The Second Genome

In the forest was a Giant Anaconda skeleton and a few mutated rats that seemed to be enjoying the few bits of flesh that was left on the bones. A giant Centipede like creature dropped from the sky and landed next them.

It was around 8 feet in length. Its legs were like swords that seemed as if they could slice a tree in half, the carapace on it's back was a silver color with a hint of violet mix in along with it, if you looked at the carapace closely enough you would see a patter go along it, much like a snakes scales would. It's head was it's only relatively normal feature, but if one looked close enough there seemed to be a potent venom coating it's mandibles.

'Ah, my body still hurts. That was a really reckless thing to do.'

He looked over his body and noticed the changes that happened, especially to his carapace it changed it's color entirely. He checked his status to see what changes occurred.


Name: N/A

Gender: Male

Race: Giant Amazonian Centipede

Level 2: 670/800


Strength: 6

Vitality: 4

Agility: 7

Endurance: 4

Constitution: 5

' My stats skyrocketed, though I am slightly disappointed that I didn't level up.'

He looked around for a few moments before navigating his way back to his cave. When he arrived at the cave it was already dusk, he didn't find any tracks leading into the cave so it was safe to enter. He curled his body into the most comfortable position he could manage before checking the shop.


He looked at his Genome Points and he had 100.

'System, I thought the reward for the quest was 50 Genome Points?'

[Answering Host, You are correct that the reward was 50 Genome Points but for defeating a higher leveled monster you gained another 50.]

'What can I buy for that many Genome Points in the shop?'

The system responded by giving him a list of things that were priced from 10-100 Points. He looked over them until one caught his eye.

It was another utility that costed 50 Genome Points. It was a Minimap of sorts, if anything hostile got within 20 feet of him a glowing red dot would appear in his vision to show him their direction. If they weren't hostile it would be a green dot. If there was something that didn't know he was there it would be white.

'I'll buy the Minimap.'

Another glowing dot appeared within his mind, but it was different as it had a constant green line swirling around the inside of it.

'I'll save up to buy something later.'

He glanced toward the entrance of the cave and found that there wasn't anything there. He then focused to see if any names would appear, and once again nothing.

'I guess I'll go to sleep for now and do more quests tomorrow.'


In the forest a group of soldiers had been making quick work of anything that crossed their paths, besides a few level 4's monsters that were giving them some trouble they managed to take them down. In the back of the group there were 4 soldiers that stood out. Three of them had a sort of combat suit on them while the last had o clothing whatsoever.

The one that wasn't wearing any clothes wasn't wearing them for a reason, he couldn't. His entire body was encased in a thin layer of flame, that burnt every piece of clothing they tried to put on him.

The others had very similar clothing but there body's were the thing's that were strange. The one on the left was a giant that seemed to be 7-8 feet of pure muscle, Next to him was a person that looked as if he hadn't eaten for weeks and other than his suit he wore a sheathe on his hip that seemed to fit a dagger in it. The last one was very short and stood around 4'10, he had a two metallic gloves on his hands that made him drop his arms.

"Lieutenants! there's an issue at the front of the group."

The giant was the one to respond.

"What is it?"

"W-Well you see, there seems to be traces of a battle where we were planning to stop."

"And? We've seen plenty of these monsters fight amongst themselves"

"B-but this ones different."

The four of them looked to be interest after that statement.

"If you'll follow me I can show you what I mean"

The man standing in front of the four lieutenants was shaking, most likely in fear while speaking until this point. He left the tent and the four of them followed him to the front of the group of soldiers.

What they saw left them dumbfounded. An entire part of the forest was gone, with the exception of a few stumps. It seemed to be an entire mile in radius.

"Just what the hell happened here?"

The giant spoke after a few moments and in response to that the skinny man with the dagger on his hip pointed to the center of the destruction. A corpse lay there, with multiple lacerations and burns across it's entire body.

They got closer to the corpse to identify what it was. The closer they got the more they could smell the burning flesh of the beast. Once they got close enough they saw what it looked like and were startled once again.

"What even is this thing?!"

It looked to be a kind of reptile but it only had two legs and a pair of bat like wings with talons on the ends of them. It's entire body was mangled as if someone threw a boulder onto it and left it to die, and not to mention the multiple burns across it's body.

The skinny man brought his dagger out and pierced downwards with it. A clink sound was made and dagger slid off of it's scales leaving a white mark.

"Tch, My dagger can't even cut it."

The giant walked over and tried to move it and to his astonishment he couldn't. He was able to drag and move 5 ton objects with enough force, but even with all his might he couldn't move this monster.

"How heavy is this thing?"

He stopped trying to move it when the short man tapped his shoulder.

"What do you want?"

"We found something else."

The man turned around and left to go around the wyvern creature and on the opposite side was a disturbing site. There were giant bird like footprints left in the ground for about 20 feet and they vanished into thin air.

"We need to report everything here to HQ. Let's go"

The four men nodded in unison and the group left in the direction they came.