Who Are You Calling a Single Dog?

Shen Xue glanced at his brother sitting across him, only to see his heaven-defying face expressionless. If Shen Yi was bothered that he would soon be alone after the twins and Sister Xinxin left, Shen Xue couldn't tell. 

"Aren't you sad?" Shen Xue couldn't help but ask. If his brother switched back on his old self before meeting Lu Xinyi, Shen Xue wouldn't be able to take it. 

"Why would I be sad? The twins have reunited with Auntie An, and Xinxin is doing well." 

Shen Xue followed his brother's gaze, watching Lu Xinyi bid goodbye to their dogs and talk to them as if they were young kids being left with a guardian. 

He bitterly began saying, "Bro, you know this wouldn't be easy…" 

"It never had been easy since the start," Shen Yi replied, taking a sip from his teacup. 

"But you…"