Seeing his excited expression I gave him a small nod and reached out towards the pillar. My hand touched it lightly and I wasn't expecting what I got.
(EPC Add-on)
The layout was complexly different from before. It had changed once in the past, but it wasn't this drastic. The class section was back and also the special section, but the rest was changed! What the hell was going on! Why did it keep changing?
The last time this happened I chalked it up to the growth in my levels and the shop showing what I could afford, but now? I had no clue what was going on. I stalled as I looked at the new set up, it looked easy enough to follow and there were a lot more options.
Noticing that I had stalled Hunter frowned for a second as I did nothing, and then I saw his eyes light up in realization and he face palmed.
"Of course! I'm an Idiot!"
I almost jumped back at his loud voice and questioned him.
"Of course what?"
He gave me a reassuring smile as he explained.
"I completely forgot you were under level 30 after watching you fight and realizing that you were a High Human!"
This made me confused.
"Well I noticed you were taking a second looking at my store set up."
I nodded my head slowly, feeling a little embarrassed.
"You also haven't met a merchant face to face before. I'll explain what's happening! You remember all the times you used to use the city pillar?"
He waited for me to respond.
"Well that was the most basic functions of the city pillar. When you reach higher levels and depending on how many points you have, you can get certain things. It is around level 15 that it expands and gives people more options other than gear and class selection, which I'm sure you know."
I nodded my head again, that would explain why the first time I went there I had seen so little, and it was only latter on when I got the divine serum for Ella and our EPC's that it changed.
"Well those basic functions will stay the same all the way up to level 30. Once you reach that level the city pillar won't restrict you anymore."
My eyes narrowed at the word restrict, but I let it pass.
"At level 30 the Pillar will show you basically the same set up you see right now, I get some freedom as a merchant and design it the way I want. You have 6 different sections, Skills, Gear, Class, Special, EPC Add-ons and Items."
He raised his hands and ticked off each of the sections; while he did that I pulled up the blue screen and went along with him.
"Now the class section is where you pick your class and so forth, you already know about that."
(Spatial Warper)
"The gear section branches off to the specific tiers and you go from there."
My eyes widened as I saw the different tiers of gear, I wanted to have a closer look, but he was still going on. I would look at it in a minute and question him as well.
"The Skill section branches off to the usual. Sustain, Damage, Speed, Magic and Misc. Though I don't have many skills on me, apologies."
He rubbed his hands in a nervous manner giving me a short look. Seeing that I didn't react his smile returned and he continued.
"The EPC Add-ons are the basics, I don't have many varieties of them, but I do have a lot of the popular ones. You know, party function, guild function all that type of stuff."
(EPC Add-on)
(Party function – 500 EP)
(Guild function – 100,000 EP)
(Entertainment Point collector – 1000 EP)
(Storage Space – 50,000 EP)
I rubbed my chin lightly as I saw the storage space. What was the difference between that and a space ring? Though I thought the price was a bit cheap.
"The Item section is where you get all the other items that aren't gear or weapons. This includes health potions, or mana potions. You can also buy plants, food, and water. Anything you need really. I usually stock up on these necessities as lot of people will buy them and they are cheap. My best sellers come from this section."
(Health Potion - 1500)
(Mana Potion - 1500)
(Bottle of Water - 1000)
(Energy Bar - 750)
(Food stuffs - 500)
(Bandages -100)
(Watch - 50)
This was the biggest section I had seen yet. At the top were the health potion and the mana potion. But it kept going on and on. I had a quick look down the page that seemed endless and saw many things. Why you could also get a watch was mind boggling, but it was cheaper than most. The price of water and just food was higher than I expected but they were essentials.
"And finally there is the Special Section. This is where you get the really good stuff. It is hard if nearly impossible to get stuff from the list because they are all so special and rare. Even if you go to a city Pillar, if a special items comes up in a few seconds it will disappear."
"That's one of the perks of being a merchant; the likely hood that I'll pick up a special item is increased significantly. And you're in luck, I was lucky enough to find a special system function."
He looked at me with a smug face and expectation in his eyes. I definitely think he wants to sell me this system function. I had a quick look at what it was.
(System Unlock: Pet system – 10,000,000 EP)
I had to admit a pet system, even though I didn't know the exact details of it, was very enticing, but 10 million EP!!!! What the hell!!!
I turned my head fast to look at Hunter, and him seeing my eyes could tell I didn't have enough. His smile turned to sadness but quickly disappeared.
He gave me a simple shrug as I continued to stare at him in disbelief.
