Conflict In The Market

When the group of players who were following Fire Spear heard their boss greeting, they surrounded Ye Cheng's stall.

"Isn't this the guy who picked up the Silver Tier boss's loot?"

Crimson Fire Guild's players immediately recognized him.

"Hurry up and take it out. If you anger our Crimson Fire Guild, you will not be able to walk out of this village."

A few of them with an arrogant thief tone threatened Ye Cheng. At this time Fire Spear raise his hand and signaled them to stay silent.

The rest slowly quietened down and waited for their boss to talk.

"Wolf Fang? Am I correct?" Fire Spear ignored fatty Wang at the side and said lightly to Ye Cheng: "Earlier when you snatched my monster you must be unfamiliar with my Crimson Fire Guild. But you should have learned about our guild situation by now." After finishing, Fire Spear acted as if he will be able to gobble up Ye Cheng and said: "If you pass me the drops, I will not only overlook the kill steals earlier, but also allow you to join the Crimson Fire Guild and be a leader of a party."

"Guild leader Fire Spear is such a magnanimous person. If it were me, I would not have let him off so easily."

"Boy hurry up and thank Guild leader Fire Spear. I have worked so hard before finally becoming a party leader and look at you, the moment you join, you become one."

"What a great luck you have kid!"

Looking at his fellow players' discussion becoming lively all at once, Guild leader Fire Spear prevented his underlings boot licking but his heart was feeling very proud: 'Even if we kill him, he might not drop the equipment. Why don't I invite him first and then after he joined the guild, I will slowly get my revenge for stealing my monster.'

Ye Cheng mouth twitched a little. What Fire Spear said about him taking advantage of Crimson Fire Guild was true. If he had not taken advantage of Crimson Fire Guild annihilation, he wouldn't have been able to kill the silver tier boss let alone getting the loot.

"Is your brain kicked by a donkey!?"

"Over 200 people annihilated, you don't have the abilities but still want the equipment. How could there be such a shameless person in this world."

With this single sentence, Ye Cheng was able to completely anger all of them.

"D*mt. Doesn't he realize the current situation, not even giving Guild leader Fire Spear any face?"

"I can't stand it anymore. No one stop me. I want to kill this bastard."

"Shut up!" When Fire Spear heard what Ye Cheng said, his face turned pale from anger, he shouted to his team and said to Ye Cheng. "Listen boy, I will give you one last chance, if you give me my things now, I will treat is as nothing have happen."

"Yeah, calling you an idiot is not an injustice at all." Sighed Ye Chen.

"Fire Spear, are you sure that "ALL" the things in this stall are yours"

Just then fatty Wang who was at the side suddenly asked, which wade the surrounding players look at Fire Spear with strange eyes.

"Of course all of them are mine" Fire Spear who was oblivious to these strange looks, answered right away.

"HAHAHA! Who would have thought that the great Crimson Fire Guild leader was such a person!?"

"I heard that great people have some strange hobbies, but to think that Fire Spear would have 'this hobby' tsk! tsk!"

"He could even say it loud in public, people of the Crimson Fire Guild are really different. Admirable! Admirable!"

The players around burst into laughter the moment they heard what Fire Spear said.

Fire Spear was puzzled by the actions of the players but when he saw the bra in the stall, his face turned completely red.

"D*mn fatty, you set me up!!" Fire Spear shouted at fatty Wang who was the reason for all this.

"It's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it! You are the one who said that it's yours, why are you blaming me?"

"D*mn fatty, how dare you insult our guild leader, I'll fight to death with you"

One of Crimson Fire Guild warriors jumped to take revenge for his guild leader.

"Sorry, I don't engage in mental combat with an unarmed" said fatty Wang with a serious face.

Hearing what fatty Wang said almost made that player spit blood.

Fire Spear looked viciously at Fatty Wang then said slowly to Ye Cheng: "Let me warn you, do you know the results for what you are about to do?"

After hearing Fire Spear threat-fill words, Ye Cheng reply with cold disdain: "Of cause I know, I will be hunted down by over thousands of Crimson Fire Guild members and will never be able to reach Lv11."

Listening to Ye Cheng mocking words, Fire Spear became speechless for a moment.

"Good, very good." Fire Spear was so angry that he repeated his words before saying to the people surrounding them: "Whoever dares to make a deal with this guy will become the enemy of Crimson Fire Guild."

As expected, after hearing what Fire Spear said, those who were planning to buy equipment all decided to stay away.

When Fire Spear was about to be proud, fatty Wang politely said to Ye Cheng: "Brother, it is not that I can't take out this a mount of gold coins but you know that the game has just started and we are at the development stage so I have limited resources. Can make them cheaper by a few gold coins, of cause I will not make you lose, I'll owe you a favor in the future. Even if you want to enter one of the big guilds, I can still help you."

