Too Late

A group of horse rushed through the crowded streets. 5 people sat atop war horses as they rushed, any car or obstacle in their path was destroyed. Jonathan who was leading at the front had a pensive face as he looked down at his EPC.

Thanks to one of the functions he had, he could see the location of Nadia's EPC, and they were using this to rush to her location. They had stormed past the weak immortals that were outside the town stupefying them, not even sparing them a glance as they knew what was at stake.

Jonathan was no fool though he had let their 7th and final member behind to report on what had transpired. Their EPC's were out of range of the empire and they had no way of getting news back. They had to rely on him to report if they couldn't make it.

Jonathan grit his teeth as he slammed another car to the side, they were only a block away now. Everyone prepared their weapons for a fight; if they were quick enough they would instantly destroy the demon.

But alas when they turned the corner and saw the scene in front of them they slowed down and lowered their weapons. There was no noise of weapons clashing or shouts from people fighting; there was just a dead silence in the street. They still kept some vigilance but a sad atmosphere drifted from them.

The ground was cracked and deformed over the battle sight, the fight hadn't destroyed much showing that it hadn't taken long or was hard fought, it wasn't a good sign.

Jonathan sucked in a deep breath as he made his way closer, his emotions were going all over the place. As they finally reached 5 meters from where the body lay, he slowly dismounted from his horse and walked closer.

Some tears streaked down his face as he looked at the woman he was pursuing and loved, and the comrade he had spent years with. Behind him the other 5 also dismounted and made their way over. They looked down at the body that was but a shell of what it used to be.

She was unrecognizable from her usual vibrant self. Her skin was dried and cracked, no life shown. The shrivelled mummy that was before them was almost a slap to their faces.

Jonathan felt his legs grow a bit weak and fought to keep himself standing. He took a while to reign in the anger that was building.

'They didn't even leave her armour, or any dignity for her'

His thoughts were all over the place as a small aura came out from his body. His eyes turned cold after a while as he motioned towards one of his companions.

"Delvina, assessment."

A woman covered in mage robes went closer to the body, the only mage of the group, she was adept in many mana and spirit energies.

A glow flashed through her eyes for a few seconds and a light appeared on her hand. She moved it over the corpse 2 times before finally pulling back. She was fatigued after using her skill but the determination in her eyes was scary.

Nadia was a good friend of hers and everyone else in the group, they all wanted to kill this demon. Her voice was cold as she turned back to report.

"I couldn't discover much. Her fatal injury was caused by some type of fire energy, but I also detected a bit of Ice energy. What turned her into...into..."

It took her a few seconds to get the words out as she looked at her once living friend.

"....What made her like this is a skill I have never seen before. It is some type of energy draining skill, but the energy was ripped out of her body. If she was alive at the time... I couldn't imagine what pain she might have gone through."

As she finished her words her eyes turned red and so did those of the group. More auras of power manifested thanks to their strong emotions that would scare off any person walking by. They were out for blood now.

Her assessment wasn't over though, after being silent for a while Delvina continued.

"From what I can feel from the left over energy signatures the demon might be knight class, possible guard class, or in the worst case king or queen class. They are around our level, nothing below 33."

Jonathan gritted his teeth as he heard her words. There was no way Nadia could have survived against a demon at her level, not to mention one that might be a Queen or King class. He had sent her to die when he asked her to stall the being.

Nodding his head once he motioned once again for a man that was off to the sides. He was wearing heavier armour from the glints of light that bounced off him and huge shoulder pauldrons, what was weird about him was the cloak that he wore. It covered his whole body and stopped anyone from making out his outwards appearance.

The only part that could be seen was his face, and it was only a tiny amount. But even with that tiny amount a person could make out that it looked slight deformed, with his nose being bigger than the rest of his face and his eyes not being the same colour.

"Darg, you've got the best nose here, can you track them?"

Darg moved closer and sniffed the air, his deformed nose twitched. He moved around the area sniffing every few seconds. After a good minute or 2 he finally straightened back up and nodded his head, he had found something.

The rest of the group nodded to each other their faces determined, they were going to avenge Nadia and rid the world of this demon.

They all moved back to their horse and mounted up. Darg moved to the front and sniffed the air once before moving in a certain direction.

"For the Empire!"

Jonathan screamed out as they made their way forwards.

""""For the Empire""""

And as they continued forwards, Jonathan gripped his reigns harder and said under his breath.

"For Nadia."