Selling Equipment

On his way back to the beginner's village Ye Cheng decided to check the loot he sto... "Borrowed" from the Crimson Fire Guild.

As the first boss killed in the game more over a silver tier boss the loot it dropped was very generous.

There was three items and a skill book.

[The Red Rose Ring ] (Copper)

Spirit: +2

Level Requirement: Lv10

Special effects:

Increase Fire Magic Spells Damage by 12%

Allow the player to instantly cast a beginner fire spill.

[Fire Doudou ] (Copper)

Intelligence: +2

Level Requirement: Lv10

Special effects:

Increase Spells casting speed by 13%

Allow the player to cast a protection fire shield for 5 seconds, Cooldown: 1 minute.

Note: An essential item for any female magician or priest.

[Fire wand ] (Silver)

Intelligence: +3

Spirit: +3

Level Requirement: Lv10

Special effects:

Increase Fire Magic Spells casting speed by 35%

Increase Fire Magic Spells Damage by 29%

Ye Cheng looked at their stats carefully. The items were beyond what he have expected, its effects is much better than other similar level equipment.

Most copper tier equipment give one special effect but those two items gave two special effects which was even better than some silver tier equipment. Even 'The Fire wand' is better than Ye Cheng dagger.

"These items should be able to sell at a good price. Currently there was not players at Lv10." Ye Cheng thought and stared at the items in front of him.

"But what's the f**k about this Fire Doudou?"

"Isn't this a d*mn bra!"

"Why is the hell would a lion boss keep such a thing?"

Ye Cheng was speechless when he saw this item and didn't know what he should say in this situation.

Ye Cheng chose to store these items for the time being, when he reach the beginner village he would find someone to buy them as they didn't have any use to him and most importantly he was in dire need of money.

Ye Chen shifted his attention to the skill book and he was shocked that his mouth opened widely to the point it could hold a football.


Description: Sending a sound wave to attack the surrounding enemies.


Causing 150% damage to the enemies in an area of 50 meter around the player.

Can cause the enemies affected to be stunned for 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Note: The skill can be upgraded with the player

Restriction: Thief, Warrior, Paladin, can be learned by any faction.

"Isn't this the same attack that the Double-Headed Bloody Lion used to wipe out the Crimson Fire Guild's teams?"

Although it's weaker than when the lion used it, it's an upgradable skill.

In upgradable skills are very rare and there value can even be compared to a legendry Tier item.

"I'm currently lacking an AOE skill and this skill is sent to me from the heavens, if I didn't use it'll be a grave sin to the players who sacrificed to get this skill"

Ye Cheng grinned and chose learn the skill.

After learning the skill Ye Cheng continued his way to the beginner village.

The moment he entered the village he caused a great sensation.

Ye Cheng current white wolf equipment was too eye caching.

This is still the 3rd day since the beginning of the game and most players had at best white tier equipment.

Steel tier equipment was the most precious equipment the players could get because of the difficulty of finding and killing bosses.

"Brother where did you get this set of equipment?" A warrior asked Ye Cheng as he walked out from the crowd.

"From drops!" Ye Cheng replied blandly.

The crowd was completely speechless,

'Bullsh*t! Of course it was a drop! Would you even find a shop selling equipment like this?'

"Where did it drop?" The warrior asked again.

"11th Zone! The wolves dropped it!" Ye Cheng replied truthfully, he didn't even put this steel tier equipment in his eye so he wasn't worried about other player finding about it, of course it was their matter if they wanted to get items from there.

The crowd sucked in a cold breath of air.

'The 11th Zone!! Did he say!?'

The monsters there were all level 10 and above! If any low level player went there the only thing he could get from there would be a free trip back to the spawn point…

Although PK wouldn't cause the players to lose any EXP but dying in monsters' hands would cause them to drop a level.

Those players at least most of them didn't have M trends so not many would go there to be abused for nothing.

'Could this Thief really has the ability to hunt in the 11th Zone alone? Since when did the Thief class players become so bad**ses?'

After being stunned for a while the warrior asked: "Are you selling them?"

He had only been trying his luck. It was only the start of the game so something like this set of equipment was too precious at least in the eyes of the rest of the beginner players. There was a little chance that he would sell them.

Who would have guessed Ye Cheng next reply would be:

"I'm going to set a stall at the market those who want buy anything can come there" As Ye Cheng said that, he went to the market and all the players around followed.

Luckily there was not much people selling item, hence there were still free stalls. So Ye Chen immediately set his stall in one of the empty spots and put his items for show.

