You Cannot Bribe Me with Food!

Her fingers continued to run on his hair and saw his eyelids droop in relaxation. Shen Yi hummed before moving closer to her. He supposed there could be a better way to wake up though he couldn't really complain about this sudden show of affection from his wife. Knowing that he was indeed awake and not dreaming about her again, he effortlessly wrapped his arm around her waist and snuggled her closer.

"Morning, my sleepyhead. Wakey, wakey." Lu Xinyi said with a smile, her hand still messing up his hair.

Shen Yi slowly blinked, moving his arm to protect his eyes from the sudden brightness coming outside their window. Did he oversleep? It was usually him who wakes up first before Xinxin.

"What time is it?"

"Past seven. You overslept." Lu Xinyi replied. It was so unusual for Shen Yi not to be on time.