Oriental Bliss (1)

Since the accident in the restaurant, Shen Yi had directed his focus on Lu Xinyi's safety and had asked Qiao He to lessen his meetings with clients and partners until the problem was resolved. This also meant that he'd be personally picking up his wife at the academy whenever he finished the day's work early. 

A cold glint flashed in his eyes when he was reminded of the investigation report. It was more likely someone had tampered the gas system. The signs pointed to the fire being caused by an auto-shutoff mechanism in the liquefied petroleum line that malfunctioned, allowing cooking gas to vent out and accumulate in the kitchen.

Turning on any electrical device, even a light bulb, would be enough to ignite the leaked gas; a lighter or a match had the same effect. Before the explosion happened, Lu Xinyi and Han Yixin had just finished their training at one of the restaurants affiliated with the academy.