move quickly to get it to him fresh.

Grabbing the meal by its cut arm, I started to slowly absorb the leaking blood.

No use wasting the blood, but I wouldn't suck it all out, had to give it all to father. I dragged the meal along the ground and headed back towards the stairs.

The meal started screaming again as I dragged it along.

It's so annoying!

I stopped for a second and turned around, kicking it in the gut area, it finally shut up so I continued up the stairs. It was very annoying with all the bumps in the stairs. I heard it moan a few times, but at least it wasn't screaming.

It learnt its lesson.

Getting back to the top floor I hurried towards home. Dropping the meal for a second, I removed all the obstacles in the way and opened the door. Getting that done I dragged it in, dragging it over to father I dropped it to the side of the bed and looked over father.

He was still asleep and looking better than before, but was still pale. If he can eat something now, I'm sure he'll wake up soon.

"I've brought your meal Father"

And as I said this, his mouth twitched and a small smile came to his lips.


I jumped around with my hands raised, I was so happy.

I knew he would like to eat, even when sleeping he could hear me!

"Yes father give me a minute, you'll be filled soon!"

Calming down I turned towards the meal that was looking at me with dread filled eyes. The horrified eyes of theirs had tears running down them, as they were alternating between me and father.

I picked the meal up and moved it over towards father; I would have to be careful here. I didn't want to spill any blood.

The meal looked harder at father and the shock in their eyes increased.

"But.. But he's human!"

The meal shouted out as it stared down. I frowned, the meal was being loud. But it was wrong with what it said.

"Father is Father!"

I had to correct its mistake; father is father, not human.

"No no, his human like me! What is going on?"

The meal continued to talk frantically and couldn't tear their eyes off father. I frowned at their remark and had to snap back.

"He isn't like you! You damn meal!"

"Your only reason to live is to be our meal!"

"To say that he is like you is insulting!! If father didn't need to eat urgently, I wouldn't let you have the honor of being his meal!!!"

To think this lowly meal would think that they are the same as father, even the thought disgusted me.

"No, what's going on!"

"What is this nightmare!?"

"Someone help!!"


The meal was getting noisy, so I punch its throat. The noise finally stopped and blood gurgled around its mouth. Oh, this is good.

The blood boiled up quickly, so I opened father's mouth and positioned it accordingly. Tilting the meals throat forwards the blood started to flow out and drop into fathers' mouth. I had to make sure it was slow enough that he didn't choke on it.

By going slow enough, father started to swallow the blood as if it was water, all going to plan.

Mmmm, but this would take too long. I looked down at the meal whose head I was grabbing. They were struggling to breathe through their mouth, so saliva and spittle was getting mixed in with the blood.

This was too dirty!

I pulled the head back and instead brought over the arm, the one that wasn't cut. Rousing that strange feeling I was able to see the blood running through the meals body and located the part on the arm.

Baring my teeth I sunk them into the arm until I tasted the sweet blood. Gulping some down, to check that it was good I pulled the arm over to father.

The meal had struggled at the start before I punch its throat and a bit after. But now it was showing a lot less resistance. I had better do this fast, I could tell the meal was dying, and once it died the blood wouldn't be fresh anymore.

But while it was dying, the amount of blood being pumped out would be good!

I positioned the arm and put it right to fathers' mouth, releasing the pressure on the arm, the blood started to flow in. After a few minutes of the blood flowing, father was looking a lot better. The nourishment must be working. He was still asleep but I wasn't worried anymore. He'll wake up with a full stomach.

Looking back at the meal, after losing so much blood it was looking weak. The heart was beating slowly and its eyes were glazed over as they stared towards me. I finally smiled at it. It had done a good job; I didn't have to worry about father.

As it gasped for air through its crushed air ways, I spoke to it.

"You have done well."

I moved my hand and brushed my hand through its hair. I remember my father did this once, by moving his hand through my hair and rubbing my head I felt a lot better. The meal will be so happy that I would grace it with this action.

"Thank you meal you have helped father, I shall give you a great honor for helping me."

My smile grew wider as I stared down at the meal. It was so obedient now. It seemed to use the last of its energy to shudder in pleasure. It knew it had been blessed.

I moved towards its body and opened my mouth. Moving closer I took a bite out of its shoulder. It actually was a good meal. The taste was amazing.

I had forgiven it for its past transgressions now I would fulfill its purpose for living.

Swallowing the chunk in my mouth I savored it as the meal tried to make noise, it was too weak. I moved closer to hear its last wish. It tried to speak, but couldn't make out words.

Looking at its glazed eyes, I smiled gently with its blood dripping down my lips. I knew what it was trying to say.

"Don't worry, I will savor you"

A tear of happiness fell down its cheek and I continued my meal.

It was the best meal I ever had, well except for the 2 times I had tasted father. He tasted the best.

Holding true to my word, I ate the meals body and savored every last bit. Even the bones were good. Finishing the body I absorbed what little blood was left and moved the glowing orb that dropped to the side. Having done that I fixed the door up and moved back to father.

Climbing into the bed, I felt so tried. My belly was full and I was soooo content, hugging on to him I fell asleep fast, a smile hanging on my lips.

When I wake up, father will be up and smiling at me!

I've done a good job today.