Lunar Residence

It was time. 

The dreaded time Shen Yi knew would come sooner or later. He had to say goodbye to the only person that he felt cared for such a long time of being by himself, to the only person that he felt happy with. 

As he watched Shen Xue's car sped away with his wife on it, he wondered how he was supposed to live without feeling like he'd lost a part of him.

He shook his head and laughed inwardly. Lu Xinyi was just leaving for school. She wasn't really gone for good. He was reminded of all those times when they would just talk and laugh and do normal things that normal people would do. 

Lu Xinyi had made him forget that he was the head of a prominent company. She'd treated him normally. In her eyes, he was just Shen Yi, her husband. He wasn't the infamous president of the Shen Group that people dare not to offend.