Hey Guys, it's been a long time, longer than I thought it would be.
So yeah as seen in the title I'm on Hiatus, no point not saying it as this point. It's been a few months. Honestly I was sure I would get a chapter out since the last one, but just haven't.
Truthfully if you follow my other novels you know I still do release chapters and stuff, I just haven't done anything with this novel in a while. I have been busy. I got a second job at the start of the year, started university in March and with the Corona Virus, funnily enough I am even busier. (I work in a medical field/ship and package medical goods. It has been hectic and busy last few weeks.)
The Novel I am currently working to finish, Spider-man, has been having erratic updates because of this, generally once or twice a week…so what can I say, I just don't have the time right now for writing. Not just this but everything.
As I said before I want to finish that novel before I get back to this one and that is what I am likely to do. I'm not too sure where my head will be at by that point, maybe I won't want to continue, I won't promise anything till I'm completely sure. Its looking to be another few months before I even finish that, at the rate I'm going.
I don't want to leave you guys waiting for the next chapter any further without at least telling you this. So the novel is officially now on Hiatus.
Thanks for the Support from my long time readers, hopefully I'll see you again, so we can all finish the Adventures of Liam, Ella and Rose.
Zevren out
Update. PS. Seeing as I know some may be wondering and I don't know when I will be continuing, I can give small outlines of what I had planned going forwards. Though no spoilers I can tell you were he was going to go and a bit about the next arcs and Future arcs.