
Contrary to what I thought the plains that we had been riding on nonstop had turned into small hills and dugouts as we continued to get closer and closer to the mountain dungeon. We ran into quite a few beasts as we made our way here.

Hunter himself had just taken out a group as we made our way closer and closer. It was around mid day at the time and we were moving between two small hills that given their size almost seemed like mountains in my eyes.

And it was at that time my gut started to tell me something. A small twinge and my head snapped to the right, I didn't fight my body's natural reaction. I tilted it and listened, I think I could faintly hear something.

My danger perception also kicked in at this point and Ella and Rose clued in. They also stiffened slightly, looking around for something. What was coming? Another monster?

Hunter turned to us at the small commotion and gave me a look. I wanted to say after this amount of time we could communicate only through looks, which in all accounts was actually way too fast in my opinion, took me years to do the same thing with Anthony. I guess I could chalk it up to my advanced body and senses.

Ever so slightly he stated to slow down the cart as the sound coming towards us got louder and louder. It sounded like horses now that they were close. I pulled out my origin halberd and jumped down from the cart. We were about to be in for a tough fight.

"What's going on?



The voice of the kids in the back shouted out as they woke up. They had been taking a quick nap as they conserved their energy. We had been taking out monsters in set times and they had taken to keeping their energy reserves high.

"At the Ready!"

Ella shouted her words in a commanding tone and they all scrambled down and formed a mini circle with themselves. They didn't question Ella's order, they knew better than do such a thing these days.

Soon the view in front of us changed. A group of bandits were approaching, I could tell from the gear they were wearing. We had run into so many over our trip here that they were easy to identify, but the sheer amount was staggering. We had run into groups of 5, heck we had even run into a group of 10, but this was on a whole new level.

A group of 100 were rushing at us and I could hear something coming from behind as well. Taking a quick peek the same amount of people were flanking us.


I could feel how painful this was going to be now. Ella pulled her bow down and Rose cracked her whip. The group of kids shouted out at the approaching people to give themselves confidence while Hunter got down beside me.

I looked at the mountain like hills and let a little sigh of relief out. There was no one on the hills so they didn't have the high ground. But they had cut off our escape route, if we were going to use one. The hills were too steep to make a clean getaway even if we tried. If we did the kids would for sure fall behind and die, which I couldn't let happen. Plus I knew Hunter wouldn't leave his cart behind, it couldn't go up the incline.

I gripped my fists tightly as I realized they had set this up. I have no clue how they tracked us, but this was the perfect place for an ambush. I should have known something was going on when the bandits started to scout us out more and then disappeared completely. But why would I have thought about it?

I was mentally berating myself as they finally stopped 100 meters from us. They had enough room to circle us. But as they did they didn't move closer. The kids had backed up to stand closer to Ella as she gave them a sense of peace.

At this point I wasn't sure how many of us could make it out. With our bodies and abilities I was sure that Ella, Rose and me could make it out, but the kids might just die, and Hunter could stealth out maybe, I wasn't sure he could make it through a group like this.

My body tensed even more as the danger perception was blaring in my mind. I quickly strengthened the connection between us as we waited.

What were they waiting for?

We soon found out.

One of the horses moved away from the group and closer to us. The man a top held himself with a commanding aura, his armour shinning in the sun. I could make out his battle hardened aura and gripped my halberd harder.

His booming voice sounded out.

"You have interfered with our business for far too long and killed our brothers!"

The roars of the men around us almost drowned out his words and were deafening as we stood in the middle. I felt the kids' bodies trembling at the declaration and I couldn't blame them.

"Our boss has learned of your transgression and you will be judged!"


""""""""KILL THEM!!!"""""

""""""""KILL THEM!!!"""""

""""""""KILL THEM!!!"""""

""""""""KILL THEM!!!"""""

The bandit group started to chant as the man on the horse turned around and made his way back. My mind raced as I quickly used analyse on the people around us. Their average level was 26 and I had no delusion that this would be as easy as taking out those player guilds.

I had a quick mental conversation with Rose and Ella trying to come up with a plan. These guys weren't stupid, they had their entire melee forces at the front and behind them I could make out their mages and I would also guess healers.

If we didn't take them out we would be done for, and I wasn't putting my trust in their boss that was about to judge us.

After how many of them we had killed we would definitely be sentenced to death, or torture, or something worse. We had to strike them when they weren't expecting it.

The plan was devised fast. The kids while stronger than they were before were no match for this group. They had only gotten to around lev 24 after all this time, with their demonic talents they could do some damage but they didn't have enough experience in my opinion.

Ella would stick with her bow as she could do more damage with that than any melee weapon at this time. Until we got something better for her that is. Also it would be good to keep her out of a berserker rage. With all that on the table I would take one side while Rose and Ella would take the other.

Both of them were long to mid-range fighters, so the kids would form a defensive circle around them and give them protection. So that the group around us couldn't see me, I flicked a storage ring in their direction. It held a few of the large tower shields that I had come across in our time.

They could use those to stop any long range magical attack. While that was going on, I would rush out the other direction and attack them head on. Once I got close with my halberd I could start to tear them apart, and would be greatly covered from the magical attacks.

Well that was unless they started to attack their own people. I would have to take the chance they weren't completely black hearted and emotionless.

Deciding how this would go down I quietly whisper the plan to Hunter. He mulled it over for a while and I could see the cogs running inside his mind. After a few seconds he nodded his head and gave me a smirk.

"I'll go and deal with the mages then."

With those words his figure disappeared into thin air. None of the group around us seemed to notice but they would soon.

Not given much time before their boss arrived and gave judgment, I sent a look towards Ella and Rose. They both nodded solemnly.


I screamed over our connection before running forwards.