
*Bang* *Groan*

"Hold the Line!"

I screamed out load as another monster bashed into my shield. I felt the energy rush from my body, down my arms and pool into my shields. Both of them lit up glowing with power as I forced the creature back.

Standing at a good 3 meters tall, the brute before me was something I hadn't encountered a lot.

*Whizz* *Bang*

A fireball flew over my shoulder as I kept the hulking green orc at bay. Solitary creatures, they didn't usually hunt in groups, most people found them on their own and a good group of 3 players could take one down easily.

'I guess that's why it's so easy.'

I smirked under my helmet as the creature screamed in pain.


I held both my shields at the ready as it swung its spiked club back; I had to time this just right.

"Shield Bash!"

Lunging forwards at just the right time I caught him in the ribs and connected a solid hit. The blow winded him and threw him off balance, just what I wanted. Following up the shield bash I used it once again with my other shield.

But this time I went in with the corner of the shield.


The slightly sharpened edge of my battle shield slammed right below the ribs and dug under its tough skin. A small amount of green blood started to flow as I continued to push upwards, hoping to inflict more damage.


The creature screamed out in more pain and went to retaliate, when another blast of magic caught it in the eye. Being one of the weakest parts of anybody one of the eyes popped and sizzled as it thrashed about.

The amount of movement forced me back and I eyed the creature warily. Thanks to the party system, that I currently had active, I could just make out the form of our rogue getting ready to attack.

By this point the orc had dropped its massive club and was covering its face, green blood continuing to flow from the wound. While it was disorientated our rogue finally moved.

With lithe and grace they jumped in the air and appeared with a shimmer. Their 2 daggers glinted in the sun above and came plunging into the back of the creature. Their aim was true as it dug into the spine of the orc and made its body jerk.

As quickly as they came, the rogue jumped back off and prepared to enter stealth. As long as the creature wasn't looking it would be a simple feet.

Jerking and flailing about for good while the creature finally fell to its knees before collapsing on the ground. But we didn't let up there. The mage behind us prepared for a big attack as he coalesced more and more magic into his fireball spell, while I rushed forwards.

As I got closer I noticed that the orc still drew breath. It was erratic and very weak, but the creature wasn't down yet. Well I should have known when I didn't receive and exp. clanking my shields together in preparation I used shield bash again, right into their head.



It was weak but I heard its growl at being attacked. I kept attacking it with my shield to keep it down while the rogue also joined me, attacking its legs and arms. With the amount of damage we were doing, it would die soon. But we didn't have to wait as the mage had finally prepared his attack.

"Move back!"

Turning slightly to see the huge fireball that was suspended midair and ready to go I back off quickly. Just as we both moved away the large ball of death came flying over and hit the target.

Shielding my eyes for a second at the loud explosion and debris going everywhere, when I once again looked at our prey, there was only a charred corpse. My nose twitched in annoyance at the smell that was wafting from the now char-grilled body.

My exp went up showing that the fight was finally over. With that done, we looked for any important pieces of gear and decided who would get to keep it. There was nothing much in the end. With the orc dead I surveyed our area for a short while before finally relaxing and sitting down.

It took a little more out of me than I expected, to fight such a creature. Our mage was off to the side while I sat down and I was soon joined by the rogue. She had her cowl up, but it was possible to see the happy smile that graced her lips. She stood just under my height and the leather that wrapped around her body showed her athletic form.

"Good work Kuro."

She spoke to me as she sat down, giving me a pat on the back. I let my shields rest on my lap as I worked out a bit of soreness in my arms.

"You did good as well, Athena."

Yes this lucky son of a gun actually got a user name like Athena before it was snatched up and used a thousand times. Probably one of the reasons she became a rogue. Though I personally thought it would be more fitting if she was an archer. Oh well.

"Yeah but it wouldn't have gone so well without your tanking! I've never seen someone so good at your class."

She shook her head trying to remain humble, but I could see the satisfied smirk that crossed her face for a second. But after that smirk I could hear her heartfelt admiration.

'She might be one of my fans.'

"I mean that centurion class that no one uses! 2 Shields?! Who would want to lose all their attack potential? But you somehow have made it work! You even do damage with them!..."

She started to go off on a triad of complements and speculations as she talked about the class I had picked up, one of her best features was her outgoing personality. Her chipper mood was infectious and soon I found myself in a heated discussion with her.

It was nice to relax some times.