"Hey I can't help how much it's worth. You know how long it takes for a natural system function like that to appear?"
I shook my head.
"It takes many years with a beast companion to get such a function. That or you go into the hunter class. But not everyone wants to do that and many big families will spend a lot of money to get their hands on such a function."
"With it they can have their children protected by a powerful beast that won't betray them and can even get stronger as they grow older. It's not something new."
Hearing his explanation I did have to agree with him on the price. 10 Mill did seem like a big number but once I thought of the fact I had easily made 100,000 while I was still around level 20 spending only a week or so, getting that much at higher levels would be the norm. Maybe there were things that went into the trillions?
I could only sigh in defeat as I looked at the pet function. I was really tempted to get it. Who didn't fantasize at one point having a beast companion, and I don't mean a dog or cat. I mean a wolf or dragon. As the thought crossed my head I gave a small look to Ella that was standing behind me.
Well maybe not a wolf.
I thought in my head for a few moments as I took all the information in. I gave a small glance to my entertainment points and realized a huge problem.
(50,000 Entertainment Points)
Compared to the 100,000 I had before; I had barely gained any recently. It wasn't that I was lacking in fights or taking people down, it was the fact I could get to the points. They were trapped in the globes I had stacked in bags and my space ring.
This was a major problem. With the increase in gear drops and globe drops, I had to keep them in globes, and I could only get the EP when I crushed them. This wasn't possible or it was, but seemed to be a big waste.
I thought to myself a bit more before turning to Hunter.
"Can I also sell my gear?"
A big smile came to his face again.
"Of Course!!!"
I pulled out an orb from my space ring and prepare to crush it, but just before I did Hunter stopped me.
"What are you doing?!"
I tilted my head in contemplation. The fact that he stopped me showed that there was a more effective way of trading between merchant and normal people. But I hadn't gotten my EP from crushing the globes so how did this work?
I asked attentively.
"I still need to get the EP in the globes."
Hunter just shook his head in mock horror and started to mess around with a blue box in front of him that I couldn't see. With the amount of questions I had been asking, it's not a surprise that he was getting a bit exasperated.
I wonder if my lie will keep up.
In another few seconds the list in front of me changed.
(Entertainment Point collector – 1000 EP)
(Storage Space – 50,000 EP)
"If you get the Entertainment Point Collector in the EPC Add-ons section, every globe that you pick up will automatically have the EP removed and given to you. The Storage space is just a suggestion as you can place items, globes and gear in their without a space ring."
"It is cheaper than a space ring, but the one listed is only a basic one, not a lot of room. Plus you only get so many slots that you can place stuff into. But saying that each slot you can store multiple objects in them, if they are of the same item. It'll cost a lot more to get the bigger one."
So the storage space was like any other games 'storage bags'. You could stack items into each slot and retrieve them when necessary. That was a major difference compared to the space ring that could store items in a space, but you couldn't stack them. But why get one over the other, nothing really stands out.
"Ohh and don't forget if the EPC is destroyed the storage space will transfer to your next EPC."
Well that would be the major difference. I'm guessing that if a storage ring is stolen or destroyed the items would be lots; having a personal storage space linked to an EPC would save people a lot of trouble. But then…
"Why do you have so many space rings on your fingers if you are a merchant?"
Hunter gave a small chuckle as he showed off the rings again.
"It's a good escape mechanic and throws people off. What do you think happens when a bandit chases me for a long time and are catching up? I throw away one or two of my rings and keep going. They'll stop to pick them up and find nothing in them!! Haha!"
He started laughing to himself and I also cracked a small smile. This guy sure was sly when needed.
I took his advice and bought the Point collector. I would need it now and in the future. But I would hold off on the storage space till I had enough EP.
After buying the function a small box appeared in front of me.
(Entertainment Point Collector purchased)
My EPC went off.
(Scanning host)
(EP found – 264,846)
(Do you wish to collect?)
I quickly hit the yes button and then pulled up my status.
(314,846 entertainment Points)
My entertainment points instantly shot up to 313,846 and a wide smile lit my lips. Before I could continue I noticed another small blue box appear.
(Set collector to automatic?)
I pressed yes of course. I wasn't sure how it would work, if it would take the EP in a globe that I picked up or something along those lines, but it would save me the trouble in the future.
Finished with that I looked up at Hunter and he pressed something in mid air.
(Would you like to trade with Merchant 'Hunter'?)
I looked from the message to the person.
"One of the perks of being a merchant."
He said smiling.
I gave him a wiry smile pressing yes.
"Sure, sure."