When the other players saw Ye Cheng's equipment they all almost started drooling. One look at his equipment and everyone knew that it wasn't something ordinary but when they saw the prices on them a strange silence overwhelmed the market

Just then, a pair of couple passed by Ye Cheng's stall.

They felt the strange atmosphere, when the woman looked around, she saw the beautiful Ring and said to the man: "Wow, look this ring is really pretty."

"You like it? Let's buy it since you like it." The man recovered from the strange atmosphere when he heard the woman voice and indifferently shrug his shoulder, then said with a rich man tone: "tell me how much does this ring costs, I will buy it!"

"Seven gold coin." Ye Cheng indifferently said the price.

"It is only Seven gold… what!" The man expression of a rich man that is not lacking money changed to anger: "Are you taking me for an idiot? Just because my girlfriend wants it you try to slaughter me."

In the game 1 gold = 100 silver = 10000 copper

The other players in the market gathered around with curiosity or to mock. Currently a single gold coin was raised to around two thousand by the gold farming organization. Furthermore even if you have the money you might not be able to buy it, this showed how rare gold coins were.

On the black market, the gold coins were sold at an even higher price.

Ye Cheng was too lazy to bicker with them, and directly displayed the items attributes on the screen.

Every stall will have a screen to display the item attributes, when you put an item up for sale you can chose whether to show them or not.

"Lv10 Copper Tier equipment? God damn it, where did this item drop from."

"Another Copper Tier equipment!!! How is this even possible?"

"OH MY GOD!!! Look at this wand it is a Lv10 Silver Tier equipment"

When the players around saw the Copper and Silver Tier equipment they forgot about the other Steel and White Tier equipment they were excited about a moment ago.

A Copper Tier equipment hasn't appeared in the game yet, let alone two Copper Tier equipment and a Silver Tier one.

"If you tell me that a newbie thief got them from killing monsters, I would not believe even if you kill me."

"Wait could he be that thief who had caused a sensation a while ago?"

"You mean the one that slapped the face of the Crimson Fire Guild by not only Steal killing there monster but also taking the loot"

"This is the only way to explain why there is so many high tier equipment here"

"Then there will be a good show to watch soon"

Because of the Crimson Fire Guild there wasn't many players at site when the boss died even the players who were watching were watching from afar so not many players were able to recognize Ye Cheng

The news of the Lv10 Copper and Silver Tier equipment appearing in the market spread very quickly, there were also people who used the chat system to inform their friends, Guilds and so forth.

Of cause most people left after taking a look, after all whether it was the Silver Tier equipment or the Copper ones were not something ordinary players has the ability to buy.

Even most of the big guilds elites would have to rely on the guild finance in order to get them.

After the large number of the people who were here to watch a show have left, Ye Cheng was not dejected. There was a few players who wanted to negotiate with him, but Ye Cheng was not willing to sell at a copper less, so they could only shack their head and leave.

"This design is quite good"

Suddenly a fat player holding a wand in his right hand said as he was examining the Br… 'Cough' "Fire Doudou" over.

He then turned to Ye Cheng with a smiling face and said: "Brother we met again!"

"So it's boss Wang" Ye Cheng was a little surprised to see the fat man in front of him.

This was the same boss that sold the metal to Ye Cheng in the market earlier.

"Haha, the moment I saw little brother I knew you were a dragon among men"

"Little brother you are really a leader of our generation to be able to bravely stand against the Silver Tier boss that have wiped out a whole guild and kill it with a single strike, this brother heartily admire you" Said fatty Wang with a flattering expression on his face

Ye Cheng was speechless at what he heard from fatty Wang, he didn't know if he was praising him or mocking him.

"But don't you think that the prices of these equipment are a little high."

Said fat Wang while still smiling

"Yes, I think what you say makes sense." Ye Cheng nods his head

"Then wha..."

"But I will not accept a copper less."

Before fatty Wang could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Ye Chen

This roundabout causes fatty Wang to be dumbstruck, momentarily speechless.

"This, brother you are too much, although this item is quite good, but you are obviously trying to push up its price." Although fatty Wang was slightly tempted, the price still caused him to hesitate.

At this time gloomy a Voice came over.

"D*nm fatty, since you can't pay the price then get lost, my Crimson Fire Guild wants these items." Ye Cheng takes a look, it is a familiar person, Fire Spear.

"It's you!" Fire Spear brought a group of the guild players and rushed over the moment he heard someone selling Silver Tier equipment, but he was shocked to find that the person in front of him was actually the same person who kill steal his boss earlier.