"There is no need, I will not be joining any guild for now, and also the value will not be one gold coin lesser." Ye Cheng said with well-meant smile to fatty Wang. He appreciated that fatty Wang still stood for him against the Crimson Fire Guild.

"D*mn fatty, what the heck are you meaning by this? Are you trying stand against our Crimson Fire Guild?" Fire Spear looked at fatty Wang frostily.

"F**k Spear, of cause it is this meaning. Do you want to fight? I'll accompany you at any time. Other people might fear your Crimson F*** Guild but not my fatty Wang." fatty Wang didn't show any weakness while he touched his wand skilfully.

As the two of them were about to start fighting, another person showed up and said to Ye Cheng: "This ring of yours is not worth seven gold."

He was a warrior with a giant double edged axe on his back,

"That's right, that's right, those equipment are not worth so much." When fatty Wang heard another person who have the same opinion as him, he immediately jumped in and say with a smiling face.

Ye Cheng looked over, no longer pretending to be uncaring, what must be said must be say: "This two brothers, may I ask you guys a question?"


"Go on and say."

The guy with a giant double edged axe on his back and fatty Wang were both curious about what question this fellow would ask them.

"Have the two of you recently gotten any Silver or even Copper tier item drops?"



The two of them gave the same answer. But fatty Wang jumped in and added: "This…, Copper tier equipment drop rate are usually low let alone the Silver ones, hence if they don't drop it is normal."

"Then everybody, may I know when have you heard of a Copper tier equipment dropping?" Ye Cheng turned around and asked the other players.

"My party have gotten some Steel tier equipment, but not a single copper equipment."

"Neither have I, I couldn't even get a single Steel tier equipment not to mention a Copper tier one."

"It is right, in the forum, I didn't see anyone who came up and said that they have gotten Copper tier drops."

Even Fire Spear was thinking in his heart, from the moment he started playing the game until reaching Lv9, he have never gotten any copper tier equipment.

The guy with a giant double edged axe on his back and fatty Wang looked at each other. As both of them were not any ordinary players, when they listen to the players' discussion, they realized that there is something wrong. At this time both of them have the same thoughts: 'It looks like until a Lv10 Dungeon opens, it would be very hard to get a Copper Tier equipment.'

When Ye Cheng saw the two of them reflecting, a faint smile appeared on his face, actually there was nothing strange about it, at the beginner village the drop rat of the monsters was the lowest. The beginner village was a place for the players to adjust to the game.

During this levelling phase, the monsters hardly ever drop any good equipment, they usually drop White tier equipment which are not worth much or at most some Steel tier equipment.

Only after reaching Lv10 and leaving the village would the real game start.

The guy with a giant double edged axe on his back said: "I can't take out 7 gold coins now but I can change it to a similar value in real cash and transfer to you. Is that ok with you?"

When Fire Spear heard it, he was not happy and call out before Ye Cheng could even reply:

"Is Sir not clear, this fellow have offended our entire Crimson Fire Guild, if you intend to trade with him, don't blame me for not warning you."

"Humph!" When the guy heard it, he snorted coldly before saying to Fire Spear while staring at him with sharp eyes: "When I, Giant Axe do things, there is no one who dares to threaten me."

"Giant Axe? Why would Giant Axe Sword come to the White lotus Village? Isn't he a member of the Salue Village's Diamond Shield Guild?"

"D*mn it, the famous Giant Axe actually appeared here, he is one of my idols."

"This time Crimson Fire Guild and Fire Spear will be embarrassed. Comparing their personal strength, Giant Axe can oppress him with a single hand, as for their influence, Giant Axe is the number two man in Diamond Shield Guild, whose influence is overwhelming."

"So it is brother Giant Axe, I have long heard about brother Giant Axe's reputation and I'm honored to meet you at last in person, brother Giant Axe is indeed imposing and out of ordinary."

Even fatty Wang was very polite with Giant Axe

Fire Spear face alternated between white and purple, after a long while before clenching his teeth and say the two underlings: "Let us go."

After saying that, he walked off gloomily.

"Guild leader what should we do? Should we station a few brothers to watch for his movements?" at the side, a shifty-eye player moved to the back of Fire Spear and ask carefully.

"Watch your stupid head, after killing him his experience does not drop at all, why waste our precious time." Fire Spear was currently depressed, not only couldn't he get his revenge on the player who stole his monster or even get the loot he lost his face and got insulted.

"This can't be considered as finished, I'll get my revenge on every one who insulted me today in the future, Just wait. Specially that d*mn thief"

Fire Spear eyes shone with a vicious light as he thought of what happened to him in the market.