Levels and how they work

Level 1 = will have an average of 1 in each stat

Level 2 = will have an average of 3 in each stat

Level 3 = will have an average of 9 in each stat

Level 4 = will have an average of 27 in each stat

Each level is the three times that of the previous level- stat wise that is.

I decided that I would also add experience though it is pretty simple, as it does follow a pattern a swell.

level 1 = 100 EXP

Level 2 = 200 EXP

Level 3 = 800 EXP

Level 4 = 1600 EXP

Level 5 = 3200 EXP

Every levels is twice as much the last level except for ever three levels. Every three levels it multiplies the experience by 4.