He Isn’t Yours to Keep

She turned her head to the direction where the sound came from, but she found nothing. Was it just her imagination? Lu Xiulan chuckled lowly. She must be overthinking again. Strolling closer to the pond, she bent and brushed her fingers against the ripples of the water.

"Sorry guys, no food for you. Only the guests can have some feast tonight," she told the koi fishes that came to her.

"You are one strange woman."

"Who's there?" Lu Xiulan thought she was alone until she heard someone's voice. She stood tall back on her feet, lifted her chin, and turned to the figure standing in the shadows.

"Relax. It's just me." Song Yichen stepped forward revealing himself to her. Lu Xiulan froze when she realized she could not avoid him this time. If she didn't know better, she would have thought he was hesitating.