No Body to Bury

With Liu Qiu eating out with her other friends, Xu Rouguang was forced to stay in the office in case someone called in. The chef auntie from the cafeteria in their basement had come earlier to bring lunch to him. Xu Rouguang was quite a saint to the people of JT; it wasn't normal if they wanted to be kind to him. Though he normally had lunch with him, Liu Qiu told the chef auntie that Xu Rouguang might skip lunch if left unattended.

His work was pretty easy, but the schedule was a mess. He had to postpone most meetings for the week since Lai Mingjie couldn't attend to any of them unless he was discharged from the hospital. Word had it that Lai Mingjie was attacked by some insane guy in broad daylight. They had to wait for a week or more before he could attend to his duties.

Xu Rouguang stopped working minutes past twelve. He had to think of the other secretaries' schedule. He reached for the lunch given to him by the chef auntie and started eating even if he was not in the mood to do so. Lai Mingjie's condition was helped, but that didn't mean he could let it slide. He failed to kill whoever did that to his Jie, and Xu Rouguang wouldn't stop until he does.

Knock, knock. Xu Rouguang lifted his gaze to the door to the side, diminishing his frozen glare. However, he wished he didn't mellow his gaze.

"Ah, Secretary Xu, you're here." Director Huang had quite a grin on his face as he entered the office. He turned to see the vacant desk of Liu Qiu opposite Xu Rouguang's. The director went to sit down at the seats allotted for the guests. "I heard Director Lai got into an accident yesterday... was he already caught? The culprit?"

"Not yet." Xu Rouguang had to maintain his professional smile as he entertained the guest. He got up and excused himself to prepare tea for the director.

Like usual, he fetched the kettle with the tea he made for Liu Qiu earlier and reheated it. He also ran through the canisters to pick out leaves to use and enhance the tea's flavor. Like a professional thief, someone slithered inside the pantry while Xu Rouguang was working on the tea. Even though Xu Rouguang could give in to the reflex and knock out that person, he was mindful of not harming this old gentleman.

Gentleman? Pfft. If he was the original General Xu, this 'gentleman' had been relieved of his hands already.

Thick arms circled around Xu Rouguang's waist as the man tried to get cozy with him. Director Huang seemed to be good at taking full advantage of every situation. He chuckled as he felt the waist of the frozen secretary. "Seems like you're a lot firmer than Mingjie. Do you like working out?"

Xu Rouguang wasn't frozen because of fear; he just had to convince himself not to kill this sad excuse of a human being. However, as much as he wanted to hold back—the moment he heard Lai Mingjie's name, he grew dead set in punishing such a creature. He dared touch his Jie with these filthy hands? How many people had he tried to touch aside from them?

Even if Director Huang couldn't answer a mental question, Xu Rouguang spotted a golden watch on his wrist. It was chipped and scratched... even radiating with negative aura.

"Director Lai is sickly. I don't think he should be lifting weights." The secretary softly held the other's wrists, reading the horrifying visions that the watch had witnessed. Xu Rouguang's eyes widened as he could hear multiple screams in his head.

"Oh, really? Then you do? Can you lift weights?" The director laughed as he felt like he was having a field day. Secretary Xu wasn't moving at all, and so he felt the liberty to start pressing him closer. They had been standing too close that if anything rose behind Xu Rouguang, he would be able to feel it. "Or you want to be the one lifted?"

His head was now filled with fantasies. This predator never chose whether he would violate a man or a woman; as long as they were employees of JT. Why should he be scared if even Lai Julong didn't dare to kick him out of the company? That was his leverage against everyone. Blackmailing the biggest person was his ticket to his lascivious acts.

Nonetheless, being shielded didn't mean he was safe. At least he wasn't safe from physical retaliation. Maybe his past victims couldn't or wouldn't hurt him, but Xu Rouguang surely would.

Would it be too much if he got castrated?

When he broke out of Xu Rouguang's grip, his hands ran up the buttons of his shirt. However, Xu Rouguang already calculated his steps. An elbow came straight to the old man's face, disorienting him for a second. As soon as he got separated from the general, Xu Rouguang used his biceps to hit Director Huang's neck and throw him to the ground. The impact itself had given Director Huang a lot of body pain already.

Xu Rouguang grabbed the kettle from the stove with one hand while the other got fingers inside the offender's mouth to keep it from closing. He threatened to pour boiling tea into the director's mouth. With his eyes glaring down at the old man like a rushing bullet train from hell, he showed his maniacal smile.

"Listen to me and listen very well, Huang Tao. I can make your death look like an accident, and I can also make sure your family wouldn't have a body to bury. Touch me or Jie or anyone else against their will ever again, and I swear I will turn you into a cloud of blood." He continued to grin like a madman. "Do you understand?"

Huang Tao was shocked that he felt his heart stopped and frightened that a little pee came out. His eyes dilated so much that his pupils were like rice grains. He couldn't speak; he couldn't process what was happening.

Xu Rouguang tilted the kettle, and a string-wide boiling tea poured onto the back of his hand and into the man's mouth. The pain of burning woke up the old man as he tried to shot up and take the man's hand off of his mouth. However, he felt like something was holding him down and the fingers he bit into were made of metal.

The maniacal grin was still on Xu Rouguang's face like he was a grim reaper presenting his bone face with ridicule. He tilted the kettle some more, making Huang Tao's tongue numb from the burn.

Huang Tao could only nod his head and scream as he tried to get away. He had to run; this Xu Rouguang was a maniac!

The binds on his body were taken off, and Huang Tao ended up crawling away from Xu Rouguang. General Xu only eyed at him, hand shaking while getting rid of his vile saliva. However, the old man's eyes flashed as he took a turn and tackled the secretary.

No one could blame him for underestimating a lean man. Xu Rouguang was too pretty to be involved in rough activities; he didn't have the body of a general. Of course, he had no idea that Xu Rouguang could counter with a fan kick as soon as he got in range. With Xu Rouguang's heel squaring against Huang Tao's temple, he was easily knocked out.

The general stood there for a second, staring at the man left out cold. He then closed his eyes, a sudden gust shattering the pile of documents on their tables as well as busting open all the drawers and doors in the offices. He dropped the kettle on the floor and made the cups fell down as well.

He then walked to the phone on Liu Qiu's table and took a deep breath. The secretary then dialed for security, using a pitiful voice: "Someone, please help me!"