Shadow Leap

"[Shadow Leap] was learned."

The monotonous voice of the system is still the same. However, my impending doom is now on the strike and was about to strike me dead. With great deal on my self, I forced myself to use the new skill.

"[Shadow Leap]!"

A sudden ripple in my shadow suddenly made me able to push on to the shadow below me. Although weak and helpless, I can still move.


Like falling into the water, I fell into the shadow. However, unlike my expectation on the shadow area to be like water, it was like another separate world. As soon as I fell inside the shadow, the Moonlight Shadow Tiger strikes nothing but air and that made the vicious tiger to get bewildered. Even though I was in the shadow, I can still see fine on it. Seeing that the monster is confused, I decided to use this chance to attack.

Since its nighttime, I can enter shadows whenever I pleas. Its not as taxing as I thought. Preparing the dagger in my hands, I prepared it to strike.

Seemingly able to locate my presence, the Moonlight Shadow Tiger dodges. I reemerged from the shadow after my failed attempt of attacking it. Since the Moonlight Shadow Tiger was a bit occupied when it dodged, I used the split amount of time to heal my injuries and although I can't heal all of them, given the short amount of time, only a few bruises were inflicted to me.

The Moonlight Shadow Tiger roared and once again, baring its fangs, attacked me viciously. Once more, I hid in the shadows. The Moonlight Shadow Tiger were stunned. Its not yet a monster that possess sentience, that is why, it is not able to comprehend what I am doing and how I can disappear in thin air. If this monster is a bit smart and intelligent like a human, it might have known immediately that the skill I used to 'disappear is the [Shadow Leap] skill of his in which has only a single effect and that is to enter the shadow freely like an extended area.

Although I am getting weaker as time goes by, if I can deal a decisive strike on the Moonlight Shadow Tiger, I can still win!

The Moonlight Shadow Tiger can still detect my presence but I deduce that it is not sure where it was coming seeing that the Moonlight Shadow Tiger is looking around, getting confused as time went by.

The battle of mine against the Moonlight Shadow Tiger has been extended for too long. I need to finish it. With my sufficient strength, I can still deal a lethal blow to this guy. I gripped the dagger in my hands, crept slowly to the Moonlight Shadow Tiger within its shadow. I raised my dagger and pushed it out on the shadow.

The Moonlight Shadow Tiger is one second slow and before it can fully react on what is happening, a dagger stabbed its chest. I twisted the dagger into the body and this made the Moonlight Shadow Tiger to thrash about.

The dagger is still stuck on its chest area and its bleeding profusely. Its wound is like a waterfall flowing out of blood. The Moonlight Shadow Tiger keeps on slamming the trees in hopes that the slams will shake the dagger off from its wound, however, it was stuck in there without moving an inch.

Not too long after that, the Moonlight Shadow Tiger collapsed however, it is still alive. Its heavy breathing is the sign that its on the verge of life and death. I emerged from the shadow and approached the Moonlight Shadow Tiger, gripping the remaining dagger in my hand.

"I am sorry to do this," I uttered to the dying monster.

To ease its suffering, I raised my dagger and started stabbing it profusely. Blood soaked on my clothes and cloak. However, I no longer cared. To save my family, I had to hunt and kill beasts. I continue my frenzied stab and before I know it, the beast is no longer moving, bathed in blood and full of dagger stabs.

I stared in the forest and everywhere I look are monster carcass on my wake. I walk to the nearby tree and lean my weak body to the tree. Just watching the whole area, my whole body trembled.

For me to kill so many monsters in a single night, I am starting to fear myself. I no longer resemble myself. However, I can accept it, as long as I can protect my family from harm, I will accept being a monster myself.

I rested for a bit before I scan around my surroundings. Although it was still night time, the monsters around the forest seems to stop coming. Although they are hostile at night, they don't dare to attack anymore.

I scratched my head and look around. Its too much for a seven year old me to take all of these carcasses to town but that would be a total waste if I left them behind.

How will I bring all of these items back? I scratched my head in frustration. Having a cart would be good but I don't know how to make it. I sighed before I pull out the sack I previously carried and fill it out. Thankfully, I managed to bring a lot of sack.

After filling them all out, I still found out that the bigger carcasses are still a big problem. I can't fit them especially the Moonlight Shadow Tiger. I tried most of the means but nothing works. I can't just chop its limbs off because it might affect the amount of money I can gain to it. Then, something just came into my mind.

What if I use my shadow as a transportation device? Since the shadow world is much spacious than in the real world and I can shift into the shadow world, maybe I can use it to my advantage? I pick up a rabbit carcass and moved into a clearing. With the moonlight casting my shadow, this would be good enough.

"[Shadow Leap!]"

When I arrived the Shadow world, I am still holding the rabbit carcass. Putting it on the shadow world, I returned to the real world. If the rabbit carcass disappear inside, my plan is worthless. I stayed for a few minutes before returning to the shadow world. And to my surprise, the rabbit carcass is still in there. It means that I can store things in my shadow! I don't need to carry them in my hands with difficulty! Excited by my new discovery, I quickly returned to the area of the battle. Its almost morning. Time to sell the carcasses.