Business or Pleasure?

Shen Yi put away their luggage as Lu Xinyi got excited, looking out of the window. After their short flight, they had to travel via train to reach the small town where the Grace Palace was located. The train hadn't moved yet since there were still passengers boarding. They were in a private compartment with a king-size bed, a small bathroom, and a sitting area.

"How long is the train ride?" Lu Xinyi asked as she watched the passengers run towards the entrance of the train before it closes.

"About two to three hours. Why? You're already bored?" Shen Yi sat beside her near the window, leaning his back at the soft cushions and opening a book.

She grinned before pulling one of his arms so she could settle next to him. Her husband arched a brow and dropped an arm around her while she leaned her head on his shoulder.