Shen Yi's Greatest Weakness (2)

"A gas blast?" Shen Yi repeated what his wife said. His face darkened as he remembered that his father-in-law, Lu Sibai, was torn away from his wife because of a gas blast that killed him.

Was this a coincidence? Probably not. He made a mental note to pay attention to the reports, but first, he needed to make sure Lu Xinyi's safety.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked her.

Lu Xinyi shook her head.

"Zhang Qing took all the impact to save me. My hair was caught on fire, but overall, I only have a few bruises and scratches. Another paramedic had checked on me before you came."

Neither of the twins understood what was going on. The only thing they knew was their mother and Zhang Qing were hurt. Qiao He stepped forward with Shen Zichen. The young boy clutching his hand tightly as if his life depended on it. He was trying to look brave for her sister and mother's sake, but his eyes showed fear and uncertainty over the matter.