
The classic bandit attack.

The damsel in destress trope.

Well I didn't see a damsel, but what they hell was this situation? This type of shit only happened in novels, even with all the shit that was happening around me and the fact that medieval weapons and magic are now real, I honestly didn't think I would run into this.

I contemplated quietly as I watched the merchant that was being chased. The horses behind him were catching up and they would soon pass our area. We had moved off the main path to set up camp so they shouldn't bother us.

The main question in my head though was, should I help them?

I had no reason to intervene if the bandits didn't attack us, and no reason to help the merchant. Surely they would have some measures in place to protect their caravan. This wasn't some book where people would come rescue another without reason, no merchant worth their salt would go around peddling goods without assurances, such as guards, extreme speed to run, or maybe some type of magical barrier so they didn't have to worry.

So why was this situation happening before me? Did something go wrong? Was there something else going on? My thoughts were suspicious of the situation and that held me back slightly. Maybe if I hadn't spent months in this apocalypse I would try to help him, but now I had to weigh all the options.

If it was kids, sure I would help them, just because of principals. But that wasn't the case.

'Do you want to help them?'

Ella's voice came to my head and I turned to her for a seconds. I could tell by her voice she didn't care about what was happening. Neither did the other kids when I looked. They had unsympathetic eyes; this world had really messed up people.

Maybe they saw that merchant as the one that had kidnapped them in the first place. Finally turning to Rose, she was the only one that seemed ready to step in. She had a better personality than most, even after what she had been through.

After spending some time with her, I knew that she would want to help the merchant, but if something was up and this was a trap, or the person wasn't grateful for what we did, maybe even acting snobbish towards us. She would easily flip her personality and most likely be the one to torment them.

I leant towards her thoughts.

With these bandits, it was a perfect opportunity to gain some Exp. And maybe the merchant would give us something for our troubles, or maybe I would ask him.

I felt a small smile come to my lips at the sinister thought. I was changing more than I would like to admit.

Well anyways after looking at their levels I would make a decision, and if something was up, I would deal with them harshly.

The smile I just had disappeared from my face as I finally replied to Ella.

"Yes, it'll be a good meal…probably."

Ella gave me a look and then smiled, talking to the kids.

"Get ready to go, time to eat!"

She shouted that out as they got ready for a fight. When Ella mentioned 'Eating' she usually meant killing and absorbing something. Maybe it was my bad jokes that started the habit, but she had taught it to the kids and had been running with it from then on.

We gathered our stuff quickly as they were about to pass where we were. We rushed back to the main road but tried to stay out of sight. Until we were sure about their levels we wouldn't jump in.

*Shuffle* *Shuffle*

*Gallop* *Rattle*

Pushing the bushes out of the way the sound of galloping horses rang in my ears and the racketing of the cart. I looked up to assess the people about to pass. The man on the cart was whipping as fast as he could as the cart behind him swerved left and right.

It was all over the place and I complemented the person that made it. I didn't think it would hold with the amount of moving. The man looked dashing with short black hair and a little stubble. His face was sweating slightly, but otherwise he didn't look panicked that bandits were right behind him.

He wasn't smiling but I felt like he had everything under control. My wariness shot right up at the sight and I used analyze on him.

Name: Hunter

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: ??

Level: 30

Class: Rouge,???

My eyes opened wide as I looked at the status of this merchant. I couldn't tell his age, or what classes he had after rouge, meaning he was somehow hiding it. But I could see his level. 30. When I saw it I was relieved. The empire group was a lot higher level than this person, the parts I had to worry about was the '???' after his first class.

Of course I didn't rule out the fact that he might have an object that just hides the information, there could be some other reason. But his level only being 30, gave me quite a bit of confidence. After looking at him I turned to his pursuers.

The bandits.

There were 7 of them, all on horses chasing the guy. They all had armour on and where laughing loudly. Their faces were covered in thick beards and they looked unkempt. Using analyze on them I confirmed that they were all level 28.

A lot higher than what the kids could handle, but pretty easy for me, Ella and Rose to deal with. They were the highest level people we had met so far after leaving the town, but posed no real threat. Making up my mind after looking at the group I turned to the kids that were standing next to Ella getting ready to attack.

"You guys stay here, we'll deal with them."

They nodded at my words and said nothing, Spetz had a slightly pissed look at my orders, but I said nothing and gave him a look.

Even if these guys wanted to try and trick us or something similar, the situation didn't look like it, and we could deal with them no problem.

So as they passed where we were waiting, we jumped out after the cart.

Ella raised her bow and fired off two shots. One hit one of the bandits in the chest with enough force to fling him off it, while the other went into a horse that buckled and crushed the rider. The first landed with a sickening thud, I think breaking his neck in the process.

Rose pulled down her whip and cracked it in the direction of one and an Earth spike rose from the ground impaling both the horse and rider. The other bandit that was stricken by fear in front of her rushed forwards, but she deftly dodged his charge and snapped her whip again.

It coiled around his body before dragging him to the ground. With that done she used the whip to start 'Demonic Kiss' something she had just recently learned she could do, it was a gruesome experience. As the person started to screech out as his energy was ripped out of him.

One of her favorite things to do.

The last 3 were left for me. They halted in place and stared in horror as their companions were killed swiftly. I gave them a small smile waving my hand and pulling out my origin halberd. With that in hand I blasted my aura out towards one of them killing the horse in the process; it had a heart attack in seconds.

One of the others picked up his courage and charged at me. Swinging down at me in a slow manner, I took a large swing that was surprisingly fast with my increased power and met his blow. The power behind my strike threw him off the horse and using the same movement I turned my body and condensed ice at the top of my pike. On the return swing I flung the ice shard off the tip at the person still trying to stand up.

The ice hit his head and that was the end of him.

The last one shook in fear as he dropped his weapon and tears appeared on his face.

"Please spare me!"

He shouted out in desperation as the 3 of us looked at him, before I could say anything a whistling sound went past my ear and a dagger sunk into the guys' throat. Turning around I saw the merchant had turned his cart around and was smiling at us.

He had his arm outstretched. Seeing that the person was dead, I kept my eyes on him and stayed in a battle position.

My gut feeling was telling me that something was dangerous about this guy.

He kept the smile on his face as he got down from the cart and approached us. Once he was a few meters away he bowed 90 degrees and thanked us.

"Thank you!"

I turned from the bowing figure to the last guy that was still on the horse dead, before turning back to this person that was bowing.

This would be an interesting talk.