Game of Love

Lu Xiulan hadn't considered the repercussions of meeting him like this. If there was one thing that she hated about him, it was being blunt—that it was too easy for him to read her like an open book.

It was easy for anyone with half a brain to know how much she adores him—how much she loves him, and it scared her. She didn't like the feeling of being vulnerable to someone's eyes.

Her hands closed over her arms and rubbed it up and down. The coldness of the night seeping through her evening dress, but it wasn't enough to numb the pain she could feel inside her chest.

"Is this about what Yuan Jin said earlier? That you're quitting and this would be your last project?" he asked.

"Partly, yes," Lu Xiulan admitted. "The whole reason why I left med school was that I saw one of your campaign ads when I was returning home from school."