Her Future with Shen Yi

"Miss Feiyan."

Sun Feiyan's assistant, Chen Anqi stood behind her as she stared outside of the full-sized glass window of her office. The dark sky had taken over, and the rain was falling hard outside.

"What is it, Anqi?" Sun Feiyan asked without turning around to face her assistant.

"The rumors about Lu Xinyi have started. The reporter we hired did his job well." There was something amiss on the tone of her voice that Sun Feiyan was able to pick up.

"What's the matter? You want to say something?"

Chen Anqi released a sigh and gripped the folder on her arms tighter.

"Your Aunt Mingai will arrive tomorrow afternoon. Are you sure you're ready to face her? I'm worried about you, Feiyan," she said softly.

As her mistress stood unmoving, Chen Anqi was able to appreciate her mistress' beauty closely. Her eyes weren't wide and bright like Lu Xinyi's but mysterious and lonely. Her plump lips closed in a thin line as she thought thoroughly of her next plans.