Completing the quest

After he accepted the quest he noticed that he only had a day in order to complete it. Though he didn't know how to identify higher leveled beasts.

'System, is there away to by a level indicator?'

[Yes, host is able to by a level 1-5 level identifier for 10 genome points.]


He scrolled down until he found a section labeled Utilities and then found where the level identifier was. He bought it without hesitation as he knew that he would need this later on as well, without he might accidentally provoke something entirely out of his league.

After he purchased it a small light appeared in his mind. He assumed this was thee identifier. He quickly stepped out of his cave and went on his journey to kill a level 3 monster. After a few hours of searching in the forest around his cave he found a lone capybara sitting against a tree.

'That's most likely the the one that escaped from me earlier.'

He stared at while focusing on the white light in his mind. When he did a blurry white cloud appeared above it and then formed to make out words.

He nodded his head as he felt this to be the case. When he fought them earlier it didn't seem to be that strong, either that or he was stronger than the average leveled animal. He shook his head at the thought of the second idea but it did seem feasible.

'Hmm,let's see here if I was a predator that is level three, where would I be?'

As he was thinking this the capybara suddenly stood up and looked at it's surroundings, fear was written all over it's face. He was also startled-not by the capybara but because there was one more haze of fog appearing in his vision. The level was the only thing that appeared but the level alone was enough to make him shudder.

'System if i fought a level 5, would I be able to win, like at all?'

[No host wouldn't be able to win. The closest chance of victory you'd be able to get if you fought a Lvl.5 creature would be damaging its hide or carapace]

A shiver was sent down his spine as he heard those words. He had expected them but still, to think only a three level difference was that big of a gap.

'What are it's average stats?'

[Answering host, the average stats of a level 5 creature is 237 in each stat.]

Shivers once again went down his spine. 'How could a level five get that many stat points?'

'System how does leveling work?'

[Answering Host, All level up will multiply your previous stats by 3.]

'Does that include the stats i get from my genomes?'

[Answering Host, yes that does include your genome stat boost.]

The shivers he felt instantly disappeared and was replaced joy. If he decided to hunt down monsters that had specific traits or stats, then he could become invincible.

[I should warn host that there are beasts that have already reached level 10.]

'What happens at level 10?'

[I am unable to answer the host's query.]

'What is level 10 then?'

[Level 10 is the max level, after hitting level 10 you can no longer grow by killing monsters.]

'Well, I guess i'll figure everything else out when I hit that level.'

After He left his mind he noticed that both the capybara and the Unknown beast both disappeared, all that was left was a few bloodstains on the ground, most likely from the capybara. Thinking of how to find a creature that was level 3, he figured that he should just search the area and if he couldn't find anything while searching, he would see if he could lure a creature to his location.

Hours passed and he still hadn't found anything. He figured it had something to do with the level 5 beast that he encountered earlier. Since his searching yielded no results he figured that he should just try and lure it to him. He then started to search further and further away from his cave and eventually came across a mutant earth worm.

The earth worm he saw had jagged spine like appendages going down the center of it, while its mouth was just a circle of teeth that opened and closed. Unlike normal earth worms that should be pink in color this one was a dark purple. The appearance alone was something that could scare children with a brief glance, and when he checked it's level it was only level 1.

'How could this disgusting thing be considered level? It looks like it should at least be level 2 or 3.'

He shook his head and then shot towards the unsuspecting worm and bit into it, slowly injecting venom into it. Minutes later and the worm lay unconscious and paralyzed in his mouth. He threw it to the ground and lifted one of legs, stabbing it into a part of the worm, green juices flowed from the wound and he removed his leg.

After he was done stabbing the worm he fled into the bushes and shadows of the trees, waiting for a level 2 to show up.

1 minute...30 minutes....1 hour...2 hours...

'What the hell! Something should have come by now.'

He was annoyed because a worms regeneration sped was nothing to scoff at, every 15 minutes he would have to leave his cover and stab it again. He went out to do it again for the nth time when he heard a sound coming from the trees behind him.

He turned around and saw a giant 30 ft anaconda staring right at him. It's split tongue shaking in the air every few moments. He wanted to move but was afraid that he be caught by it in no time, theoretically he shouldn't be scared of a another level 2 creature but seeing as he only the sound of it when it was right next to him indicated that it was at least level 4.

[Host only has 3 hours left to complete the quest. If you fail a quest, harsh punishment will be prepared.]

'What have i gotten myself into?'

The anaconda went past him and unhinged it's jaw once it got near the worm on the ground, it made a scooping motion with it's head towards the ground and the worm was gone.

As the anaconda was turned around he bit into the end of the snakes tail, releasing his venom.. Even though he knew this wouldn't do much to the anaconda he coped that it would at least slow the anaconda down a bit.

Right after he bit into it, he regretted it. The tail he bit into instantly tore itself from his mouth and smashed into one of the segmented carapace in his back, breaking it. It then turned around and hissed at him. Attempting to bite him. He dodged while trying to ignore the pain of having his carapace shattered. He landed at the side of the snakes head and he attempted to pierce into the eye of the snake.

The snake closed it's eye at the last moment, causing his attack to fail. He decided that it was fight or flight and launched himself onto the back of the giant snake. His 5 pairs of legs sunk 3 inches into the snakes scales, refusing to let go. He then tried biting into the snakes skull. A loud thud was heard and his fangs stopped at the last moment.

His fangs felt is if they would break after colliding with the snakes skull. The pain from his fangs made him want to die but he endured it and kept stabbing into the snakes skull, over and over, and over.

The snake on the other hand felt pain all along its body as he was piercing into his skull. It swung it's it's tail at its on back and broke another piece of his carapace off. It did this three more times, each time breaking another segment off of his carapace.

The pain was excruciating but he kept enduring cause if he didn't he would die anyways. Finally after a few minutes of him stabbing into the skull of snake cracking sound was heard and his two fangs sunk into the snakes brain cutting off all brain function, killing it.

[Host has completed the the quest]

[50 Genome points have been awarded to host as well as 50 more for defeating an enemy 2 levels higher than you.]

[High purity Genome detected would host like to absorb it?]


With his consciousness fading he struggled to respond but eventually did.


[Hos will be unconscious for 2 week in order to absorb the Genome, Have a good rest.]