The Simple Centipede

On a dark night in the amazon rain forest, a centipede scuttled along the moist ground of the forest and hid inside a rotten tree trunk not long after. This rotten tree trunk was it's home. Every night the centipede would go out and hunt for spiders, earth worms, or other soft bodied prey it could get its hands on and bring them back here to eat.

This time it brought back a spider, which was its favorite to eat, so it hurriedly finished its meal and went to sleep.

After it awoke the next day it discovered that it's body had suddenly grown to over a meter in length. Startled by the change it scanned its surrounding before looking a tit's own body again.

'Hmm, it seems that.... WAIT! Why do i hear a voice in my head!?'

[To answer host's question, that is because we have given you the stats and knowledge of an average adult male, which in turn means that you should be able to think.]

'Ok, and who are you?'

[I am known as the "Evolution System"]

'and what exactly do you do?'

[As my name imply's I help you evolve.]

'Evolve? What does that me-'

Before he could finish knowledge about evolution appeared in his head and he quickly understood.

'How do you help me evolve? From what I know evolution happens over thousands of years.'

{Simple. I will take genomes from creatures you defeat and store them for your later use.]

'hmm, well whatever. I'll think of how to deal with this later.'

[If host wishes to access the system simple think out a word you wish to associate with me and I shall appear.]

'A word to associate with you... So a name basically?'

[Host is right.]

He thought for a few minutes and finally decided to just name it system.


[Yes host?]

'Are you able to display my status?'

[I am, but if you want a quicker way than by asking me to display it just think or say "status"]

'Ok then, Status'

After he said status a screen opened in his mind. On it were words and numbers that he guessed were supposed to be his status.

Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Race: Giant Amazonian Centipede

Level 1: 0/100


Strength: 1

Vitality: 1

Agility: 1

Endurance: 1

Constitution: 1

As he was observing his stats he noticed two buttons at the bottom of the screen.

'System what are these two buttons?'

[Answering host, they are respectively the "Quest" button and the "Genomes" Button]

'I know that, I can read after all, but what do they do?'

[The "Quest" button will give you a quest for each day or spontaneous event like quests. The "Genomes" button is the area to check what Genomes you have stored at the time. Sadly, as host doesn't have any stored genomes you cannot use it at this time.]

'With all of that sorted out let's go hunt something.'

As he took his attention away from the screen in his mind, he noticed that not far away there was a giant 6 foot tall spider staring at him.

'Umm, system?'

[Yes host?]

'Was I the only thing that evolved?'

[I forgot to mention this to host. As of right now the entire world is undergoing a metamorphosis. In short every living thing on this planet is evolving at a rapid pace, except for humans.]

[On the topic of humans, more than 50% percent of the human race has been wiped out currently.]

With the knowledge in his head he knew that there are a total of 7.53 billion people in this world. Meaning that over 3 billion people have died, and that number would continue to rise.

'Will humans evolve eventually system?'

[Yes they will, it just takes them longer as one of the most complex beings in the planet.]

'Ah, I understand now.'

With that he faced the spider in front of him. This was just like how he normally hunted except he wasn't a whole 3 feet long or was his prey staring right at him.

He dashed towards the spider and it jumped 6 feet in the air while spraying a web like net at him, trying to trap him within it. He dodged it and then positioned his body under the falling spider while leaving his front two legs pointing towards the spider.

The spider fell right onto the pointed legs and its sternum was penetrated through. It let out a high picked screeching sound while trying to get off of his legs. Moments later the spider seemed paralyzed and unable to move. He removed his two claws from its sternum and back away a few feet.

'that was easier to do than I thought'

'Whenever I had hunted a spider before they never jumped up or were able to spray webs at things, I guess that's part of their evolution.'

He started to eat the spider and finished it soon after.


He wanted to see if anything changed after he killed the spider.

Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Race: Giant Amazonian Centipede

Level 1: 20/100


Strength: 1

Vitality: 1

Agility: 1

Endurance: 1

Constitution: 1

'It looks like the more I kill and hunt animals I get more experience enabling me to level up.'

'System, what happens after I level up?'

[Answering Host, when you level up all skills will go up, you will also get Genome points.]

'What are Genome Points?'

{Genome points are the currency the system uses in its shop. The shop is where you can genomes and other things.]

'Can I open the shop then?'

[Answering host, It is not possible yo open the shop, as you need to be level ten in order to open the shop.]

'Can I look at the genomes then?'

[After killing the Amazonian Spider, the host can now open the Genome menu]

Another screen opened in his mind. after looking at it for a second there was only one option.

{Amazonian Spider]

Agility increase

'Does this mean I can infinitely grow stronger through getting Genomes?'

[Host is able to grow through getting genomes, but there is a limit to how many of one genome you can absorb. If you use too much of one genome it could cause you to mutate and become a different species.]

'Whats is the maximum amount of Spider genome I can absorb?'

{Host is able to 20 Spider Genomes before becoming a different species altogether.]

'Also, I thought genomes would change my appearance not just increase my stats?'

[Most genomes will change your appearance in some way or form.]

'Oh, I see.'

He focused on the increased agility agility and a prompt came up.

[Absorb the Agility increasing Genome?]



After that he passed out with a message.

[Transferring host's body to system storage to begin Genome merging process, This will take 2 days to complete. During which the host will lose consciousness.]

His body outside of his mind suddenly disappeared as if it wasn't there to begin with.