Visiting Grace Palace

After their quick lunch, Shen Yi—together with his wife—decided to pay Grace Palace Restaurant a visit. They dressed plainly so they wouldn't attract much attention and see what the restaurant's impression to the locals and tourist alike was. Together, most people would assume that they were just a tourist couple looking around the town to find some souvenirs.

Grace Palace Restaurant was situated deep in the central part of the town, but the path was blocked by several new restaurants that sprouted during the time when the Grace Palace lost its pillar of support.

"Until when are you going to ignore me?" Shen Yi trailed behind Lu Xinyi like a pet ignored by its owner. His wife kept her attention on the souvenir shops that offer trinkets and gifts exclusively available in this town. Some had started to put up decorations for the upcoming autumn festival.

"Until you can behave." Lu Xinyi hissed, refusing to give her husband a look.